高考英语一轮复习《简单句、并列句》练习 新人教版


1.I refuse to accept the blame for something ________was someone else’s fault.

A.who B.that C.as D.what

2.Part of the reason Charles Dickens loved his own novel,David Copperfield,was ______it was rather closely modeled on his own life. A.what B.that C.why D.whether

3.In China,the number of cities is increasing ________development is recognized across the world.

A.where B.which C.whose D.that 4.The settlement is home to nearly 1,000 people,many of ________left their village homes for a better life in the city. A.whom B.which C.them D.those

5.Exactly _____ the potato was introduced into Europe is uncertain, but it is probably around 1565.

A. whether B. why C. when D. how

6. ______ me tomorrow and I’ll let you know the lab result. A. Calling B. Call C. To call D. Having called

7. Some animals carry seeds from one place to another, _______ plants can spread to new places.

A. so B. or C. for D. but

8. ___ carefully if any change occurs when doing experiments in the lab. A. Observe B. To observe C. Observed D. Observing 9. Give me a chance, ______ I’ll give you a wonderful surprise. A. if B. or C. and D. while

10. We’ll reach the sales targets in a month ____ we set at the beginning of the


A. which B. Where C. When D. What

11. _____ what you are doing today important, because you’re trading a day of your life for it.

A. Make B. To make C. Making D. Made

12. The meaning of the word “nice” changed a few times ____ it finally came to include the sense “pleasant”.

A. before B. After C. since D. while 13. I was glad to meet Jenny again, ____ I didn’t ant to spend all day with her.(2019全国II)

A. but B. and C. so D. or

14. Don’t turn off the computer before closing all programs, ____ you could have problems.(北京2019)

A. or B. and C. but D. so

15. It’s not easy to change habits, ____ with awareness and self-control, it is possible.

A. for B. or C. but D. so

16. Let those in need ____ that we will go all out to help them.

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A. understand B. to understand C. understanding D. understood

17. ______ is often the case with children, Amy was better by the time the doctor arrived.

A. It B. That C. What D. As 18.if parents have children help with housework, the children will feel needed. ____, they will learn to take care of themselves.

A. On the contrary B. In a word C. That is to say D. What’s more

19. Do not let any failures discourage you, for you can never tell ____ close you may be to victory.

A. how B. that C. which D. what

20. Every day ____ a proverb aloud several times until you have it memorized. (2013湖南)

A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads

21. Read this story, _______ you will realize that not everything can be bought with money.

A. or B. and C. but D. so

22. If what your friend comes up with surprises you, don’t reject it immediately.

______, imagine that it is true.

A. Thus B. Besides C. Rather D. Otherwise

23.Is ________ 48 hours ________ the man-made satellite ________ is made in our country to orbit the planet around?

A.it;that;where B.it;when;that

C.it for;that it takes;that D.it;that it takes;which 24.Can you give me a case ________ this phrase can be used?

A.when B.that C.where D.which

25.The engineers made two big plans for the dam,______ was never put in force. A.one of them B.which C.one of which D.every one of which 26.—Which can I take,Mr.Smith?

—Take ________ one you like and leave the others for ________ comes late. A.whoever;who B.whichever;who

C.whatever;whom D.whichever;whoever

27.It is reported that the medical team has already reached ________ is regarded

as the most dangerous area.

A.where B.which C.what D.as

28.Please do me a favor—________ my friend Mr.Smith to Youth Theater at 7∶30


A.to invite B.inviting C.invite D.invited

29.—What do you think of teaching,Bob? —I find it fun and challenging. It is a job _______ you are doing something serious but interesting.

A.where B.which C.when D.that

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