仁爱版英语八年级上册Unit2 Topic3单元测试题

July 2, 2013

Dear Betty,

I think Bird Flu is very bad. Many chickens, ducks and birds in our country got the disease. Some of them died, but some birds flew away and they might carry germs to other places. This is a serious problem. We must do something to solve it. Let me tell you what people have to do to keep away from the disease.

* Do morning exercises every day. * Open the windows in the morning. * Wash hands very often.

* Eat more vegetables and less meat. * Go to bed early.

I think these are good for our health. Do you think so?

Yours, Cindy


( )46. From the letter we know Cindy comes from _______.

A. Canada

B. the U. S. A.

C. China

D. Japan

( )47. Betty wrote her an e-mail to ask _______.

A. whether (是否) Cindy got Bird Flu

B. how to keep away from Bird Flu

C. when Bird Flu began to spread D. how Bird Flu spread in Cindy’s country

( )48. A hard problem to fight Bird Flu is _______.

A. we don’t have better doctors or nurses B. Bird Flu is serious

C. some places are still poor

D. birds with the germs will carry germs to other places

( )49. What does the underlined word “solve” mean in Chinese?

A. 解决

B. 分析

C. 通告

D. 治愈

( )50. From Cindy’s letter, we know _______ is bad for our health.

A. washing hands very often B. going to bed late every day

C. eating more vegetables and less meat D. opening the windows in the morning


There are many kinds of after-school activities in the world.


Swimming can give students physical exercise and it can help to keep heart and lungs healthy. It is a good way to keep fit.

Art or music classes

Just remember that it is not about how ① you draw, sing or play an instrument. The most important thing is that you can get a chance to express something about yourself.

Team sports

There are many kinds of team sports: basketball, football, baseball, etc. ② You had better find a team sport you like best. It can help you learn skills and also help you learn teamwork. Of course, You can make many friends when you relax yourself.

What after-school activities do you often take part in? 阅读短文内容,完成任务。 任务一:判断正(T)误(F)。

( )51. If you want to have a music class as an after-school activity, you must be good at it.

( )52. Team sports can make you learn teamwork. 任务二:在文中①处选择适当单词,使句意通顺。

( )53. A. fast

B. well

C. high





Why is swimming a good way to keep fit?


七. 书面表达。(20分)


Unit 2 Keeping Healthy

Topic 3 Must we exercise to prevent the flu?



(A)1. build up 2. happening 3. message 4. fat (B)6. themselves 7. Finally


11. keep/make; clean 12. spent; finishing 13. What should 14. ahead 15. Do; have to


16 C 在打电话时, 介绍自己时不说I’m . . ., 应该用This is . . . 。

17. D

因为ask sb. to do sth.是固定短语,故排除A、B;又因build up的宾

5. no

8. illness 9. yourself 10. building


18. D

根据语境“打电话我不在家”可排除A、B;又因为ring up的宾语


19. B “我可以问您一些问题吗?” “可以, 请讲。”只有B项符合表达习惯。

20. D

must表示“必须”。在句型Must I/we…?中,它的否定回答一般不用

No, you mustn’t. 要用No, you needn’t. 或No, you don’t have to.

21. A

教某人……应用teach sb. , 表示“自学”, 可用teach . . . by oneself或

learn . . . by oneself。

22. B

根据语境“老师要我们远离网吧”可排除C、D;又因tell sb. to do sth.


23. C 24. B

因为advice是不可数名词且所求建议又非特指故排除B, D和A选C。 May I…?常用于征询对方意见、请求或许可,其否定回答根据语气

常用mustn’t 或can’t。根据题意应选can’t。

25. A


26. I’m sorry he is not in.

27. What’s wrong with him?/What happened? 28. I’m sorry to hear that. 29. Is the hospital far from here? 30. I hope so.

五.完形填空。 31. C

32. B 33. D 34. A 35. C 36. A 37. B 38. C

put out“伸出”,医生要给她做检查,请她伸出舌头。 从下文可知医生认为她没有病。 take exercise“锻炼”。 tell sb. sth.“告诉某人某事”。 like在此是介词“像”。

根据上下文,此句应意为“我不想听任何借口”,故选hear。 for表示目的,exercise在这里作名词用。

从上文得知“你不经常锻炼就会变胖”,get fat“变胖”。 根据语境“胃差的人不宜喝甜水吃甜食”,故选A。

39. D a few修饰可数名词复数,表示肯定意义,而few修饰可数名词复数,

表示否定意义,little和a little修饰不可数名词,故选D。 40. D

六.阅读理解。 (A) 41. B 42. B 43. D 44. C

根据表格第四行可知“在周三只有Li Lei在运动”,故选B。 根据表格倒数第二行可知“在周六有三人在运动”,故选B。 根据表格显示“Steve从周一到周六都没运动”,故选D。 根据表格显示“周一至周六Li Lei都在运动”,故选C。 Would you please …? 后跟动词原形; listen to“听……讲”。

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