牛津译林版江苏省句容市初中英语片区合作学案:9A Uni

九年级上册Unit 4 Task

主备:宝华中学 苏杭 审核: 日期: 2016.07.20

学校________ 班级____________ 姓名__________ 家长签字_______

一、 教学目标

1. 学会如何描述人物及其事迹。

2. 完成一篇对自己人生影响最大的人物的短文。 教学重点、难点

学会如何描述人物及其事迹。 二、词汇、短语

1. unusual adj. 不寻常的; 反义词 usual adj. 寻常 as usual ; usually adv 通常的 2. [.Com]surprise n. 惊奇,诧异;surprised adj 修饰人 ; surprising adj 修饰物 to one’s surprise 令某人惊奇的是 to one’s great surprise ; in surprise 惊讶地 3. death n. 死,死亡; die vi ; dead 死亡的 adj; dying 奄奄一息地 adj 三、句型(语法)

1. …is the person who has influenced me most. 2. ...is in his/her twenties/thirties/forties/…

3. You will not find anything unusual about him/her until… 4. To my surprise, …

5. When I was a little girl/boy, I could not understand… 【课前导学】


二:Read the article on P60 and answer some questions: 1. Who has influened her in her Iife?

2. What does her father look like?

3. What is special about her father?

4. What has her father done?Give one or two examples.

5. What does she think of her father? 三:翻译下列短语;

1、in his fifties 6、医学研究 2、care for 7、关心 3、in need 8、有一颗充满爱的心 4、to one’s surprise 9、献血

5. full of 10、对我影响最大的人 【课堂学习】 Step 1. Pre-writing

1. Guessing game 2. Free talk

Is there any person who has influenced you most during your life?

What should be mentioned while you are talking about a person who has influenced you? Step 2.While-writing 1. Finish Part B

Who has influenced the writer most? What does he/she look like? What is he/she like?

What has he/she done? Give one or two examples. What does the writer think of him/her? 2. Clear structure Organize our ideas clearly.

Introduction Who has influenced her most?

Main body Appearance / Personality / What he has done Conclusion What does the writer think of him? 3. Discussion:

What makes a good English article? 4. Useful expressions:

Underline beautiful words, phrases or sentence patterns in the article. 5. Writing time

Write the first draft (草稿) about a person who has influenced you most with the help of the following five questions.


Ss work in groups of 4 , exchange their writings and correct them. Step 3.Post-writing Choose 3-4 Ss’ writings and comment on them. 【课后拓展】


1. To our great ________________ (惊讶), he finished the work so quickly.

2. Experts said the findings raised important questions, but more __________ (研究) was needed. 3. My grandpa started to learn English in his __________________(四十). 4. More than 10 people lost their ____________ ( life ) in that traffic accident.

5. It’s a ( an ) ________________ ( usually ) experience. Few people have chances to do it. 6. The dog’s ______________ ( die ) made all the family very sad. 二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. We ____________________ (not leave) until the police get here.

2. My father finished the book and had it _________________ (publish) after the war. 3. He __________________ ( donate ) money many times since 2001. 4. The young man is so able that nothing _______________ (worry) him. 5. I ___________________( force ) to take a taxi because the last bus had left. 三、选择

( )1. --- Some children can't afford __________ necessary stationary. --- Let's donate our pocket money to them.

A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. be bought ( )2. --- What happened to the poor old man?

--- The next morning people found him ________ in his room. A. dead B. death C. died D. die

( )3. David’s cousin became a doctor in ______. He was in _______ at that time.

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