



一、阅读理解。 A


In most situations, light helps us see.But nowadays humans are using too much of it so that it is in fact a kind of pollution.

When it comes to looking at the night sky, too much light makes it difficult for us to watch some of life’s most wonderful sights: stars, planets and even galaxies(星系).

According to scientific research, about 2, 500 stars can be seen by the human eye without using any special equipment(设备).But because of light pollution, you can only see 200 to 300 stars from today’s countryside, and no more than ten stars from a city.In most big cities, people cannot see the sky filled with stars like they did in their childhood.

Light pollution affects more than just our view of sky.Research shows that lots of nighttime light can harm wildlife, too.

When birds fly to another place over cities, they sometimes get lost by the brightness and fly in circles(圈) until they drop from tiredness.Sea turtles(海龟) need dark beaches for laying eggs, but they can’t find their ideal places because of those bright lights.

Too much light at night may even affect human health, but scientists are not sure of that. They are still learning more.

In order to prevent things from going worse, governments and some organizations are working to reduce light pollution.Many cities and towns have taken action to reduce the use of lights at night.Lights are used only when and where they are truly needed.They also shine lights down at the ground instead of up into the sky and use lower brightness levels.

Hopefully, in the near future, humans can enjoy the clear and beautiful sky again and all the wildlife will live a peaceful and undisturbed life, too.

1.Why does the writer think that too much light is a kind of pollution? A. Because there are fewer and fewer stars. B. Because human health has been affected. C. Because too much light is a waste of energy. D. Because some of the wildlife can be harmed.

2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned(提到)in this passage? A. The problems that light pollution has caused. B. The reason why humans use too much light. C. The ways that light pollution can be reduced. D. The reason why fewer stars can be seen than before. 3.Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. There are about 2,500 stars in the sky.

B. Humans want to do nothing to reduce light pollution. C. Sea turtles always get lost and die from tiredness. D. Something has been done to reduce light pollution. 参考答案DBD


Many health products advertised on TV say they can improve your memory. But only ordinary food and healthy habits have been shown to work.

A research team from University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) has made a four-step plan to improve your memory in just 14 days. “It sounds like another advertisement, but it really works,” says Gary Small, a professor from UCLA. The team found the four-step plan improved the memory of teenagers under stress (压力) and older people. Here's the program: Memory training: Train yourself with memory exercises throughout the day.

Healthy diet: Eat five rather than three meals a day but less food for each meal. The food should be rich in omega-3 fats, such as whole grains and vegetables with antioxidants (抗氧化剂). Physical exercise: Have some physical exercise such as walking, basketball or running every day. Physical exercise helps your brain stay sharp.

Managing stress: Express your feelings instead of bottling them up. Make time for fun and relaxation. Stress is one of the brain's worst enemies. It prevents you from thinking clearly and

enjoying life.

After a two-week study that included memory exercise, physical training and diet changes, the memories of the people who're tested improved by about 5%.

“We've known for years that diet and exercise can help people keep their physical health. This is a key part of healthy aging,” said Gary Small. “But keeping mentally active is also important. Now we have proved that people can improve their memories through a program of memory exercises and managing stress.”

( )6. The research team from UCLA ______. A. showed people how to manage stress C. helped people improve their memories A. eating fewer meals a day C. keeping away from whole grains A.身体上 C. 社交上

( )9. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Bottling up feelings may lead to weak memory. B. Physical training is good for improving memory. C. The program to improve memories went smoothly. D. A strong memory depends mostly on health products. ( )10. The purpose of the passage is ______. A. to show us ways to improve physical health B. to warn us that TV ads on health products are not true C. to prove that keeping mental health is more important D. to tell us healthy habits are helpful for memory improvement 参考答案6~10 C B D D D C


Your computer has been playing music for years, one CD at a time. Now hundreds of songs can be stored in your PC if they' re in the MP3 format (格式).

What is it? MP3 compressed(压缩) music into small computer files. You may download MP3 music several ways: Music can be downloaded from websites that have turned wide music libraries into

B. helped people to keep fit

D. trained people to do well in physics tests B. eating food with antioxidants D. eating food without omega-3 fats B. 学术上 D. 思维上

( )7. According to the passage, a healthy diet that can improve our brain includes ______.

( )8. The underlined word “mentally” probably means “______” in Chinese.

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