
Blunt couldn’t escape his love of music. He decided that it was time to 38 guns and take his interest seriously in his life, so he left the army in October flew to the US in September 2003. 39 , there he met Linda Perry, a songwriter and producer, who helped him with the music. In 2005, Blunt released his first album, Back to Bedlam. It was a huge 40 – the album sold over 10 million copies worldwide and its single, You’re Beautiful, hit number one in over a dozen countries. 31. A. interesting B. boring 32. A. need B. surprise 33. A. job B. noise 34. A. Like B. For

C. easy

D. difficult

C. way C. food C. As

D. fun

D. day

D. Among D. fun D. When D. anything

D. drop D. Luckily

D. copy

35. A. money B. choice 36. A. Although B. Because

C. experience C. If

37. A. everything B. nothing 38. A. hold B. make 39. A. Easily

C. something C. fall

B. Suddenly

C. Unluckily

C. plan

40. A. place B. success

IV. 阅读理解(41—43每小题1分,其余每小题2分,共35分)

阅读下列材料,从A, B, C, D四个选项中选出最佳答案。


Are you going crazy with the homework and exams you've got Never fear, help is

Rudy—“Against the clock”

My problem is time – or short of it! I’ve got 12 exams in three weeks. How can I possibly study for all of them I think it’s impossible!

E-tutor—“Re: Against the clock”

Hi, Rudy. It isn’t impossible but you DO have to get started NOW. Make a study plan here ... in the form of E-tutor’s (电子助教) online problem page.


My problem is silly. I just find it hard to study. I keep getting the idea that I’m learning the wrong things. I’m a disaster. My best friend Meg can’t help me. I don’t think you can really help me, either.

E-tutor—“Re: Disaster”

Hayley, your problem isn’t silly at all! It’s very real and lots of people experience 41. _________ is going to take many exams in three weeks.

A. Meg

B. E-tutor

C. Rudy

D. Hayley

42. E-tutor advises Hayley to _________.

A. get started now C. join a study group

B. make a study plan

D. do more exercise

43. You can find the passage _________.

A. on the Internet B. in a story book science report


Starbucks is an international coffee and coffeehouse chain(连锁店) in Seattle, Washington. The story began in 1971 when the first Starbucks opened at Pike Place Market, which is Seattle's and the Nation's oldest Farmer's Market (opened on August 17, 1907).

But at that time the company was just a local company to sell coffee beans. Their business didn’t change until 1982 when Howard Schulz joined the company. He was the new manager and began right away to ask more and more local cafes, high-level restaurants, and hotels to buy Starbucks coffee beans. The turning point for the company should be one year later when Schulz traveled through Italy. He got inspired by the old Italian coffee bar tradition to serve fresh boiled Espresso and Cappuccino, because at that time, American people only drank coffee at home tables. There were

C. in the news

D. from a

no coffee bars in America. So Schulz wanted to open a coffee bar in America. He told the Starbucks bosses to give his idea a chance and in 1985 the first Starbucks coffee bar appeared in Seattle.

The new idea worked out. The coffee bar was a success. But Schulz aimed higher. He found some rich people in Seattle and they bought Starbucks in 1987. And in the same year he opened more bars in Chicago and even in Vancouver, Canada. In January, 1999, Starbucks came to China. The first Starbucks coffee bar in China opened in Beijing. And so far, it has opened 3300 coffee bars in China.


44. The first Starbucks coffee bar around the world opened in _________.

A. Chicago B. Vancouver C. Seattle D. Beijing 45. To start with, Starbucks was just a company to sell _________.

A. coffee beans B. Fresh Espresso C. Cappuccino D. chocolate 46. Before 1985, American people only drank coffee at home because _________.

A. they didn’t like drinking coffee in the bar. B. there were no coffee bars in America at that time. C. they were not allowed to drink coffee outside. D. they liked to make coffee at home.

47. Which of the following endings may be the best for the passage

A. Now, the company has more than 16,226 coffee bars in more than 30 countries worldwide.

B. Howard Schulz has become one of the most successful businessmen in the world. C. Chinese people become more and more interested in Starbucks. D. Although Starbucks is popular all over the world, it still has many competitors.


Are you suffering from FOMO – that is, Fear Of Missing Out Research shows that a growing number of young people experience FOMO.

Everybody knows how important it is for students to get a good night’s sleep every night. You aren’t able to do your best unless you sleep well. Most experts agree that the best number of sleeping hours is eight. However, I know that most of you get much less sleep than that.

I read an interesting article which did a study of 848 students in Wales. Worryingly, the results showed that teenagers are facing a new problem. They may go to bed and get up at certain time but a growing number are waking up in the middle of the night, not to use the bathroom or have a snack but because of a new phenomenon(现象): fear of missing out!

According to the article, schoolchildren are suffering because of a growing trend(趋势) wake up during the night to check social media (媒体). Afraid of missing a reply or chance to take part in a chat, teenagers are waking at all times of the night and going online.


23% of 12 to 15-year-olds wake up nearly every night to use social media. One in three students is often tired and unable to work well.

Students who use social media during the night are more likely to suffer from anxiety(焦虑).

So, I’d like to ask you to be responsible when it comes to social media. Be brave! Turn off your phones at night. The world won’t end and your social media will be waiting to greet you in the morning! I give you my word that you won't have missed anything important.

48. Most experts agree that it’s best for teenagers to sleep _________ hours a day. A. four

B. eight

C. six

D. five

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