
Echo’s lesson plan

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年级: 四年级 学科:英语 原创教师:叶海霞 Unit 1 After school club 1. 教材单元分析:

第4单元学习主要是围绕课后俱乐部为话题进行展开,通过几个学校场景,如美术、数学、体育课程和表演,让学生能认知和应用动词的过去式变化。以及序数词的学习。 本单元主要学习以下单词:

四会: help helped dance danced stop stopped carry carried first second third fourth fifth

三会: Maths数学,Music音乐,Sports体育、运动,Art美术 Chinese语文 English英语 四会句子:

描述过去的动作:1. Alex helped Mr Burke. 2. They played chess.

描述过去的状态: 1.They were at the after school club. 2.单元目标:

通过本单元的学习学生能达到以上四会和三会单词的掌握,能听懂、理解和应用形容词。 3.课时安排:(PERIOD DIVISION) 本模块分10课时完成。 PERIOD 1st period 2nd period 3rd Period 4th Period 5th Period 6th Period 7th Period Unit4(7) P38say it with Stella Unit4(6) P37song Unit4(5) P36 passage Unit4(4) P36 passage Unit4(3) P34 passage Unit4(2) P34 passage TITLE Unit4(1) CONTENTS vocabulary KB4


Echo’s lesson plan

8th Period 9th Period

4.教学设计(Teaching design)1st Period Unit 4 (1) 【教材内容】

剑桥国际少儿英语四年级第一册第4单元 Lesson 1 Language Skills:

1. Talk about the conditions of people and the characteristics of things.

2. Improve some other skills like listening skills, such as catching objective information and locating specific information. Language Knowledge:

1. Read, spell, and use the words as follows: ----bored, busy, easy, excited, quick Read and use the words as follows: ----boring, exciting, slow, difficult

3. Read, spell, and use the key structures as follows: ----I am bored. ----He/she is quick. ----They’re busy. ----It’s easy. Teaching Objectives:

Ps can listen, read, say and spell:

help helped dance danced stop stopped carry carried Teaching Aids:

kids’ box, CD, Computer. BL design:

Unit 4 (1) After school club

help helped dance danced stop stopped carry carried

Words bank(1): Unit4(9) Workbook(1) Unit4(8) P39story KB4


Echo’s lesson plan

help- helped jump- jumped kick- kicked laugh- laughed listen- listened play- played point- pointed stop- stopped start- started want- wanted watch- watched clean- cleaned

Teaching Procedures: Step1:Warm-up

1. Sing a song: nurse song

Review the past tense. 复习学过的过去式

am/ is- was are- were do –did drink- drank eat- ate give- gave go- went has- have- had see- saw sing- sang take- took Step2: Presentation. 1. Look at the pics and talk. Who are these children? What were they doing? Watch a video and say. Where were the children? What did they do ? Step3. Practice

Fill in the blanks 完成动词过去式填空 Look and complete. Listen and check. 让学生完成学生用书第62页,活动3。 Cooling down(课后记 ):

Unit4 (2) 【教材内容】

剑桥国际少儿英语四年级第四册第4单元第34页Lesson2 Teaching Objectives:

1. Ps can listen, read, say and spell:

help helped dance danced stop stopped carry carried 2. Ps can understand the passage.



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