


摘 要


此次设计的枕式自动包装机械采用AUTO CAD绘图软件进行枕式包装机械参数的设计,枕式自动包装机械包括理料机构、动力部分、供膜机构、成型器机构、纵封机构、横封切断机构、整理机构。包装过程中经过理料机构,对物料进行分整,物料沿着传送带向前运动,物料进入成型器,与经过成型器的包装袋一起向前运动,经过成型器后包装袋对物料进行三面包装,下一道工序经过纵封装置,对包装袋进行纵封,然后包装物料的袋子在经过横封切断装置对物料进行横封和切断,进过整形机构,形成最终的产品。设计中还引进了光电修订,通过光电传感器检测包装袋上的标定点,实现了包装生产规格的变化,使包装物体上的商标完整。


关键词:枕式包装机械;AUTO CAD;纵封机构;横封切断机构;光电修订


Automatic pillow packing machine structure design


packaging industry is a wide range of packaging machinery, can use different specifications of roll bags to different specifications of the packaging of goods, mainly used in the packaging of solids and multiple packaging of the item. Can make packaging process including feed, bedding material, used for membrane, forming, sealing, cutting, shaping process, automate to packaging materials, high automation degree, greatly improve production efficiency.

The design of the automatic pillow packing machine with AUTO CAD drawing software for the design of pillow packing machine parameters, including the principle institution, power part, for the membrane organization, forming mechanism, longitudinal sealing, transverse sealing cutting mechanism, sorting mechanism. Packing after the principle in the process of institution, to points in the whole of material, material movement along the conveyor belt, the material into the molding machine, and after the packing bag of molding machine to move forward together, after molding machine bag packing on three sides for the material, after vertical sealing device, the next procedure to longitudinal sealing, packaging and packaging materials of the bag after transverse seal cutting device to horizontal sealing and cutting of materials, into the plastic body, form the final product. Also introduced in the design of photoelectric revision by photoelectric sensor detection point on the packing bag, realized the change of packaging production specification, make the package complete logo of the object.

Undergraduate course and the design of the significance and value: this topic design of mechanical equipment can satisfy the rapid packaging for tangible materials, ensure packaging film is to facilitate adjustment, simple structure, stable running, reliable work, convenient for



Keywords: pillow packaging machines; AUTO CAD; Longitudinal sealing agencies; Transverse sealing cutting mechanism; Photoelectric revision

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