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作者:钟成 池尚霏


摘 要:在直流稳压电源设计过程中,依托相关技术背景,选用单片机技术,对数控直流稳压电源进行设计。该电源的数字化控制实现方法为STC89C54RD+单片机,这种方法不仅硬件电路简单,而且具备较高的精确度,实施过程灵活,功能多样,既具备短路保护功能,又具备报警、串口通信等功能。虽然部分区域电压相对比较精确,但无法直接操作,因此,可选择该方法,依托串口,升级软件,使硬件成本支出得到有效控制。 关键词:单片机;数字化控制;直流稳压电源

中图分类号:TM44 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)03-0038-03 Design and Implementation of DC Voltage Regulating Power Supply Based on Digital Control Technology of Single Chip Microcomputer ZHONG Cheng,CHI Shangfei

(Shenzhen Zhenhua Microelectronics Co.,Ltd.,Shenzhen 518000,China)

Abstract:In the design process of DC regulated power supply,single-chip computer technology is used to make the DC regulated power supply relying on the relevant technical

background. The digital control method of the power supply is STC89C54RD + MCU. It not only has simple hardware circuit,but also has high accuracy,flexible implementation process and various functions. It can not only realize short circuit protection,but also has functions of alarm and serial communication. Some area voltage is relatively accurate,but it can not be directly operated. This method can be selected to upgrade software relying on serial port,so that the cost of hardware can be effectively controlled.

Keywords:single chip computer;digital control;DC regulated power supply 0 引 言


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