(单选题)23: 关系数据库管理系统应能实现的专门关系运算包括() A: 排序、索引、统计 B: 选择、投影、连接 C: 关联、更新、排序 D: 显示、打印、制表 正确答案:
(单选题)24: The following commands are issued against a data source containing table user2.org:
CREATE ALIAS user1.org FOR sample.org CREATE TABLE org.sample ( c CHAR(1)) CREATE ALIAS sample.org FOR user2.org CREATE ALIAS user2.sample FOR sample.org
Given the user SAMPLE issues the following statement: SELECT * FROM sample
For which of the following database objects will access be attempted? A: user2.org B: org.sample C: sample.org D: sample.sample 正确答案:
(单选题)25: 游标稳定性(CS,或称光标稳定性)隔离级锁定工作单元期间光标所在的任何行。对该行的锁定将() A: . 不保持
B: . 保持到取出下一行记录或整个工作单元终止。 C: . 保持到整个工作单元终止。 正确答案: