
The question is ________ difficult _________ _________ _________ answer . 56 . Mr.Wang couldn’t go on walking because he was very tired . ( 划线提问 ) ___________ __________ Mr.Wang go on walking ? 57 . John is not very happy . He is rich . ( 合并为一句 ) John is not very happy __________ _________ rich . 58 . Bob works carefully than Tom . ( 保持句意不变 )

Tom ____________ work __________ carefully _________ Bob . 59 . What did your father think of the film ? ( 保持句意不变 ) _________ did your father __________ the film ?

60 . Did Jenny do her homework before supper ? ( 改为陈述句 ) Jenny __________ ________ homework after supper .

61 . She wants to be a lawyer when she grows up . ( 划线提问 ) __________ _________ she want to be when she grows up ? 62 . They have lived there since they were born . ( 划线提问 ) ____________ __________ _________ they lived there ? 63 . My aunt is slim and pretty . ( 划线提问 )

____________ does your aunt __________ _________ ?

64 . They took a train and got there in the evening . ( 保持句意不变 ) They __________ there _________ __________ in the evening .

65 . Linda didn’t watch TV . Julia didn’t watch TV , either . ( 保持句意不变 ) Linda didn’t watch TV . ___________ __________ Julia .

66 . Miss Li speaks English more fluently than Miss Wang . ( 保持句意不变 ) Miss Wang __________ _________ English as _________ as Miss Li .


be strict with at the age of take your advice plenty of have to 1 . Our Chinese teacher _______________ always _____________ us, but we all love her.

2 . ______________ 19, he started his own business.

3 . She has _______________ work to do every day. So she is slim.

4 . It’s too late. I ________________ go back . My mother is waiting for me.

5 . I ________________ to recite every English text. Now I have made good progress. help not be save return water 1 . ___________nervous (紧张) . Make yourself at home.

2 . A: Where is your mother?

B: She _____________ the flowers in the garden.

3 . Tom ______________ money for his college expense after he entered the college. 4 . He ______________ his mother with the housework once a week. 5 . I’ll tell my father about the news after he _____________ . take one’s advice instead of have to come true lose one’s temper make money 1 . Our class teacher is friendly to us. She never ______________ . 2 . Tom has broken his leg. He _____________ stay at home and take a good rest. 3 . I’ll visit the library _______________ the museum.

4 . He started his own company because he wanted to ________________ more ___________ . 5 . A: You’re overweight, I’m afraid. You’d better go on a diet. B: I’ll ______________________ .

6 . Your dream will _______________ if you work hard. rain have make be share 1 . I’m afraid it ________________ soon.

2 . Jack always _________________ mistake in his homework. 3 . We _____________ computer lessons last year.

4 . Lili ______________ a Yong Pioneer for three years.

5 . There is only one apple here. So we have to _______________ it. take care of graduate from grow up make money be strict with

1 . My brother ________________ Tongji University last year.

2 . I can’t see a film with you. My grandma is ill. I have to ________________her. 3 . I wants to be an engineer when I _______________. 4 . My mother ___________ always ______________ me.

5 . Many students studies hard in universities in order to (为了) _____________ after graduation.

七年级下期末复习(Unit Three Lesson One - Lesson Three YLE )


1 . Swimming is interesting ,but skiing is far ________________ .

A . much interesting B . interesting C . the most interesting D . more interesting 2 . How beautiful the music -_______________

A . sounds B . listen C . hears D . listens to 3 . The light is red You _________________ stop your car. A . may B . can C . must D . could

4 . Our basketball team is sure _____________ win . I’m quite sure ______________it. A . with….of B . about….of C . of…about D . to….about 5 . It is four years __________________they came here. A . until B . since C . when D . after 6 It was_____________ day that we went out for a walk.

A . a such fine B . a so fine C . so fine a D . such fine a 7 A car accident ________________ in the street last Friday.

A . happened B . was happened C . took the place D . was taken place 8 . Mr. Wang arrived ___________ a small village ___________ a cold evening . A . in…it B . at…on C . in…on D . at…at

9 . Get up a little ____________, _____________you will be late again. A . early…so B . earlier…or C . earliest…but D . early…and 10 . ______________ of them has English book.

A . All B . Both C . Each D . Every 11 . The food smells ________________.

A . well B . badly C . terribly D . delicious

12 . Tom has stayed here for _______________.He has enjoyed himself very much. A . some time B . sometime C . sometimes D . some times 13 . Mike together with his parents _______________ TV at 8:00 last night. A . is watching B . were watching C . was watching D . watched 14 . I spend thirty minutes in ______________ a picture of a horse. A . drew B . to draw C . drawn D . drawing 15 . There is only _____________ milk in the glass. A . a little B . a few C . few D . little

16 . Tom’s parents work in Shanghai .______________ of them is a teacher. A . Neither B . Both C . All D . None

17 . The students are preparing _________________ the maths exam. A . at B . for C . with D . in 18 . Let’s go to Century Park ,_________________?

