2017-2018学年上学期广东省湛江市第一中学高一期末考试试卷 英语



Easter, among Christians, is a celebration of Jesus Christ returning from the dead. Christians believe that it is the holiest day in the year. Customs that have become associated with Easter and are observed by Christians include egg hunting, the Easter Bunny, and Easter parades.

Christmas (On December 24--26)

Christmas is an annual festival celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, as a religious and cultural

英 语

考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分 celebration among billions of people around the world. In several countries, celebrating Christmas Eve on

第一部分 英语语言知识运用(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



As a country with a long history, the UK has a total of more than 100 festivals, which reflect the British culture and customs.

New Year’s Day (On January 1)

New Year’s Day is probably the most celebrated public holiday, often observed with fireworks at the stroke of midnight(午夜钟声敲响) as the new year starts in each time zone. On the New Year’s Eve, British

people often visit their relatives and friends to make New Year’s resolutions. Valentine’s Day (On February 14)

Valentine’s Day is originating from Ancient Rome and become a more and more popular festival among young people in European and American countries. In the west, Valentine’s Day is not only the best time to express love, but also to propose marriage to his lover.

St. Patrick’s Day (On March 17)

People will usually think of the color of green on St. Patrick’s Day, which is the color of spring and Ireland. People wear green, carry little green leaves and hold parties. They believe that these can bring themselves good luck. It’s a tradition for families to go to church in the morning and celebrate the festival in the afternoon.

Easter (Between March 22 and April 25)

期末考试测试卷 第1页(共12页) December 24 has the main focus rather than December 25, with gift-giving and sharing a traditional meal

with the family.

1. If Mr. Brown would like to marry his lover Denny, when is the best day to propose? A. On New Year’s Day B. On Valentine’s Day C. On Easter

D. On Christmas

2. From the passage, whose goal may probably not be achieved? A. Michael’s goal: enjoying the fireworks display on Valentine’s Day.

B. Amy’s goal: enjoying the party in green costume on St. Patrick’s Day. C. Vivian’s goal: enjoying egg hunting and the Easter Bunny on Easter. D. Erin’s goal: enjoying gift-receiving and a big meal on Christmas. 3. Which can be the best title of the passage?

A. Long History of UK B. British Culture C. English traditional Festivals

D. British Customs


John Winston Ono Lennon (9 October 1940-8 December 1980) was an English rock musician, singer, songwriter, artist and peace activist who gained worldwide fame as one of the founders of The Beatles. As a member of the group, Lennon was one of the leading singers and co-wrote most of the band’s songs with bassist(低音歌手) Paul McCartney.

In his singing career, Lennon wrote and recorded songs such as Give Peace a Chance and Imagine. Lennon showed his rebellious(反叛的) nature and cleverness on television, in films such as A Hard Day’s night, in his books such as In His Own write, and in press conferences(新闻发布会) and interviews. He was controversial(有争议的) through his work as a peace activist, artist and author.

Lennon had two sons: Julian Lennon, with his first wife Cynthia Lennon, and Sean Ono Lennon, with his second wife, avant-garde(前卫) artist Yoko Ono. After a retirement from 1976-1980, Lennon

期末考试测试卷 第2页(共12页)

reemerged(再度出现) with a comeback album, but was killed one month later in New York City on 8 December 1980. In 2002, respondents to a BBC poll(投票) on the 100 Greatest Britons voted Lennon into the eighth place. In 2004, Rolling Stone magazine ranked Lennon number 38 on its list of “The Immortals(不朽的): The Fifty Greatest Artists of All Time” and ranked The Beatles number one.

4. According to the passage, John Lennon did not work as a __________. A. songwriter B. peace activist C. singer

D. reporter

5. John Lennon became famous in the world because _________. A. he wrote many of the band’s songs with bassist Paul McCartney B. he was one of the founding members of The Beatles C. he got married with the avant-garde artist Yoko Ono D. he wrote and recorded the song Give Peace a Chance 6. What is NOT true about Lennon according to the text? A. He didn’t publish any albums in 1977.

B. He was voted to be one of the 100 Greatest Britons in a poll held in 2002.

C. He was ranked No. 1 on Rolling Stone magazine’s list of The Fifty Greatest Artists of All Time. D. He married twice.

7. We can learn from the passage that_________. A. Lennon was murdered by his fans

B. the book In His Own write was written by John Lennon C. people will remember Lennon on December 8 every year D. Lennon would not have been killed if he hadn’t reemerged


China started late in network technologies and has lagged behind for years. With the rapid development of wireless technologies, the concept of the Fifth Generation (5G) mobile communication system started to emerge(出现). Although the development of 5G network technology in the international community is still in the research stage, a number of foreign countries and organizations are working on it. In order to catch up with the pace of the times, China also needs to have its own place in such a competitive environment.

Compared with 2G, 3G and 4G, 5G is not independent and brand-new. It is a combination and further development of present mobile communication technology. Besides the speed upgrade, 5G will also meet the

期末考试测试卷 第3页(共12页) requirements of large bandwidth, super high capacity, super dense site, super high reliability and whenever and wherever possible assess.

