

Unit11 How was your school trip ?同步测试

笔试部分(共六大题) 一、单项选择


( )1.Was there a nice picture on the wall?

A.No,there was B.No,there wasn’t C.Yes,there were D.Yes,there wasn’t ( )2.There many students in the library after school every day. A.are B.were C.have D.had

( )3. It rained all day, we didn’t go to the park. A.Because;/ B./;because C./;/ D.Because; so

( )4.—Have you ever read the book Harry Potter? —Yes,and I think it’s very .I want to read it again. A.boring B.exciting C.bored D.excited

( )5.Let’s go a walk after lunch. A.to B.at C.for D.in ( )6.—How was your trip? —

A.Yes,I don’t like it at all B.What about you? C.Yes,I like it. D.It’s great!

( )7.Everything fine yesterday afternoon. A.were B.is C.are D.was

( )8.The car and they went out the car. A.stops B.stopped C.stopped D.stop ( )9.I’m really about my brother. A.worry B.worries C.worried D.worrys ( )10.Could you teach us this game? A.play B.to play C.playing D.that play ( )11.It’s easy for him this question. A.answer B.answers C.to answer D.answering

( )12.Tina bought a birthday cake May. A.to B.for C.at D./

( )13.eep quiet! I can’t the teacher. A.listen B.listened C.heae]rd D.hear ( )14.We were The weather was fine all day. A.lucky B.luck C.luckily D.lucks ( )15.The farmers the cows grass.

Feed; to B.feed; with C.feeds; on D.feeds; with 二、完形填空

Once I was a teacher at a primary school. One year,when I was teaching(过去正在教) second-grade students,a new child was late 1 class. I was not very happy. He didn’t say

2 ,but came over to me and said with a smile,“Mrs. Johnson,my name is Daniel. I 3 a short letter for you from my old teacher,but it’s not on the 4 ,”said the little boy.

“ 5 is it? ”I asked him.“It’s in my 6 . She wanted me to tell you how lucky you were to have me in your 7 !”I smiled,and then I said,“I smiled,and then I said,“I have one in my head,too. And she wanted me to 8 you something,too. ” “Really? what is 9 ?” “How unlucky you were to have a teacher like me!”I said. “Now you are late,Please stand and 10 me in class,will you?”

( )1.A.in B.after C.before D.for ( )2.A.hello B.sorry C.goodbye D.thanks ( )3.A.wrote B.sent C. took D.had ( )4.A.paper B.desk C.book D.blackboard ( )5.A.How B.Who C.Where D.Whose ( )6.A.head B.hands C.eyes D.ears ( )7.A.family B.office C. class D.school ( )8.A.ask B.say C.tell D.know ( )9.A.he B.she C.this D.it

( )10.A.talk with B.listen to C.ask for D.go with



Sale on every record and tape in the shop Pop,Rock,Jazz,Disco,Country Low prices on all records and rapes List Price $ 6.25 $ 7.9 $ 8.85 Sale Price $ 5.25 $ 6.9 $ 7.8 Sale starts on June 11 and ends on June 30 No telephone orders during the sale The Music Shop 25 Park Street Open:Monday~Saturday:9:30 a.m~6:30 p.m ( )1.What kind of record or tape in the shop is on sale? A.Pop B.Jazz and country C.Disco D.All the above

( )2.Records and tapes that cost$6.25 each are on sale for each. A.$ 6.90 B.$ 6.25 C.$ 5.25 D.$ 7.8 ( )3.The first day of the sale is A.July11 B.June 30 C.Sunday D.June11 ( )4.You can buy records .

A.on the phone B.at 3 o’clock in the afternoon C.for high prices D.at 9 o’clock in the morning ( )5.The shop is open for days a week. A.four B.five C.six D.seven


Easter is one of the two important Christian festivals. Easter celebrates the resurrection(复活) of Jesus Christ,while(然而)Christmas celebrates his birth. It’s not a festival as big as Christmas. It usually starts in late March or early

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