A . will you B . don’t we C . don’t you D . shall we 19 . They are going to take a _____________ to Nanjing

A . five-day’s trip B . five-days trip C . five-day trip D . five-days’ trip 20 . _________ of the students went camping last week .

A . five-day’s trip B . five-days trip C . five-day trip D . five-days’ trip 21 . Jack never goes to school by bus , _________________ ?

A . does he B . wasn’t he C . doesn’t he D . didn’t he

22 . Jane can play the piano _____________ .

A . good B . wonderful C . wonderfully D . beautiful 23 . Ms Li was busy ___________ when we got to her room .

A . to cook B . for cooking C . of cooking D . cooking 24 . Have you ______________ to Australia ?

Yes , I have . My cousin and I ____________ there last year .

A . been … gone B . been … went C . gone … been D . gone … went 25 . Jack jumps as ___________ as Mike .

A . higher B . high C . much higher D . highest 26 . My uncle has been to Australia ______________ .

A . sometime B . some time C . sometimes D . some times 27 . Can you ____________ your pen ?

A . keep you B . borrow me C . lend me D . give my

28 . This text is easy for us to read because there are __________ new words in it . A . few B . a few C . little D . a little

29 . Would you like to go to the park with us tomorrow ? ________________ .

A . Yes , I like . B . Yes , I’d love to . C . Yes , I would . D . Yes , would . 30 . The lady called a taxi and ____________ it .

A . went on B . went into C . got into D . got on 31 . We use computers a lot ____________ many ways .

A . in B . of C . to D . on

32 . The old man had a little breakfast this morning , _____________ ? A .. did he B . had he C . hadn’t he D . didn’t he 33 . Smoking makes my uncle ____________ a lot .

A .. to cough B . coughed C . coughing D . cough 34 . These days the boys were busy ____________ the model planes . A . makes B . to make C . making D . make

35 . It was a very difficult problem , but that little boy can ______________ . A . work of it B . work it out C . work it of D . work out it 36 . Jack , ____________ football in the street .

A . don’t play B . not play C . not to play D .. to not play 37 . That sounds like o lot of _____________ .

A . good B . funny C . fun D . interesting 38 . You’ve got _____________ nice pictures .

A . so many B . too much C . so little D . such much 39 . Mr. Smith is ___________ all of us .

A . friend with B . friend of C . friendly from D . friendly to 40 . Li Hui picked _________ a new pen _________ her way __________ . A . up … in … home B . up … on … home C . with … to … to home D . up … to … home 41 . I don’t like milk ! ________________ .

A . Neither does my cousin B . So am I C . Neither is my brother D . So does he 42 . Linda’s never late __________ school , ___________ she ?

A . to … isn’t B . from … is C . for … is D . for … isn’t

43 . Most of the young people enjoy ___________ pop songs .

A . listen to B . listening to C . to listen to D . listening 44 . My uncle _____________ Australia twice .

A . went B . has been C .. has gone to D . has been to 45 . Jenny , you ___________ look out of the window in class .

A . had better not to B . had not better to C . had not better D . had better not 46 . My father has __________ an engineer _____________ 1992 .

A . work as …for B . worked for …for C . worked as …since D .. work as …since 47 . _____________ important information Tom has got !

A . What B . What a C . What an D . How 48 . ___________ of them ____________ worker .

A . Each … is B . Both … are C . Every … is D . Neither … is 49 . There’s _____________ “m” in the word “mouth” . A . a B . an C . the D . /

50 . Tim liked the comic dialogue __________ than the dance . A . best B . well C .. good D . better

51 . The children are reading the words one after _____________ . A . another B . other C . one D . the other 52 . My cousin __________ his hometown since last year .

A . was away from B . left from C . has been away from D . left for 53 . All the boys like playing football , don’t they ?

A . Some don’t B . Some do C . Some are and some aren’t D . Some do and some don’t 54 . Mary and Alice are going to ___________ a writing contest next month . A . take part B . take part in C . join with D . join 55 . It’s time ____________ class .

A . in B . with C . for D . to 56 . My parents_______________ doctors .

A . both are B . are both C . are neither D . are all 57 . The boy ___________ and ___________ some birds in the tree .

A . looked up … saw B . looks up … with C . looked at …see D . looks at …notice 58 . My class teacher said _________ a smile , “ You worked very ___________ , good girl .” A . in … good B . to … better C . for … best D . with … well 59 . It’s raining ___________ now . You’d better ____________ out . A . heavily … not to go B . heavy … not go C . heavily … not go D . hardly … not to go

60 . ___________ of the students in our class are fourteen years old .

A . Two-fifth B . Two-thirds C . Second-third D . Second-fifths 时态填空

1 . Alice always _______________ (help) me with my English .

So I _______________(make) great progress since I came here. 2 . The plane ________________ (leave) here ten minutes ago. 3 . The Greens _______________(have)dinner already.

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