上海交通大学留学生本科入学考试 英语


科目:英语(文理科) 建议用时:90分钟

Section One: Grammar and Vocabulary (30%)

Direction: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer than best completes the sentence. 1. Be sure to come to my party, _________?

A. aren’t you B. can you C. will you D. mustn’t you

2. She was elected _______leader of the team, and ______leader of the team should have the ability of collaboration. A. /…the B. the…the C. the…/ D. /…/ 3. The man broke into the house only ______ immediately.

A. to catch B. caught C. being caught D. to be caught

4 . _______(find) no one at the office, he locked the door and went home. A. Finding B. To find C. Having been found D. To be found 5. Shoe of this kind ______ very comfortable.

A. has been worn B. wear C. is wearing D. are worn

6. ______ on earth was it that aroused the suspicion in the policemen? A. How B. What C. Which D. /

7. Jane and Helen are twin sisters and ______ is easily mistaken for the other. A. one B. the one C. she D. another

8. In recent years much more emphasis has been put ___________ developing the students’ creative ability. A. onto B. in C. over D. on 9. _______he is, ________ he feels.

A. Busy… happy B. Busier …happier C. The busier…the happier D. Busier…happiest 10. Hardly had he entered the room _____ everyone present burst into cheers. A. than B. when C. as D. since

11. ____ much advice I gave him, he did exactly what he wanted to. A. How B. Whatever C. No matter D. However 12. ---I hear that novel is really interesting. ---It is ________ interesting. I've never read a better novel. A. not at all B. anything but C. not a bit D. more than 13. _____ has been planned that we'll leave the next step on you. A. It B. What C. As D. Such

14. By the time Jane gets home, her aunt ____ for London to attend a meeting. A. will leave B. leaves C. will have left D. left

15. Jason is fashionable, but to tell the truth, he wears of my friends.

A. more fashionably B. the most fashionably C. less fashionably D. the least fashionably

16. The possibility never occurred to me _____ I would be unexpectedly admitted into such a famous university. A. when B. that C. what D. how

17. Thousands of Brazilians cheered Rio’s successful bid of 2016 Olympics in the streets, many of ________ even cried with joy. A. those B. them C. whom D. which

18. Sounding like a great idea, ______ he said was accepted by all present immediately. A. Which B. All what C. that D. What

19. ______ by what everyone says about him, he has a good chance of winning.

A. Judge B. To Judge C. Having Judged D. Judging 20. We could do nothing but _____.

A. wait B. to wait C. waiting D. waited

21. His movie won several awards at the film festival, was beyond his wildest dream. A. which B. that C. where D. it 22. If we are not gifted with language ability, we can _______ it by practising hard. A. make up of B. make up for C. make off D. make out

23. Not having heard about her beloved son for years, she is ________ to see him. A. desperate B.reluctant C. unwilling D. favorable

24. Thanksgiving day is an important festival in America, which ___________the 18th century. A. comes up to B. looks back on C. pass on to D. goes back to 25. I don’t speak Russian; will you ______ what she says for me?

A. understand B. recognize C. verify D. interpret 26. She _______ the mine rescue live in Chile for BBC news.

A. altered B. covered C. pieced together D. checked

27. Cobbie is my favourite basketball player. I regard him____ other players. A.superiorer than B. superior than C. more superior than D. superior to 28. The more expensive articles are not ______ better. A. narrowly B. necessarily C. fully D. widely

29. People prefer to go shop in supermarkets, where you have ________ goods to choose from. A. a range of B. a kind of C. a variety of D. a plenty of

30. Mary Smith is quite expert in gardening so that she is ______ to win the yearly Gardener Award. A.ordered B. involved C. guaranteed D. determined

Section Two: Cloze (20%)

Direction: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or the phrase that best fits the context.

There are many ways of defining success. It is accurate to say that __1___ of us has our own concept of success to the extent that we are responsible for setting our own goals and determining ___2___ we have met these goals satisfactorily. Because we possess unique differences in genetic ability and favorable environments in which to express these abilities, it is necessarily true that we must define success ___3___. For some people, simply ___4___ able to live their life with a minimum of misery and suffering is ___5____ a success. Think of the peace of mind of the poor shepherd who tends his sheep, enjoys his frugal life with his family in the beauty of nature, and who is respected because he does a good job of achieving the goals expected of and accepted by his and his society. __6__ the other hand, it seems that ___7____ some people appear to be rich in material possessions, many of them seem to be miserable and consider themselves unsuccessful when ___8___ by their own standards of success. Because not all ventures can be successful, one should not set unrealistic goals for achieving success, but if one has self-confidence it would be unfortunate to set one's goals at ___9___ low a level of achievement.

A wise counselor once said to a young man who was experiencing frustration with his own professional success: \traveling. Sometimes one can be very successful merely by taking a walk in the park or riding the subway downtown,\success until you have been unsuccessful at something ___10___you really like, and to which you have given you best effort.\

1. A. each B. every C. everyone D. all 2. A. that B. whether C. when D. how 3. A. broadly B. broad C. largely D. large

4. A. to be B. are C. their D. being

5. A. regarded B. thought of C. viewed D. considered 6. A. On B. To C. In D. At

7. A. since B. as C. as if D. even if

8. A. judging B. judged C. to be judged D. to be judging 9. A. too B. so C. even D. though 10. A. / B. what C. which D. as

Section Three: Reading Comprehension(30%)

Direction: There are 2 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice according to what you have read in the passage.

(A) Humans should not try to avoid stress any more than they would shun food,love or exercise. Said Dr.Hans Selye,the first physician to document the effects of stress on the body. While here’s one question that continuous stress is harmful,several studies suggest that challenging situations in which you’re able to rise to the occasion can be good for you. In a 2001 study of 158 hospital nurses,those who faced considerable work demands but coped with the challenge were more likely to say they were in good health than those who felt they could not get the job done. Stress that you can manage also boost immune(免疫的)function.In a study at the Academic Center for Dentistry in Amsterdam,researchers put volunteers through two stressful experiences. In the first,a timed task that required memorizing a list followed by a short test,subjects believed they had control over the outcome.In the second,they were not in control:They had to sit through a gory(血淋的)video on surgical procedures.Those who did well on the memory test had an increase in levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody that’s the body’s first line of defense against germs.The video-watchers experienced a downturn in the antibody. Stress prompts the body to produce certain stress hormones.In short bursts these hormones have a positive effect,including improved memory function.They can help nerve cells handle information and put it into storage,says Dr.Bruce McEwen of Rockefeller University in New York.But in the long run these hormones can have a harmful effect on the body and brain. Sustained stress is not good for you,says Richard Morimoto,a researcher at Northwestern University in Illinois studying the effects of stress on longevity,Its the occasional burst of stressorbrief exposure to stress that could be protective.

1. What does the underlined word “shun” mean? A. avoid B. face C. stand D. recognize

2. We can conclude from the study of the 158 nurses in 2001 that _______ A. people under stress tend to have a poor memory

B. people who can’t get their job done experience more stress C. doing challenging work may be good for one’s health D. stress will weaken the body’s defense against germs

3. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? A. Stress to some degree, can boost immune function.

B. Richard Morimoto studies the effects of stress on the body.

C. According to the experiment by the Academic Center, the gory video watchers suffered from stress.

D. Stress hormones can help nerve cells handle information. 4. What’s an antibody?

A. Immunoglobulin A B. Body’s first line of defense against germs C. A kind of stress D. Hormones

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