


Unit 1

1. indoor soccer tournament 2. championship game

3. the referee was being such a jerk 4. It’s really unfortunate

5. Don’t think about it any more,if there’s anying I can do

6. could possibly be there to support her 1. add five love deposits into your love account for every withdrawal (1).Be kind to each other (2).Bring home a little surprise (3).Give your love attention

(4).Appreciate your partner for all that they do (5).Express your love 2.criticism,anger,putting Task 1 CABA Task2

1. different word,serious 2. expect,runningfor office



down,crossing your arms and turing away.

3. breaking up with,proposing 4. have a choice Task 3

1. One of the reasons I wanted to come here tonight was to disscuss our future

2. I’ve been thinking about it,and I think it’s the right thing to do

3. You have no idea the pressure that I am under Task 1 CAD Task 2 TFTF Task 3

1. would marry him when I was old enough 2. which people are not fond of doing,we did sort of agree

3. what diseases are going to catch up with us Section A BACDADCADCA

Unit 2

Task 2

1. It’s all over the news

2. in the school paper 3. heard it on TV 4. lost hie control

5. lose her scholarship soon 6. couldn’t stay long due to work


1. There are several reasons for this 2. this means 3. Another issue

4. There isn’t an easy answer here 5. But

6. At the same time Task 1 BBBC Task 2

1. one and a half billion years 2. heroic endeavor 3. monumental sculptures

4. attract thousands of tourists;needed boost to Task 3

1. Mt.Rushmore is one world’s most enormous stone carvings

2. Mt.Rushmore itself stands nearly 6,000feet above sea level

3. The four Presidents on the mountain would entirely block Niagara Falls Task 1

1. Rising food and energy prices and a weak housing

2. The U.S Congress Task 2

1. anxious about issues

2. increase gasoline supplies;oil exploration 3. in terms of helping the economy Task 3

1. Bush was asked whether the U.S. economy is in a recession

2. The words on how to define the economy 3. either a lack of leadership pr a lack of understanding of the issue Task 1 1. pretty



events,and a tradition of embracing both the old and the new

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