
really good. They never thought their president would serve his honoured guests poison apples. Jefferson never spoke to his honoured guests about the fact. 1. Tomato is a kind of ___________. A. poisonous fruit C. tasty fruit

B. poisonous vegetable D. tasty vegetable

2. After you read the passage, which of the following do you think is true? A. Americans never ate tomatoes after they began to plant them. B. Americans didn’t eat tomatoes before 19th century. C. Even now Americans don’t eat tomatoes.

D. In the 18th century Americans ate a lot of tomatoes. 3. Jefferson learned that tomatoes were good to eat ___________. A. while he was in Paris

B. when he was a little boy D. from books

C. because his parents told him so

4. From the passage we know all the honoured guests invited by Jefferson were ___________. A. people from other countries

B. from France D. men only

C. people of his own country

5. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. None of the guests knew the soup that was served at the President party was made of tomatoes.

B. All of the guests thought the soup which was prepared by the President’s cook was nice. C. President Thomas Jefferson knew that tomatoes were good to eat and not poisonous at all. D. All of the guests didn’t know that their president would serve his honoured guests poison apples.


Good health is the most valuable thing a person can have, but one cannot take good health for granted. It is important to remember that the body needs proper care in order to be healthy. There are three things that a person can do to help stay in good shape: eat right food, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly.

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Proper nutrition (营养) is important for good health. Your body cannot work well unless it receives the proper kind of “fuel”(燃料). Don’t eat too much food with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of foods high in protein (蛋白质), like meat, fish, eggs and nuts. Vegetables and fruits are very important because they provide necessary vitamins (维他命) and minerals. However, don’t overeat. It is not helpful to be overweight.

Getting the proper amount of sleep is also important. If you don’t get enough sleep, you feel tired and easily get angry. You have no energy. Over a long period of time a little amount of sleep may even result in a change of personality (人的个性). Be sure to allow yourself from seven to nine hours of sleep each night. If you do, your body will feel strong and refreshed, and your mind will be sharp.

Finally, get plenty of exercise. Exercise firms the body, strengthens the muscles, and prevents you from gaining weight. It also improves your heart and lungs. If you follow a regular exercise program, you will probably increase your life-span (寿命). Any kind of exercise is good. Most sports are excellent for keeping the body in good shape: basketball, swimming, bicycling, running and so on are good examples. Sports are not only good for your body, but they are enjoyable and interesting, too.

If everybody were to eat the right foods, get plenty of sleep and exercise regularly, the world would be a happier and healthier place. We would all live to be much older and wiser. 6. According to the passage, _________. A. we should always keep fit

B. if we were healthy, we could spend our days in doing things with less sleep C. one can eat a lot to stay in good shape D. one needn’t take any exercise if he is healthy 7. In order to keep good health, _________. A. we should eat a lot of sweets B. one needs a large amount of fat

C. people should eat according to the foods nutrition D. we must try to sleep now and then

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8. Eating more and sleeping less _________. A. can keep healthy

B. is no good for you D. will keep your personality

C. gets you more energy

9. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Eating too much sugar and fat is not good for our health. B. We have no energy if we don’t have enough sleep. C. If we sleep five hours each night, we will feel strong. D. Exercise is good for our body.

10. The title of the article should be _________. A. Eating and Exercising C. Staying Healthy

B. How Vitamins Work in Man’s Body D. Sleeping Well

Ⅷ. 书面表达

写一篇短文介绍你读书的好方法——记笔记。要点如下: 1. 帮助理解和记忆;

2. 百科全书、报纸、杂志、小说中的重要信息;

3. 只记要点,如词汇、概念、短语、引语等,并将它们归类。 参考词汇:百科全书encyclopedia 词数:100左右


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Ⅰ. 听录音,根据所听内容选择正确答案

听第1~4段对话,分别完成第1~4题 Text 1

W: I hardly ever go shopping by car now. The shopping centre is within walking distance. M: Well, you are lucky. The nearest store I can go to is about two miles away. Text 2

M: What can I do for you? W: Can I get a city map at the hotel?

M: Yes, there’s a bookstore downstairs where they have pocket guidebooks with city maps. Shall I get one for you?

W: No, thanks. We can get one when we go downstairs. Text 3

M: Excuse me, but you have some guests in the reception room. W: What? Who?

M: Mr Scott Carpenter and his daughter.

W: I remember! Oh … Scott! I made a lunch date with him and his daughter weeks ago. Text 4 M: Hello.

W: Hello. Can I help you?

M: Yes, I want to know why there’s no electricity. W: Sorry, sir. There’s been a power cut. M: Well, when will it come on again?

W: It’s usually off for about half an hour, so we expect it back at eight thirty. 1. B

2. B

3. C

4. B

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听第5段对话,完成第5~7题 Text 5

M: Do you mind if I join you? W: Please do.

M: I’m Alan Hook. I work at St Jude’s Training College.

W: How do you do? Barbara Samuel. And what do you do at the college? M: I’m in charge of the science department. W: Have you been there long?

M: Just over a year. By the way, haven’t I seen your picture in the paper recently? W: Ah, that must have been the national tennis competition last week. M: That’s right — you won a cup.

W: Well, I guess I was lucky. How about you? Do you play?

M: I used to, but I’m out of practice these days. I must see about joining a club sometime. 5. B

6. A 7. B

Ⅱ. 听录音,根据短文内容完成句子

Healthy eating follows a balanced diet to give you good nutrition. Good nutrition can make you feel good and stay healthy. People with good nutrition are usually happy and energetic and often in good shape. They enjoy smart eating, which means five simple things: (1) store your food safely; (2) shop wisely to save money; (3)ask to learn more about eating well; (4) take responsibility for choosing healthy foods; and (5)make meals that taste great. 1. smart 2. store 3. responsibility 4. taste

Ⅲ. 单项选择,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案完成句子

1. C

解析:考查情态动词。回答must开头的一般疑问句,肯定回答用must,否定回答用needn’t或don’t have to。其他三个选项的问句情态动词和答句情态动词不匹配。 2. A

解析:结合语境得出答案为A,oughtn’t to 不应该。 3. A

解析:疑问句中表示对过去事情的推测,can have done 意思是“可能怎样了”。

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