人教版七年级上册英语 Unit 6 Do you like bananas?



Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

Section 1 基础知识 第一主题:单词应知道

1.周;星期________2.(中午或晚上吃的)正餐______________3.早餐;早饭__________ 4.午餐___________5.吃____________6.健康的__________7.需要;想要_______ 8.变成_______9.食物__________10.面包__________11.生日___________ 12.蔬菜___________13.水果________________14. 西红柿___________

15.牛奶___________16. 汉堡包___________17.正确的;适当的____________ 18.苹果______________19.蛋;鸡蛋____________ 20.大米; 米饭____________

21.鸡肉_______________22. 明星;星星____________23.好;令人满意地___________ 24.习惯_____________25. 真正地_____________26.肥的;肥胖的_______

27.当然;肯定;一定_____________28. 香蕉___________29. 冰激凌_______________ 30.沙拉__________31.草莓_____________32.那么_________33.胡萝卜___________ 34. 问题_____________35.(引出评论或问题)那么_________ 第二主题: 短语你会写 1.思考;思索__________________________2(.提出建议)...怎么样?___________________ 3.想成为_____________________4.运动明星______________________ 5.健康食物__________________ 6.饮食习惯________________________ 第三主题: 重点句法 一、句型

1.Do you like bananas / hamburgers / salad…?

你喜欢香蕉 / 汉堡包 / 沙拉……吗?(用可数名词复数表种类)

Yes, I _______ / No, I __________. 是的,我喜欢。/ 不,我不喜欢。 2. like doing sth. = like to do sth. 喜欢做某事.

如:She likes ___________(eat) hamburgers. 她喜欢吃汉堡。

3. I like/have hamburgers _______ breakfast/ lunch / dinner/ supper. 早餐/中餐/晚餐我喜欢/吃汉堡。

4. want to do sth.想做某事。我不想变胖。I _______ want _______ ________ fat. 二、句型:Do you like salad? Yes, I ______./No, I _________.

Does he like pears? Yes, he _________./No, he _________. I like oranges. (否定句) I ________ _________ oranges. Sports star eats lots of __________ food.(health) 三、语法::一般现在时

1.一般现在时主要表示经常性或习惯性的动作、现在的特征或状态以及普遍真理。 例如:


Tom lives in England. 汤姆住在英国。 He likes to read. 他喜欢看书。 Light travels faster than sound. 光速比音速快。


_______ Tom live in England? 汤姆住在英国吗?Yes, he does.是的。

________ they like to go hiking? 他们喜欢远足吗?No, they don’t. 不,他们不喜欢。 2 单词 like

(1)介词 be/look like 像,看起来像She is/looks like her mother. (2)动词 like sth/like to do sth/ like doing sth

I like apples. She doesn't like to be late. He likes playing soccer. 特别注意:1.在一般现在时中,当主语是第三人称单数时,其肯定句的谓语由动词原形+s(es)构成。否定句的谓语由doesn’t+动词_____形构成。一般疑问句句首用Does,句中的谓语用动词_____形充当。当主语是第一、二人称单复数和第三人称复数时,肯定句的谓语由动词原形充当。否定句的谓语由_______+动词原形构成。一般疑问句句首用_______,句中的谓语用动词原形。

2.主语第三人称单数:he,she,it,my father,your sister,Tom 等等。 第四主题:【语法】

1、由like构成的肯定句,否定句,一般疑问句及其肯定与否定回答。 2、可数名词和不可数名词。 Section 2 随堂检测

( ) 1.He likes some _________. A.apple B.banana C. pear D.salad ( ) 2.There ______ some chicken on the table. A.are B.is C.does D.do

( ) 3.She doesn't like _________. A.tomato B.tomatoes C.tomatos D. a tomato ( ) 4. Do you like hamburgers? ________. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am. C. No, I do. ( ) 5.Let's _____ pears. A.have B.has C.had D. having

( ) 6. I often have chicken and fruit ________ dinner. A. of B. for C. at D.in ( ) 7. My brother __________ very much.

A. like banana B. likes bananas C. like bananas D. likes banana

( )8. Mary ____vegetables. A. don't like B.doesn't like C. doesn't likes D. not like ( )9. ________ does your father have ______ lunch? Chicken and tomatoes. A. What; for B. What; / C. How; for D. How; / ( )10. What ______ Tom like _______ for breakfast?

A. does; eat B. is; eat C. does; to eat D. is; to eat

( )11. –Does your English teacher sing (唱歌)very _____ ? --Yes, She does. A. good B. nice C. great D. well

( )12.Aunt Li likes bananas. A.eat B.eating C.eats D.ate 随堂检测 答案:1----12 DBBAABBBACDB



1.There are some ________(西红柿)in the basket. 2. We should eat lots of __________(蔬菜) 11. Peter likes ________ (play) basketball. 12. Xiaoming eats lots of ____________(health)food. 3. The little girl likes _____________(草莓)a lot.

4. I like f__________, for example(例如):apples, bananas and oranges. 5. Give him two ____________. (汉堡)

6. Tomorrow is Tom’s b_________. Let’s have a party for him. 7.I want to know about your eating h__________.

8. _______________(健康的)food is important(重要的).

9. It’s a r_________ hard (困难的)question. 10. The music s________ good. 11. I have noodles for b___________. 12. Zhou Jielun is a singing s________. 二、单项选择

( )1. I like ________. What about you?

