
35. I want to buy that kind of cloth because I ____ the cloth ____ well. A. have told; washes B. have been told; washes C. was told; washed

D. have been told; is washed

36. — What were you up to when your parents came in? — I ____ for a while and ____ some reading. A. was playing; was going to do B. played; did C. had played; was going to do D. had played; did

37. — Sorry, I forget to post the letter for you. — Never mind, _____ it myself tonight.

A. I’m going to post B. I’ve decided to post C. I’ll post D. I’d rather post 38. I should very much like to have gone to that party of theirs, but _____. A. I’m not invited

B. I was not invited C. I have not been invited D. I had not been invited 39. — Is Tom still smoking?

— No. By next Saturday he ____ for a whole month without smoking a single cigarette. A. will go

B. will have gone

C. will have been

D. has been going 40. All but one _____ take part in the conference __ tomorrow.

A. is going to; that is to take place B. are going to; that is about to take place C. are going to; that is to be taken place D. are going to; which is to be held 41. — Are you a visitor here?

— That’s right. I ____ round the world and now my dream of coming to China ____ true. A. have traveled; has come B. was traveling; had been come C. am traveling; has come D. have traveled; has been come

42. —____ Betty this morning?

— Not yet, but she is sure to be here before noon.


A. Have you seen B. Will you see C. Do you see D. Did you see

43. Jim talked for about half an hour yesterday. Never ____ him talk so much. A. I heard

B. did I hear

C. I had heard

D. had I heard

44. The children ____ very quiet;I wonder what they ____ up to. A. were; are being B. are being;are C. are;do 45. — Look at the black clouds. It ____ soon. — Sure. If only we ____ out.

A. is raining; didn’t come B. is to rain; won’t start C. will rain; haven’t started D. is going to rain; hadn’t come

46. He _____ articles for our wall-newspaper these three years, and he _____ about forty articles. A. has been writing; has written B. has been writing; wrote C. is writing; has been writing

D. has written; has written

D. are being;do

47. She _____ to the office than she got down to writing the report.

A. has no sooner got B. had hardly got C. no sooner got D. had no sooner got

48. When he was alive, the old scientist used to say that knowledge ____ from practice and he gained his experience by doing a lot of practical work. A. was coming

B. had come

C. comes

D. would come

49. In this experiment, they are woken up several times during the night, and asked to report what they _____.

A. had just been dreaming B. are just dreaming C. have just been dreaming D. had just dreamt

50. — What’s the matter? — The shoes don’t fit properly. They _____ my feet. A. are hurting B. will hurt C. have hurt D. are hurt




1-5 DAABC 6-10 DBCBD 11-15 ACBDD 16-20 BDBCB 21-25 DCBCB 26-30 DDACD 31-35 ABAAB 36-40 CCBBD 41-45 CADBD 46-50 ADCCA 解析:

1.D。can guess 这一现在猜测是建立在眼前所见情景的基础上的,故用现在进行时。 2.A。expect, intend, want, wish, hope, plan 等动词的过去完成式可表示过去未曾实现的想法、愿望、打算等。

3.A。如主句用将来时,在时间、条件和让步状语从句中要用一般现在时表示将来。又因if 从句是take notice of...的被动语态结构,故选A。

4.B。根据主语与build之间的被动关系和now, 可知要选现在进行时的被动语态;因工厂正在修建,花费一年半应指将来。

5.C。shouldn’ t have done 表示“过去本不应……”。You did lose your temper 是You lost your temper 的强调形式。



8.C。担心是从过去某时到说话时为止一直在进行的动作,用现在完成时;expect 是在过去某一段时间里(整个晚上)正在进行的动作,故用过去进行时。

9.B。论文已完成,花费一个月时间应指过去;某事花费某人多少时间用sth.takes sb.some time 结构。



11.A。题干没有构成“过去的过去”,不可选B。如选C、D则表示动作已完成,与have no idea相矛盾。过去进行时表示过去某段时间或某一时刻正在进行的动作,不涉及结果,正好附合题干语境。

12.C。by then 是指将来的时间状语,排除A。再由句意可知,meet指的是到了十点钟时将正在进行的动作。

13.B。问句问的是前天回来之前去了哪儿,故用过去完成时。注意had gone表示人未回来,与第一句相矛盾。

14.D。for+时间段表示从过去某时延续至今的动作或状态,用现在完成时;meet发生在got to know 这一过去动作之前,用过去完成时。 15.D。用一般现在时表示现在的特征或状态。

16.B。come, go, leave, arrive, take 等动词常用进行时表砂将来。

17.D。表示过去没有做某事应用去时。又因句子没有\过去正在进行 \之意,帮排除A。

18.B。问对方\去了哪里\,指的是从过去某时到现在为止的动作,用现在完成时;第二个空格是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气和主句,条件状语从句If I hadn’ t got stuck in the heavy traffic 被省略。


20.B。此句为复杂特殊疑问句结构,即“疑问词+do you think (believe, suppose, expect, imagine, say, consider, guess等)+其它(陈述语序)?”。

21.D。由but 分句中的现在时和答语所提建议内容,可知应选现在完成时的被动语态。

22.C。 always, often, constantly, forever, all the time 等副词与现在(过去)进行时连用,表示某种反复发生的动作,往往带有厌恶、不满、责备或赞扬等意味。 23.B。这种电视产于上海是客观事实,故用一般现在时。


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