

班级 姓名 学号 评分_____________



( ) 1. A. cloudy B. cold C. windy ( ) 2. A. cool B. cold C. card ( ) 3. A. rainy B. ready C. snowy ( ) 4. A. what B. weather C. where ( ) 5. A. warm B. world C. what 二. 根据录音内容,标出正确的序号。(5分)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、根据录音内容,将下面每组中你认为符合录音内容的图片下面的字母画圆圈圈住。(5分)

1. 2. 3.

A B A B A B 4. 5.



( ) Yes, you can. ( ) Hi. Mike. ( ) Fine, thank you.

( ) It’s windy! Can I fly a kite? ( ) Is it cool outside?

( ) Hello. Amy. This is Mike. ( ) Yes, it is. It’s cool and windy. ( ) How are you?


Shanghai Shenzhen Beijing Dalian Hongkong 五、听问句选答句(10分)

( )1.A.Yes, it isn’t. B.No, it isn’t. It’s warm. C.Yes,there is.

( )2.A.Yes, you can. B.Yes, I can. C.I can wear my new dress. ( )3.A.It’s sunny. B.It’s 12:00. C.It's purple. ( )4.A.They’re on the desk. B.It’s under the chair. C.They’re four. ( )5.A.It’s my coat. B.It's on the second floor. C.It’s windy.



( ) 1. A. New York B.Sydney C. sunny ( ) 2. A. warm B. cold C. Beijing ( ) 3. A. hot B. weather C. warm ( ) 4. A. rainy B. what C. sunny

( ) 5. A. windy B. outside C. cloudy


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A.It’s a sunny day. B. Today is very cold.

C. Today is so hot. D. It’s rainy. E. The weather is cool. 七、看图,在句子的横线上填上适当的词。(每空一词)(6分)

Good morinig, this is the weather report. It's in Harbin. It's

very . It’ s in Beijing. You can wear your T-shirt

and shorts. It’s in Kunming today. You can play football

How about Guangzhou? It’s .Tomorrow it will be . 八、单项选择。(10分)

( )1.______it sunny ? A.Is C.Are ( )2.What’s the weather like in Sydney? It’s warm_______sunny.

A. for B. to C.and

( )3.Where are my _________? A.pants B. they C. those ( )4.Can I go outside now?

A. No,you can’t B. Yes,you can’t. C. No, you can.

( )5.This is the ________ report. A. PE B. weather C. music

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