A read books B reading books C watch TV D watches TV ( )2. Eating ______ food is good for our ________.

A healthily; health B health;healthy C healthy; health

( )3. I want ______ some books. A buying B buy C to buy D bought ( )4. I often have chicken and fruit ______ dinner. A for B of C at D in ( )5. Some ________ are flying kites near the river. A child B boy C boys D childs

( )6. Look! Some salad ______ here and some hamburgers ______ there. A are;are B are;is C is;are D is;is ( )7. Do you like those ______ in the box?

A tomatos B familys C strawberries D dictionarys ( )8. ---I feel thirsty.(口渴的) I want something to drink. What about you?

---OK. Let’s go and buy some ________. A milk B bread C chocolate ( )9. ---There ______ lots of bread on the plate. Would you like some? --- Just a little, please. A is B are C am D be

( )10.--- ______ does your father have ______ lunch? --- Chicken and tomatoes. A What; for B What;/ C How; for D How; /

( )11. He eats eggs, oranges _____ apples. A. or B. and C. but D. / ( )12.Let’s ___broccoli. Oh, no. I ___carrots.

A.to have, likes B.have, don’t like C.to have, don’t like D. have like

( )13.---Let’s watch TV.---It ___boring. A.has B.sounds C. sound D.have ( )14.Amy ___every day.

A. watch TV B.play sports C.plays computer games D.likes oranges 三、用所给单词的正确形式填空:

1.There are four ___________(tomato) in the drawer.

2.Jeff likes ____________ (strawberry) very much. 3.Are these _________ (you)oranges? 4..Sonia _______ (have) a sports collection. 5.She _______(like) bananas. 6.I _______( not like) math. 7. She ________(play) sports every day. 8.The food _______(be)very healthy. 9.Where _______ (be)the vegetables? 10. –Do you like bananas? --No, I don’t like __________ (it) at all.


四、按要求改写句子 (10分)

1. Linda and Tom like French fries. (改成否定句) Linda and Tom _______ ______ French fries.

2. Does Tom like eggs for breakfast? (否定回答) ______, ______ _______. 3.She doesn’t have lunch. (变肯定句) She _______ lunch.

4. My teacher plays basketball. (改一般疑问句)______ your teacher ________ basketball? 5. We play volleyball. (变成由Let开头的祈使句)______ _______ volleyball. 6.I like a tomato.(变为复数形式) ________ like ___________. 7. She eats vegetables and fruits every day.(变否定句)

She ________ _________ vegetables________fruits every day. 8. My sister has eggs and apples for breakfast(划线提问). _________ _________ your sister ________ for breakfast? 五、根据汉语意思完成句子(每小题2分,满分10 分)

1.我叔叔不喜欢早饭吃鸡蛋。 My uncle ________ _______ eggs __________ breakfast. 2.晚餐我喜欢吃鸡肉。___________dinner, I _________ __________.

3.你喜欢玩电脑游戏吗?________ you ________ _________computer games? 4、Jake吃许多健康的食物。Jake ______ lots of _______ _________. 5. Linda’s ________ ________ (Linda的饮食习惯)is unhealthy.

6. 英语对我来说很难。English is very ________ ________ ________.

7. 姚明和乔丹是篮球明星. Yao Ming and Jordan ______ basketball ________. 8.他经常在放学后和他爸爸打乒乓球。

He often ________ping-pong ________ his dad ______ _________. 六、任务型阅读 What do you like?

My name is Jack. I (1)________ a big family. I have one brother and one sister. My brother likes milk,(2)___________汉堡包and eggs for breakfast. At noon, my sister likes French fries,chicken,salad and apples for(3)__________ . (4) I like ice cream for dessert(甜点). My parents like eating lots of vegetables and(5)_________food for dinner. My grandparents like eating lots of fruit for dinner. What do you like? 根据短文内容,完成下列任务:

1.选择正确的动词填入(1)处: A.has B.have C.like D.are 2.根据汉语意思拼写画线(2)处单词:___________________ 3.根据上下文推测画线(3)处所要补充的单词: 4.将画线(4)部分译成汉语。

5.在画线(5)处用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空:_____________(health) 七、写作

根据下面表格的提示,写出你和你的朋友Mike各一日三餐喜欢吃什么和不喜欢吃什么。(不少于50个单词) You Mike Breakfast √ eggs, hamburgers / × / Lunch Dinner √ / × salad, apples, rice √ / × fruit, chicken tomatoes, bread cola, French fried / vegetables, meat(肉) / 课下知识巩固答案:

一、1.tomatoes 2.vegetables 3.strawberries 4.fruit 5.hamburgers 6.birthday 7.habits

8.Healthy 9.really 10.sounds 11.breakfast 12.star 二、1----7 BCCACCC 8----14 AAABBBC

三、1.tomatoes 2.strawberries 3.your 4.has 5.likes 6.don’t like 7.plays 8.is 9.are 10.them 11.playing 12.healthy 四、1. don’t like 2.No; he doesn’t 3.has 4.Does; play 5.Let’s play 6.We; tomatoes

7.doesn’t eat or 8.What does have

五、1.doesn’t like for 2.For like chicken 3.Do like playing 4.has healthy food

5.eating habits 6.difficult for me 7. are stars 8.plays with after school 六、1.B 2.hamburgers 3.lunch 4.甜点我喜欢冰激凌。5.healthy 七、写作 (略)


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