

A. Do you have shoes for sports B. That’s too much for me.

C. I want a shirt for my son’s graduation ceremony. D. How much is that one, the light blue one

A: Can I help you

B: Yes, please. 60

A: OK. We have many kinds of shirts. They have different prices. Which one do you like

B: 61

A: Oh, you have a pair of sharp eyes. I like the light blue one myself. It must

look very good on you. It is 50 dollars.

B: 50 dollars 62 Do you have a cheaper one

A: Sure. What about the white one It is only 30 dollars. 63 B: That’s nice. Can I try it on

A: No problem. The fitting room is over there. 64 B: Thank you very much.

A: You are welcome. Let me know if you need any help. VI. 任务型阅读。(65—67题,每小题2分,68小题3分,共9分)


How do you usually go to school: walk, cycle, take a bus or drive

Most people know that students who go to school by bus or car are more likely to put on weight than those who walk or cycle. But did you know that exercising less could also make you fall behind in your schoolwork

Two Danish universities recently carried out a study of 19,527 students between the ages of 5 and 19. The students were asked how they traveled to school and were then given a test. It was found that the students who were driven to school, or took a bus, performed worse in the test because they had poorer concentration (集中注意力) than those who took a more active way.

“As a third-grade pupil, if you exercise and ride a bike to school, your ability to concentrate increases to the equivalent (同等) of someone half a year further in their studies,” said Niels Egelund, a member of the study.

Depending too much on cars is also a problem for adults. British people are much lazier these days. They are walking 80 miles less every year than ten years ago, a new study found.

“This creates a huge illness problem and lowers their quality of life, but most people don’t seem to know that it’s a problem,” said Harry Rutter from the National Obesity Observatory, UK. “A lack (缺少) of physical activity is the fourth main cause of early deaths around the world and causes about the same level of ill health that smoking does.”

65. According to the passage, do people in the UK exercise more these days ________________________________________________________________________________ 66. How many students were asked questions in the two Danish universities’ study ________________________________________________________________________________ 67. As a student, what may happen to you if you exercise less

________________________________________________________________________________ 68. How do you usually go to school And why

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VII. 完成句子。(每空1分,共10分)


69. Everybody went to the movie yesterday. (改为否定句) ____________ ___________ to the movie yesterday. 70. My mother will be back home in 3 days. (对划线部分提问) ____________ ___________ will your mother be back home 71. His sister borrowed the book 5 days ago. (变为同义句) His sister __________ ___________ the book for 5 days. 72. 你必须从错误中学到东西。(完成译句) You must _________ __________ your mistakes. 73. 我发现写英语要容易得多。(完成译句)

I found ____________ English much ___________. VIII. 短文填空。(每空2分,共16分)


The winter holiday is usually a good time to sleep in. But Gao Yuqi, a boy of 14 from Anhui, got up at 7 am to 74 at least 2 kilometers every day during the holiday. In fact, this exercise takes an important place in his homework.

Gao was not 75 . Many schools across the country asked students to exercise during the winter holiday. One of the 76 is that physical education test scores are now worth more on the senior high school entrance examination . In Anhui, the score is now worth up to 60 points, which is the same as 77 for an academic (学术的) subject. Because of this, Gao’s school – Hefei 168 Taochonghu Lake Middle School – now asks students to run on sunny days and exercise indoors 78 the weather is bad. Students have to post exercise photos in their classes’ QQ groups. At the Golden Apple Jincheng No. 1 Secondary School in Chengdu, students have daily exercise plans. For example, they have to skip rope for two minutes and do three sets of sit-ups each day. Their parents sign their names on their plans after they finish exercising.

This has been a big challenge for many students, but has also helped to make

exercise a bigger

79 of their life. Huang Zhicheng, a student of 14 at the same school as Gao, 80 to hate running, but he is now able to run for half an hour every day. “I have decided to keep doing this in the future,” he said. Luo Zikun, a student of 12 at the Golden Apple school in Chengdu, fell in love

81 exercise during the holiday. He skips rope for more than 10 minutes every day. “I didn’t exercise a lot in the past. Now it’s time to catch up!” he said. 74. ______________ 75. _______________ 76. ________________ 77. ________________ 78. ______________ 79. _______________ 80. ________________ 81. ________________

IX. 书面表达。(20分)

三月的校园,美在它的满园春色,美在它的琅琅书声。为了丰富校园文化,增强荣誉感和凝聚力,各个班级也开始了自身班级文化建设。如统一班服,开生日派对等。作为班级的一份子,请谈谈你的看法。 参考要点:

1. 班级文化建设的重要性;

2. 关于班级文化建设提出两条你的建议, 并阐明原因; 3. ……。 要求:


My Idea about Class Culture

These days, our school is doing a big job to develop the culture of our school ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

and every class also puts in much effort to build their own class culture.

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