The Symbolism in the Rocking-horse Winner

The Symbolism in the Rocking-horse Winner

A Brief Summary

The Rocking-Horse Winner\a short story by D. H. Lawrence which was first published in July 1926 and then subsequently appeared in the first volume of Lawrence's collected short stories.

The story tells a young boy who notices that his mother doesn’t love him and his sisters, even though she “adores” them. Her mother becomes “dissatisfied with her marriage” when she finds that her husband is not lucky and doesn't make enough money. What’s worse, there is always an inexistent sound asking for more money in their house. When he receives a rocking horse for Christmas, he rides it often and comes to find that he can predict what horse is going to win the next big horse race. In order to show his mother that he has the love which his father lacks and plead love from his mother , he rides horse frenziedly and finally falls down and dead.

The Symbolism in the Rocking-horse Winner

The symbol in this short story is Paul’s horse , which thrusts all plots from beginning to end ,and also , is the direct and obvious cause which leads to Paul’s tragedy death. With a deep reading of story, I gain more details and profound philosophy from the horse.

Almost every kid has a cherished toy, maybe a jigsaw, a doll, or a Christmas bell. As their favorite and most unforgettable toy, it maybe an important part in their childhood and constitutes their simple and credulous memory. As a toy received in Christmas, this horse should have brought real luck and happiness to Paul, and should have symbolized kid’s innocence and their enjoyment. But ironically, Paul is killed by his horse which should have accompanied him for his carefree childhood. It’s so controversial that I want to make a

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