
Queuing is almost a national pastime for the English, who automatically arrange themselves into orderly lines at bus stops, shop counters, ice-cream vans, entrances, exits and lifts.

In 1946, a Hungarian humorist described queuing as English “national passion”. “On the continent,” he said, “if people are waiting at a bus stop they walk around in a seemingly relaxed fashion. When the bus arrives they run towards it quickly… An Englishman, even if he is alone, forms an orderly queue of one.” In an update over thirty years later in 1977 he confirmed that this was still the case. After nearly another thirty years nothing much seems to have changed.

In many cases in Britain, queue-jumping is effectively prevented by non-verbal signals alone. When someone is considering jumping a queue, the queuers will start looking at him sideways, through narrowed, suspicious eyes. Then they move a bit closer to the person in front of them, just in case the jumper might try to insert himself in the gap. Frowns, glares and raised eyebrows—accompanied by heavy sighs, pointed coughs—are usually the worst that the person will suffer if he jumps a queue. Faced with all this the jumper will think better of it and retreat to the back of the queue.

28. According to paragraph 1, in England, queue-jumping is .

A. a common practice in many public places B. a serious social problem in modern times

C. warned and prevented by shouting and pushing. D. tolerated though it is considered highly offensive.

29. By quoting the description of a Hungarian humorist, the author intends to show .

A. queuing is a kind of automatic behavior for Englishmen B. Englishmen are stubborn and too strict with themselves C. other Europeans are more open-minded than Englishman D. queuing is essential in keeping the public in order

30. According to the author, queue-jumping can usually be stopped .

A. by shouting and loud warning

B. with a confident and aggressive attitude

C. by using body language that shows annoyance D. with signs of public rules

31. What is the author’s tone in writing this passage?

A. Indifferent. B. Humorous. C. Subjective. D. Objective.


As we all know, doctors are terrible pilots. They don’t listen because they already know it all. I was lucky: I became a pilot in 1970, almost ten years before I graduated from medical school. I didn’t realize then, but becoming a pilot makes me a better surgeon. I loved flying. As I flew bigger, faster planes, and in worse weather, I learned about crew resource management(机组资源管理), or CRM, a new idea to make flying safer. It means that crew members should listen and speak up for a good result,

regardless of positions.

I first read about CRM in 1980. Not long after that, an attending doctor and I were flying in bad weather. The controller had us turn too late to get our landing ready. The attending doctor was flying; I was safety pilot. He was so busy because of the bad turn, he had forgotten to put the landing gear (起落架) down. He was a better pilot — and my boss — so it felt unusual to speak up. But I had to: Our lives were in danger. I put aside my uneasiness and said, \was my first real lesson in the power of CRM, and I’ve used it in the operating room ever since.

CRM requires that the pilot/surgeon encourage others to speak up. It further requires that when opinions are from the opposite, the doctor doesn’t overreact, which might prevent fellow doctors from voicing opinions again. So when I’m in the operating room, I ask for ideas and help from others. Sometimes they’re not willing to speak up. But I hope that if I continue to encourage them, someday someone will keep me from “landing gear up”.

32. What does the author say about doctors in general? A. They pretend to be good pilots. B. They are quick learners of CRM. C. They like flying by themselves. D. They are unwilling to take advice. 33. The author deepened his understanding of the power of CRM when . A. his boss landed the plane too late B. his boss operated on a patient C. he saved the plane by speaking up D. he was in charge of a flying task 34. In the last paragraph “landing gear up” probably means . A. listening to what fellow doctors say

B. making a mistake that may cost lives C. following flying requirements

D. overreacting to different opinions

35. Which of the following can best summarize the main idea of this passage? A. The Making of a Good Pilot

B. CRM: A New Way to Make Flying Safe C. Flying Makes Me a Better Doctor D. A Pilot-Turned Doctor

第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Tips on Young Adult Life

As you grow rapidly through your teenage years, you will experience a lot of changes. The changes may seem difficult. 36 Don’t panic! You will deal successfully with them! You are a young adult now!

With more responsibility, you will find more freedom to make your own choices. This is a time to be well informed about making choices. In this way you can make healthy balanced decisions. 37 You may already know your career path or you may have no idea at all what you want to do. Both situations are fine! Work hard and the right opportunity will present itself to you.

