
渔方教育 新概念英语青少版入门级B教案

Unite 1that’s my father


语 言 目 标 句型 Who is …? Is that …? 类别 词汇 语言项目 Grand-father,grand-mother,father, 要求 听得懂,Mother,uncle,aunt,cousin,man,woman. 会说,会读 听得懂,会说,会读 歌谣 功能 Who is that ? 询问某人是谁 会读 应用目标 1、 理解并掌握有关家庭成员的词汇 2、 能对家庭有正确认识,培养孩子对家庭的热爱 二、 课堂练习 1、 读一读

Who is that boy ?he is tall and thin . His T-shirt is blue and his cap is green. that’s my brother.that’s Tom . who is that woman behind Tom? She is short and fat .

Sh, be quiet ! that’s his teacher!


渔方教育 新概念英语青少版入门级B教案

2、 仿照例句组合句子。 例句:he is short . he is thin . He is short and thin .

(1) my T-shirt is big .my T-shirt is blue . (2) she is tall . she is fat .

(3) her cap is red .her cap is yellow . (4) mike is tall . mike is thin. 三、 课后作业 仿照例句组合句子 例句:that boy ? who ‘s

Who’s that boy ?

(1) my sister .that’s

(2) is tall your mum and thin . (3) that who is woman ? (4) your is that cousin?


渔方教育 新概念英语青少版入门级B教案

Unite 2 this is our house .


语 言 目 标 句型 类别 词汇 语言项目 Bedroom,house,kitchen,sitting room 要求 听得懂,Bathroom,between,dining room ,next 会说,会to . This is … Where is …? 歌谣 功能 My family . 介绍你的房子 1、理解并掌握有关房间的名词 2、能在所创设的情境中谈论有关房间的话题 读 听得懂,会说,会读 会读 应用目标 二、 课堂练习 1、 读一读 This is my mother . This is my father . Where is my brother? He is in the bath . I think !

That is our grandmother.


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