
BEC 商务英语口语常见问题解答

英国剑桥委员会组织的 BEC(Business English Certificate)是一门 综合性极强的考试,不仅全面考察了考生的英语运用能力,而且也加入 了实用性的商务内容,因此这个标准化程度很高的考试,体现了学习语 言的真正价值,当然,客观地反映出了考生真实的语言功底,和在工作 场合的实际运用能力, 因而受到了很多国际性大企业的认可,成为选 聘人才的要求之一。下面是小编为大家带来的 BEC 商务英语口语常见 问题解答,欢迎阅读。 1.如何随声附和?

可以说 You're right. Right. Of course. Certainly. Quite right. Exactly.

2. 如何表达得更连贯顺畅?


表递增可以用 also, in addition, not only ---- but also, what's more.

表举例可以用 for example, for instance 表同位可以用 that is , in other words 表列举可以用 first, finally

表总结可以用 in conclusion, in summary

表因果可以用 so, therefore, as a result, because of 表让步可以用 despite, although, though,

表对照可以用 on the contrary, while, on the other hand 表选择可以用 rather than, instead of , either---or 3. 如何要求考官或搭档重复提问?

I am sorry I didn't catch you. Could you please say that again?

Pardon, please.

Sorry, I don't quite see what you mean. Could you explain it, please?

4. 如何表达同意,部分同意,完全不同意? 同意:I totally agree with you. 部分同意:You may be right, but-----? That may be so, but-----?

完全不同意:I'm afraid I don't agree. 5. 如何询问信息? Could you tell me-----? I'd like to know-----. 6. 如何拖延? Well, let me see---.

That's a very interesting question. 7. 如何与不合作的搭档沟通?

1)搭档如果口语很好,控制了大部分谈话时间,不给你说话的机 会,要毫不犹豫的打断他。

可以说:Excuse me, may I interrupt? Sorry to interrupt. I think---

May I interrupt for a second? I think in this point we should consider...?

2)搭档口语很差,一言不发,冷眼旁观。可以说:What's your opinion? What do you think?

3)搭档随意或恶意打断你的话时,你可以说:Just let finish. 8.



这时你可以说:Can we just deal with---? Let's just deal with---.

Let's get back to the main point. 9. 如何给出自己的意见? I think--- In my opinion,

10. 如何要求对方明确观点?

I am not sure /clear what you mean. Could you explain it? I don't understand what you mean. Could you explain it? tips:感谢大家的阅读,本文由我司收集整编。仅供参阅!

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