




第一节 音节辨别,找出划线部分与所给音标发音相同的单词(共4小题;每小题1分,满分4分) 1. [i:] A. kill 2. [ei] A. age

B. machine B. band

C. inside C. many

D. picnic D. pattern D. attended D. nervous 3. [id] A. kicked 4. [u] A. sound

B. returned B. ground

C. followed C. should

第二节 语音辨别,找出四个选项中划线部分发音不同的单词(共3小题:每小题1分。满分3分) 5. A. cup 6. A. dreams

B. under

C. country C. laughs C. think

D. during D. breaks D. thank B. makes B. those

7. A. everything

第三节 重音辨别,指出四个选项中重音不同的单词 (共3小题:每小题1分,满分3分) 8. A. market 9. A. energy

B. protect B. relative B. usually

C. yourself C. engineer

D. return D. everyone

10. A. pollution

C. important D. Australia


Do you remember the 540 dancing robots in 2016 New Year Gala? Now, these small robots are popular in ____11____ daily life. Besides dancing they can do many ____12____ things. You often ____13____ them everywhere. such as banks, hospitals, airports and stations.

About ten years ago, we ____14____ our computers to complete work with apps. Now

the robots use a voice software (软件), ____15____ they can even answer people’s questions. For example, the robots at the airports or stations can tell you the information about time, ticket prices and so on. If you have trouble sleeping a bedtime story ____16____.With the help of ____17____ software, you don’t need parents ____18____ a book. A story-telling robot can help you. If you are alone at home, you can chat with a talking robot.

____19____ do you think of these robots? Do you want one? However, they are a little expensive. If you ____20____ enough money, you can’t buy one. 11. A. our

B. we B. others B. saw B. use B. when

C. ourselves C. the other C. see C. uses C. so

D. us D. other D. will see D. used D. because D. helped D. / D. reads D. Which D. doesn’t have

12. A. another 13. A. sees

14. A. will use 15. A. if

16. A. will help 17. A. an

B. helping B. a

C. help C. the C. read C. Why

18. A. read 19. A. How

B. reading B. What

20. A. won’t have B. don’t have

C. didn’t have


It’s not easy to be an astronaut’s son. Everybody ____21____ you can be special or perfect. My father is so special and so good for ____22____ he does. Even in middle school he was class president and captain of the football team.

One morning, my teacher said there would be a Father’s Day ____23____ competition for the whole school. “I hope we will have a ____24____ in my class.”

When I got home, I started to ____25____ what to say. How did I see my father? I saw him sitting with me in the dark when I had a ____26____ dream. I remembered how he hugged(拥抱) me for hours when a car killed my dog Spotty. Yes, these were the things I was going to say. To me, he wasn’t just a world — famous ____27____. He was my dad.

My parents and I went to school Thursday night. The hall was full of people. I went up to

the stage and read what I had written, “My father’s son”. When I finished, people ____28____ and clapped their hands excitedly. I saw tears running down my father’s face. He came and said, “Son, this is the ____29____ moment of my life.’’

It was a wonderful moment in my life, too. Maybe I’ll ____30____ be a great hero or win a Nobel Prize, but it was enough just to be my father’s son. 21. A. says

B. agrees

C. hopes

D. teachers D. anything D. singing D. winner D. ask for D. funny D. captain

22. A. everything 23. A. reading

B. something B. writing B. reporter

C. nothing C. speaking C. monitor C. listen to C. bad

24. A. student

25. A. think about B. talk about 26. A. happy 27. A. father

B. nice

B. parent B. sat down B. busiest

C. astronaut

28. A. stoop up 29. A. saddest 30. A. never

C. went away D. came in C. longest C. always

D. greatest D. often

B. sometimes


第一节 阅读理解(共10小题:每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A

TFboys, a boy band that has three middle school students, became the talk all over China.

Some say that TFboys has become popular only because they have pretty faces. But take a serious look at the three boys, and you may know what has helped them win over so many

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