There are some rapid changes in China’s telecom space. With the 3G network now widely used, and 4G just around the corner, China is now preparing to enter the 5G era. China has started research and development on the 5G network, and plan to launch the network testing by around 2020. It’s expected that a unified standard will be adopted globally with the 5G technology.

\Therefore, we can guarantee that enterprises can gain reasonable profits, and at the same time provide faster, better, more convenient and cheaper services to consumers.\MIIT said.

Wu Hequan from Chinese academy of engineering said, \will make it possible to connect one million devices to the so-called Internet of Things within one square meter. In the future, it will also be available on high-speed trains moving as fast as 500 kilometers per hour. In the area of the Internet of Vehicles, it can be used in unmanned vehicles, assisted driving and the management of smart cities.\

Wu believes China’s future Internet will be faster, more intelligent and more reliable.

Chinese government pays more attention to the development of 5G and adopts a more open attitude. With the joint effort of the industry, China will play an increasing important role in the global 5G development.

8. The first paragraph mainly wants to tell us ____________. A. the concept of 5G network technology

B. the reason why we need 5G network technology C. the fact that China fell behind network technology D. the fact that 5G network technology is good

9. From paragraph 2 and paragraph 3, which kind of network technology is the fastest? A. 2G B. 3G C. 4G D. 5G 10. What’s Wu’s attitude towards the 5G network technology?

A. Negative. B. Positive. C. Unknown. D. Neutral. 11. After reading the passage, we can infer that _______________. A. China is No.1 in 5G network technology. B. China has already entered 5G ages.

期末考试测试卷 第4页(共12页)

C. China will launch the network testing before 2020. D. China will use 5G network technology in transportation.


Sometimes you’ll hear people say that you can’t love others until you love yourself. Sometimes you’ll hear people say that you can’t expect someone else to love you until you love yourself. Either way, you’ve got to love yourself first and this can be tricky( 狡猾的). Sure we all know that we’re the apple of our parents’ eyes, and that our Grandmas think we’re great talents(天才) and our Uncle Roberts think that we will go to the Olympics. But sometimes it’s a lot harder to think such nice thoughts about ourselves. If you find that believing in yourself is a challenge, it is time you build a positive self-image and learn to love yourself.

Self-image is your own mind’s picture of yourself. This image includes the way you look, the way you act, the way you talk and the way you think. Interestingly, our self-images are often quite different from the images others hold about us. Unfortunately, most of these images are more negative than they should be. Thus changing the way you think about yourself is the key to changing your self-image and your whole world.

The best way to defeat a passive self-image is to step back and decide to stress your successes. That is, make a list if you need to, but write down all of the great things you do every day. Don’t allow doubts to occur in it.

It very well might be that you are experiencing a negative self-image because you can’t move past one flaw or weakness that you see about yourself. Well, roll up your sleeves and make a change of it as your primary task. If you think you’re silly because you aren’t good at math, find a tutor. If you think you’re weak because you can’t run a mile, get to the track and practice. If you think you’re dull because you don’t wear the latest trends, buy a few new clothes. But remember, although you think it is so, it doesn’t mean it’s true.

The best way to get rid of a negative self-image is to realize that your image is far from objective(客观的), and to actively convince(客观的) yourself of your positive qualities. Changing the way you think and working on those you need to improve will go a long way towards promoting(提升) a positive self-image. When you can pat(拍) yourself on the back, you’ll know you’re well on your way. Good luck!

12. You need to build a positive self-image when you _________. A. dare to challenge yourself

B. feel it hard to change yourself

C. are not confident about yourself D. have a high opinion of yourself 13. How should you change your self-image according to the passage?

期末考试测试卷 第5页(共12页) A. To keep a different image of others. B. To make your life successful. C. To understand your own world. D. To change the way you think.

14. What is the passage mainly about? A. How to prepare for your success. B. How to face challenges in your life. C. How to build a positive self-image.

D. How to develop your good qualities.

15. Who are the intended readers of the passage? A. Parents.

B. Adolescents. C. Educators. D. People in general.

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Ways to make a great first impression

You’ve heard it a million times already, but it really does take but a few seconds to make that all-important first impression(印象). Here are some easy ways for you to impress your classmates or teachers.

● 16 . Before you shake hands with somebody, make sure that your hands are clean. The handshake should not be too strong or weak. Most people use their right hands, unless they have a reason to use the left. 17 . ● Be on time

When meeting someone for the first time, arriving on time is as important as breathing. You may have an excuse, but that will leave the person who hardly knows you with a bad impression. As a general rule, plan to arrive about 30 minutes early. 18 .

● Introduce yourself and ask for names

Make sure you properly introduce yourself. Ask for their names in a polite way. ____19 . This will increase the chances of their remembering your name in the future. Always remember to stand up when greeting someone and be sure to introduce them to anyone you’re with.

● Make a good conversation

To get the most out of your discussion, try to find something common between the two of you. ____20 . A person will feel more comfortable with someone who they can relate to(产生共鸣).

A. It’s better to be hanging around the place than be stuck in traffic B. Repeat the name and use it later in conversation

期末考试测试卷 第6页(共12页)

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