


弃权 Abstain


During a vote on a substantive matter, a delegate may abstain rather than vote yes or no. This means that the delegate neither supports nor opposes the resolution on the go. 议程 Agenda


Agenda is the order of topics to be discussed in a conference, usually being set after the roll call. 修正案 Amendment


Amendment is a form of document to amend a draft resolution. The two types of amendments are friendly amendment and unfriendly amendment. B

背景指导 Background Guide


A background guide is a research report of topics on the conference written by the dais and distributed to the delegates before the conference. 约束力 Binding


Binding is the legal force to impose UN resolutions on the Member States. Resolutions of Security Council and the International Court of Justice are binding. Decisions made by the General Assembly and Economic and Social Council are non-binding. 国家集团 Bloc


A bloc is a group of countries within a same geographical region or holding similar country positions on a particular topic. The determining factor in forming a bloc is sharing the common national interests. 集团领导者 Bloc Leader


A bloc leader is the delegate who plays the leading role in a bloc. C

磋商 Caucus

磋商是正式辩论过程中一种深入讨论议题的方式。磋商分为两种类型:有主持核心磋商和自由磋商。 Caucus is a form of discussion in formal debate, in which delegates may discuss a subtopic more specifically. There are two types of caucus: moderated caucus and un-moderated caucus.

主席 Chair


Chair is a member of the dais who is responsible for moderating debate, timing, ruling on points and motions, and imposing the rules of procedure. 委员会 Committee

“委员会”是一个协商会议,一个由代表组成,按议事程序讨论议题并做出决策的有序组织。模拟联合国会议中的委员会大多模仿联合国主要机构、附属机构、规划署、基金会、调研及培训机构、特殊组织、实体和区域委员会建立。代表需依据所在委员会的职权范围和议事规则讨论相关议题。 A committee is a deliberative assembly, an organization comprising members who use parliamentary procedure for making decisions. In Model UN conference, committees are usually the simulations of principal organs, subsidiary bodies, programs, funds, research and training institutes, special organizations, entities or regional commissions of UN system. Delegates discuss relevant topics and resolutions according to the given functions, powers, and rules of procedure of the committees.

危机 Crisis


“Crisis”, to which delegates must respond immediately, is an emergent matter or unexpected event that happens during a conference. Usually designed by the dais before the conference, a crisis may be related to the topic being discussed on the floor. The forms of crisis include news report, official document from international organizations, video profile, or directive from embassies or governments. D

主席团 Dais


Usually consisted of a Chair, a Director and a Rapporteur, a dais is a group of people in charge of a Model UN conference. 代表 Delegate


Representing an UN Member State, an observer or an international organization, delegate is a person chosen or elected to express views in a Model UN conference. 代表团 Delegation


Delegation is a group of delegates representing the same UN Member State, an observer or an international organization in a Model UN conference. Delegation is also used to describe the delegates from the same participating group, e.g. the same high school or college. 会议总监 Director


Director is a member of the dais who is in charge of overseeing delegates’ role-playing, document writing and topic researching.

决议草案 Draft Resolution

决议草案是由代表草拟、为委员会所讨论的议题寻求解决方案的一种文件格式。如果被投票通过,那么决议草案就成为正式决议。在一个委员会中,有关同一个议题的决议草案只能通过一份。 Written by the delegates, draft resolution is a form of document that seeks to solve the issues addressed by a Model UN committee. If passed by the committee, the draft resolution will become a resolution. Only one draft resolution will be passed for each topic in a committee. 指令草案 Draft Directive


Draft directive is a form of document that aims at successfully solving the crisis. A draft directive is only composed by operative clauses. The actions taken under the directive need to be instant and effective instead of long-term. Amandments are welcome to a draft directive, of which the unfriendly ones shall be passed after votes. F

指导教师 Faculty Advisor


Faculty Advisor is a teacher or faculty responsible for advising students to run a Model UN club and training a delegation.

会议流程 Flow of the Debate


Flow of debate is the order in which events proceed during a Model UN conference. 正式辩论 Formal Debate


The standard type of debate at a Model UN conference, in which delegates speak for a certain period of time in the order based on the speakers’ list. 友好修正案Friendly Amendment


A friendly amendment is a change to the draft resolution that all sponsors agree with. After the amendment signed by all of the draft resolution’s sponsors and approved by the committee director or president, it will be automatically incorporated into the resolution. G

槌 Gavel


The tool, shaped like a small wooden hammer, is used by the Chair to keep order within a Model UN committee. Many conferences give the gavel to the delegate recognized by the dais as the best in that

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