Young adulthood means greater freedom and more choices. 38 But try not to shut your family out of your life. You school learn to think of others even though you are old enough to look after yourself.

It is also perfectly natural at this time for you to spend more time with your friends than your family. 39 A true friend will stand by you no matter what happens.

This period is a part of the life cycle. There are some people who will be with you throughout life’s journey. There will be some people with whom you part and go separate ways. Leaving school can be hard. The reality is that you may not even see all of your classmates again.

You are a young adult. It is your life. No one can live it for you. 40 So making the right choices will be important to you. Life is for living. Enjoy your life wisely!

A. Choose your friends wisely. B. They will help shape the future. C. They may seem to happen quickly.

D. You will probably want to be independent.

E. You may appreciate what you have in your own life.

F. The choices that you make from now on will be your choices. G. Your family has been with you since you came into this world. 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

The Japanese have always loved fresh fish. But the 41 close to Japan have not held many fish for decades. So to 42 the Japanese population, fishing boats got bigger and went a longer way than ever. The 43 the fishermen went, the longer it took to bring in the fish. If the return trip 44 more time, the fish were not fresh.

To settle this 45 , fish companies installed(安装) freezers on their boats. They would catch the fish and freeze them at sea. Freezers 46 the boats to go farther and stay longer.

47 , the Japanese could taste the difference 48 the fresh and the frozen fish. And they did not like the taste of the frozen fish. The frozen fish brought a lower 49 . So, the fishing companies installed fish tanks. They would catch the fish and put them in the tanks, fin to fin. After struggling for some time, they stopped moving and became 50 and dull. Days later, they lost their fresh-fish taste. The fishing industry 51 a coming economic crisis! But today, they get fresh-tasting fish to Japan. How did they 52 ? To keep the fish tasting fresh, the Japanese fishing companies 53 put the fish in the tanks but with a small shark. The fish are challenged and therefore are constantly on the 54 . The challenger they face keeps them 55 and fresh!

Have you 56 that some of us are also living in a pond but most of the time not active or awake? So we need 57 , which, basically in our life, are new challenges, to keep us awake and moving. If you are steadily 58 challenges, you

are happy. “Your challenges keep you 59 and fresh. Don’t create success and enjoy it in a state of 60 . You have the resources, skills and abilities to make a difference.” 41. A. islands B. waters C. towns D. tanks 42. A. increase B. satisfy C. reduce D. feed 43. A. farther B. longer C. slower D. faster 44. A. wasted B. spent C. took D. saved 45. A. quarrel B. argument C. conflict D. problem 46. A. encouraged B. allowed C. forced D. advised 47. A. However B. Thus C. Besides D. Otherwise 48. A. between B. through C. among D. beyond 49. A. cost B. value C. price D. money 50. A. surprised B. puzzled C. excited D. tired 51. A. faced B. avoided C. built D. stopped 52. A. change B. follow C. manage D. exist 53. A. also B. still C. already D. even 54. A. rise B. march C. mend D. move 55. A. alive B. sleepy C. alone D. alike 56. A. promised B. predicted C. realized D. remembered 57. A. wolves B. sharks C. tigers D. lions 58. A. searching B. collecting C. obeying D. overcoming 59. A. energetic B. independent C. curious D. gentle 60. A. thankfulness B. sadness C. stillness D. weakness 第二节(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)(原创)


A young man presented himself to the local expert on gems and said he wanted to learn from him and become 61 expert on gems, too. The expert refused to teach him because he feared that the youth would not have the 62 (patient) to learn. The young man asked for a chance. Finally the expert agreed and told the youth, “Be here tomorrow.”

The next morning the expert put a jade stone in the boy’s hand and told him to hold 63 . The expert then went about his work, cutting, weighing, and setting gems. The boy sat 64 (quiet) and waited. The following morning the expert again placed the jade stone in the youth’s hand and asked him to do the same thing. On the third, fourth, and 65 (five) day the expert repeated the exercise and the instructions.

On the sixth day the youth held the jade stone, but could no longer stand the silence. “Master,” he asked, “when am I going to learn something?”

“You’ll learn,” the expert 66 (reply) and then occupied himself 67 his own business.

Several more days went by and the youth felt deeply 68 (depress). One morning as the expert approached and signed to him to hold out his hand, he was about to say that he couldn’t go on any longer. 69 as the master placed the

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