北师大版 必修二 Language Power(16)


1. Complete these sentences with the correct word from the box. about, against, away, for (x2), off, on, out, over, up 1. I can’t stand this programme. Can you turn ________ to the news channel, please? 2. If you don’t understand the exercise at first, don’t give _____.

3. In your English lesson tomorrow you will have to talk _____ your hero. 4. If you like that jacket you should try it _____.

5. Millionaires are often very generous and give ______ a lot of their money to charities to help the poor. 6. The fire started because Laura forgot to switch______ the iron. 7. Don’t forget to close the windows before you go _______. 8. Now that he has left school Jack is looking_________.

9. If you decide you want to buy the jacket, you have to pay_______ it over there. 10. It is very important to fight __________ problems like racism.

2.Complete the text with propositions. The Design Museum

There is a Design Museum (1)________ London. It’s (2)________ 28 Shadthames Street, very (3)________ the River Thames. When you go there you can walk (4)_________ the river and then visit the museum. I was there last week. I liked a lamp called the Tiffany lamp which was made (5)________ 1910. Would you like that (6)________ your room , (7)________ your bookshelves? The top is made (8)________ glass. (9)________ that, the metal you can see (10)__________ the picture is very heavy. Then I saw a wooden armchair designed (11)________ 1918. We could sit (12)________ it. I sat with the long thin piece of wood (13)_________me and the blue seat (14)________ my legs. The next armchair was from the 1960s. It was made of plastic and you blow it up like a balloon. There’s a plastic cushion with it .You blow that up and put it (15)________your head while you watch TV.

3.Complete the text with where/who/that,which and whose. The exhibition in the wood cabin in John Raymond’s garden

British teenager John Raymond has a small wood cabin in his garden (1)_________ he likes to spend his time at the weekend and in the evenings. But John is not the kind of teenager (2)________ has football posters on the walls,. John is interested in painting. The artist he likes best is Michaelangelo, (3)_________ painted ceiling at the Sistine Chapel in Rome is a famous tourist attraction (4)__________ he saw when he went to Rome on holiday. When he came back, John painted his own “Sistine Chapel” on the ceiling of his cabin. Then he bought an antique cupboard (5)_________he put in the corner of the cabin . “I’m interested in glass, too,” said John , “and I wanted a cupboard (6)_________ I could store all the glass I collect.” John knows some artists near his home (7)__________ paintings he puts on his walls. “These are people (8)__________ sell their paintings for a lot of money,” says John. “So I am lucky. I have a place to keep the paintings (9)_________ I collected for a few weeks until they are sold. It’s like having an exhibition (10)________ I can visit any time I want to.” 4. Correct the text with the correct words form the brackets.

Before you start, read the whole text carefully. You will need to read the text more than one before you decide on your answer. Two artists


Two artists have exhibitions in London. (1) _____ (Both/All) of them are called “the new Picasso”. That is unusual. But what is (2) _____________________(more unusual/ the most unusual) is that the artists are teenagers. Beso Kazaishvili, from Georgia, is fourteen and Alexandra Nechita, from Romania, is fifteen. Beso (3)___________(is born/was born) in Kutaisi in west Georgia. He (4) ___________(began/ has begun) painting at the age of four and by the time he was ten his art teacher (5)________(said/was saying) “______(He’s going to paint/ He is painting) like Picasso one day.” One of his paintings is called The Eyes. In his young life Beso has seen (7) ____________(a lot of/much) war in Georgia. He says “(8)____________(I paint/ I am painting)eyes because they see everything. When there are wars the big eye (9)________(becomes / is becoming) bad.”

Alexandra Nechita’s exhibition in London is a big success. One painting, a portrait of the artist’s grandfather (10)_______(is sold/ was sold) for £35,000. The painting was (11)____________(bigger than / the biggest) the artist. “I’m not interested in the money,” says Alexandra. “I paint because (12)______(I love / I am loving) it.” And both of these artists are just like other teenagers. When Alexandra (13)_____________(has painted/ paints) she (14)________(has worn /wears) a T-shirt with her favourite rock star on it. Beso has (15)_________(many/ a lot of) computer games that he likes playing and he eats pizza all the time.

5. Complete the text below using only one word in each gap. The first letter of the word has been given. The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is 6,000 kilometres long. It runs along China’s northern border and has an unusual shape. It looks as if it’s a 1 did not have any specific plans. It looks like a snake or a long road. Nobody knows why its shape is like this but some people say that it was built to i 2 the movements of a dragon. The part of the Wall visited by most tourists is at Badaling pass near Beijing. Here, the building m 3 is grey granite blocks, six metres high. On both sides of its roof, there are low walls which p 4 you from falling off the Wall. In the middle, there is a road which is wide enough for five horses running side by side. Other parts of the Great Wall are built of v 5 materials, often of poor quality, for example, wood or sand, depending on whether the wall crossed deserts, plains or the country.

The people who built the Great Wall were often those who could not pay their taxes, prisoners of war and c 6 . There were about one million slaves working on the wall. They lived in poor conditions, in places called work camps. They worked without clothes during the summer and they wore only animal skins in the winter. They often died of d 7 and hunger. Those who died were often buried in its foundations, making the Wall the “world’s longest cemetery”.

There are still many of the o 8 25,000 towers left. They are about twelve metres high and the d 9 between two neighbouring towers is over 200 metres. The army usually lived in these towers. In the period of the Wall’s glory almost one million men stayed there.

Today the Great Wall is one of China’s most popular tourist a 10 . Where else in the world can you see something built by man over twenty-one centuries ago?



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