重庆市2018年中考英语总复习课件+检测:题型六 短文填空

题型六 短文填空 话题1 咨询建议 (8年4考)

Passage 1(2017攀枝花改编)

Why do you need study skills? Because they will make it 1________ for you to learn and do well in class, especially as you move up to middle school and high school.

◆Pay attention in class

Do you have 2________ in paying attention in class? Are you sitting next to a loud person? Is it hard to see the blackboard? Make sure you?re sitting in a good seat that makes you pay attention. Tell your teacher or parents about any problem that is stopping you 3________ paying attention and taking good notes. ◆Take good notes

Not sure how to take notes? Start by writing down facts that your teacher mentions or writes on the blackboard in class. Try your 4________ to use good handwriting so that you can read your notes later. It?s also a good idea to keep your notes, quizzes, and papers organized by subject.

◆Plan before tests

It?s not wise of you to wait 5________ Thursday night to study for Friday?s test. It also makes it hard to do your best. You?ll feel sorry for 6________ off things often. One of the best ways is to plan ahead.

◆Get a good night?s sleep

If the test is tomorrow and you?ve followed your study plan, but suddenly you can?t remember 7________, not even 2+2! Don?t worry. Your brain needs time to digest (消化) all the information you?ve given it. Try to get a good night?s 8________ and you?ll be surprised by what comes back to you in the morning!

Passage 2 (2017烟台改编)

Working on a team is quite important. However, if people on your team are not good at communicating, you may often feel terrible. To create a strong team, good 1________ is the most necessary part for both the leader and team members. The

following are some helpful suggestions.

◆Listen to other people actively.

When someone is speaking to you, you?re 2________ to listen to him actively. If you?re not clear about something, you should ask him about it. In this 3________, you can get your answers to any questions before moving on.

◆Think about other people?s ideas carefully.

When someone tells you about his ideas, you should think about them carefully, no matter 4________ silly they may seem. This shows you are 5________ in his ideas and makes him feel good.

◆Share your ideas with other people.

When you have a new idea, talk about it with your team members. This helps to get better ideas. Besides this, it also helps to improve your relationships between you 6________ your team members. ◆Don?t criticize other people.

When someone on your team does something 7________, don?t criticize him. You can help him to find out reasons and then help him to 8________ with the problem. Criticizing your team members too often may make them keep away from you. As a result, you may feel lonely.

Passage 3(2017泰州改编)

Many teenagers don?t get along well with their parents and they don?t know what to do. If you face such a problem, what I?m saying now might be helpful to you.

Have you ever thought of 1________ to your parents to find out why you don?t get along well with each other? 2________ I was a teenager, I didn?t get on well with my parents, either. We sometimes argued with each 3________. I am sorry that I had such an experience. Now I?m a mother of four girls. Of course we have 4________ opinions, but I encourage them to communicate 5________ me openly and honestly. In this way, I make sure that they trust me and come to me for anything. As a 6________, we get along very well. Arguing with your parents will make them angry and you won?t feel good. Also, remember that the most important thing is to solve problems. Try your 7________ to be calm. If you cannot control your feelings, you can go to a doctor or your teacher who could give you advice on your problem.

Remember that your parents love you. Sometimes they do something that you find hard to understand. For 8________, you may want to be a singer in the future, but your parents want you to do something else. If so, try to think in their shoes.

Passage 4(2017嘉兴改编)

Justin is a 16-year-old boy. He is thinking about 1________ to spend his money during winter vacation. He has saved up about 300 dollars already. He plans to buy a computer 2________ his money but he also wants to go skating with his friends. He can?t do both because he doesn?t have 3________ money. What should Justin do?

We are often in these kinds of situations. You want to see a concert 4________ Saturday, but it is also your mother?s birthday and you do not want to let 5________ down. In this case, you don?t have enough time to go to both places. You must make a decision. You must think about 6________ should be done first. You must consider the following questions seriously.

◆Which is more important?

◆Which decision needs my attention more? ◆Which choice would satisfy me more?

After you?ve answered these questions, it may be much 7________ for you to decide what to do. So the next time you must make a 8________, remember to prioritize (优先考虑).

Passage 5(2017重庆八中一模)

Even if you think that your parents are strict sometimes, loving your parents is a natural and important part of life because they gave you life, they raised(养育)you, and they helped you to know who you are. Here are some tips to help you 1________ your parents more:

Tip 1: Tell them you love them every morning.

Tip 2: Remember that they brought you into this 2________. Tip 3: Cherish the moments(珍惜时光)together 3________ them. Tip 4: It?s OK to get angry, but it doesn?t help you or your parents. So act calmly

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