

七年级 英语试卷

第一部分 听力(略)

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)



A THE SCHOOL ENGLISH NEWSPAPER COMPETITION Have you ever thought of publishing your own English newspaper? Now you've got the chance! Our school is going to hold a competition for English newspapers. You can make your own newspaper! Remember: ? you must set up your own editorial team which has one chief editor(编辑) and four editors; you should also work as reporters and cameramen; ? the English newspaper must have a name and more than four different columns; ? you must print or write the newspaper on one A3 page only; ? you must finish your newspaper by the end of August. ? application(申请) forms can be found at the dining hall, library and teachers office. Come and join the competition! The best English newspaper will be published, put up in the hallways and read by every student in our school! 21. The editorial team needs different kinds of people EXCEPT(除了)_________. A. editors B. cameramen C. reporters D. guides 22. According to the writing. ______is the last day to finish the newspaper. A. August lst B. August 15th C. August 30th D. August 31st 23. You may get the application forms in_________.

A. the library B. classrooms C. the hallways D. the bookstore 24. It can be inferred from the passage that_________. A. the language of the newspaper is English

B. students at school will read all the English newspapers C. students must write down their names in the newspaper

D. there must be four parts about the school life in the newspaper 25. The passage may come from_______.

A. a story book B. a news report C.a school notice D. a life magazine


Paula wanted to write an article about the funny aspect of police work for her school news- paper. She interviewed Detective Smith and be told her these stories. Story A

I remember arresting a ‘thief' in a clothes shop once. It was a strange case. The man was hiding a yellow sweater inside his coat. I thought be had stolen it, so l arrested him. We found out later that his wife gave him the sweater for his birthday, but he hated it. He just wanted to return it to the shop, but he didn’t want his wife to see him! We soon let him go.

Story B

One day, when I was working in Candy Town, a man robbed a bank on Sixth Street. He wrote on the back of an envelope (信封). \Give me money! and gave it to the teller (出纳). She gave him $100,000, and the man ran way. Then we received a phone call from the teller. She told us to go to the man's flat in Candy Town and get him. We arrested him as soon as he got out of the lift. He admitted that he had robbed the bank, but he couldn't believe that we found him so quickly. We told him that the front of the envelope be used in the robbery had his name and address on it Story C

I once read a funny story about a man from Australia. He was trying to sell some special birds from Thailand to Australia. He hid the birds inside a special pocket in his trousers. But as he was going through customs, the birds started to sing!

26. What does the underlined word \A. Caught B. Shouted at C. Fought with. D. Stopped

27. Which of the following words best describes the criminal in Story B? A. Scary. B. Silly. C. Rich. D. Funny. 28. How did the police find the robber so quickly in Story B? A. By GPS in the money.

B. By the envelope with the name and address. C. By the camera in the bank.

D. By the teller who followed the robber home. 29. Who saved the birds in Story C? A. Detective Smith. B. A man from Australia. C. The birds themselves. D. The police in Thailand 30. The passage is mainly about_______. A. ways thieves stole things B. the work of Detective Smith C. different things that Paula met D. the interesting side of police work


How many languages do you know? Everyone knows at least two his or her own language and the international language of numbers. Ancient numbers

in ancient times, people wrote numbers in many different ways, as these pictures of the number 6 show. However, they nearly all counted in the same way -- in tens. Zero

Most of us use the system of numbers with numbers from I to 9 and 0 (zero). With these ten numbers, we can write any number from the biggest to the smallest. The Indians first invented(发明) and developed the I to 9 system of numbers. They then invented the zero. This was a very important invention because it made it easier to write big numbers and to calculate(计算) Calculating machines

One of the first calculating machines was an abacus(算盘) Abacuses are so fast and accurate

that people still use them today.

A modern electronic calculator can add(+), subtract(-), multiply(x) and divide(/). It can also calculate percentages(%) and square roots .

Computers are very powerful calculating machines. In a flash, a computer can do a calculation that you could not do in your whole lifetime. ? Brain against computer

Some people call the brain a living computer. Is a human brain a more powerful(强大的) calculator than a computer? The following story may give an answer.

Shakuntala Devi is a lady from India with an amazing brain Shakuntala and a very powerful computer were given this problem to solve. ? Find the number that, when it is multiplied 23 times by itself ? gives this answer ? 91674867692003915809866092758538016248310668014 ? 43086224071265164279346570408670965932792057674 ? 80806790022783016354924852380335745316935111903 ? 59657754734007568168830562082101612913284554680 ? 5780158806771 Shakuntala’s brain took fifty seconds to find the answer, like lightning The computer took a minute. However, someone had to first program the computer with instructions, and that took many hours. No one had to program Shakuntala!

Use your own living computer to solve the problem above. If it is not powerful enough, you will find the answer on page 67.

31. What number does the sign mean in Greek? A. 2 B. 3 C. 6. D. 10. 32. The underlined part “it” in Paragraph 3 refers to_________? A the invention of numbers B. the invention of the zero C. the use of big numbers D.the use of 1 to 9 system 33. How many calculating machines are mentioned in the passage? A. Two. B. Three C. Four. D.Five.

34. What can be learned from the match between Shakuntala Devi and the computer? A. Our living computers can work out all problems B. Shakuntala Devi Is the smartest one in the world. C. A human brain is more powerful than a computer. D. People can work out a math problem in many ways.

35. According to the last paragraph, what may be on page 67? A. Stories about the smart people in the world. B. Introductions about he language of numbers. C. Information about different computer programs. D. Ways to work out the mentioned math problem. 第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)

下面文章中有五处(第36-40小题)需要添加小标题,请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各个阶段的小标题。选项中有一项多余选项。 A. Acting B. Deciding C. Thinking D. Describing old habits E. Making new habits F. Going back to old habits

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