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一、“年、月、日、小时”的表达 (一)表示“在某年”:

①in + 阿拉伯数字(读的时候用基数词,从后到前,分两截来读)。如: He was born in 1971. (1971读作nineteen seventy-one) ②使用year时,year放在数词之前。如:

In the year 253 B.C. (253 B. C. 读作two five three B.C. ) 在公元前253年。 (二)表示“在某月”:

in+月份名词(开头第一字母要大写), 如:in January / February。 (三)表示“在某月某日”:

①on + 月份+ 序数词(th可省略, 但读时要念出来)。如: National Day is on Oct. 1.

② on +the + 序数词+ of + 月份。如: National Day is on the 1st of October. (四)表示“在某整点钟”:

at+基数词 (+ o'clock/ sharp)。如: Our meeting will begin at five o’clock. (五)表示“在几点几分”:

①不超过半小时用“at + 分钟 + past +小时”,表示“几点过几分”。如: at twenty past six.六点过二十分

②超过半小时用“at +分钟 + to +小时”,表示“几点差几分”。如: at a quarter to twelve十二点差一刻

③表示“半小时”用half, 表示“一刻”用quarter。

(六)“某年某月某日某小时某分”的综合表达,按“at+ 小时 + on +月份 + 日期的序数词,+年份”写出, 年份前常用逗号。如:

在1993年9月2日8点半:写作:at half past eight on September 2(nd), 1993.



①in + the +序数词+century。如:

in the eighteenth (18th) century 在公元十八世纪。

② in +the +百位进数加’s。如:in the1900’s 在二十世纪。 (二)表示“在某年代”:

①in + the + 阿拉伯数字加“’s”或“s”。如: in the 1930's在二十世纪三十年代。

②表示某年代的早期、中期和晚期,可以在定冠词后,年代前添加 early,mid-,late。如: in the early 1920’s 在二十世纪二十年代早期, in the mid-1950’s 在二十世纪五十年代中期。

(三)表示“在某日(节日/星期)”:on +某日(节日/星期)。如: on Monday, on Children’s day, on Chrismas Day

三、“早、午、晚”的表达 (一)泛指“早、午、晚”:

①通常morning,afternoon,evening等词前用介词in +the。

②当这些词前后有一修饰限定的词作为定语,把它们限定为某一天早晨、下午或晚上时,介词in应改为on。修饰限定词可以是介词短语、名词、形容词、定语从句等。如:on a cold morning of December.2006。

③当morning, afternoon, evening前有this, that, yesterday, tomorrow等词修饰时,前不加任何介词。如:this morning在今天上午。

(二)表示“早、午、晚”的时间点用at。如: at dawn拂晓时, at daybreak在天刚亮的时候, at midnight在半夜,at noon在正午。 (三)表示“在某年某月某日的上午/下午/晚上几点”,用“at + 小时+on the morning / afternoon / evening +of +月份 + 日期的序数词+ 年份”写出。如: at half past nine on the morning of February 10, 2009 在2009年2月10日上午九点半


(一)表示“在前天、今天,明天、后天”:直接用the day before yesterday, today,tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, 其前不用任何介词。

(二) this, that, these, those, next, last等词修饰day, week, month, year, century等表示时间的名词时,其前不加介词。

(三) 表示“每隔?”的用法

①表示“每隔一天(星期、月等)”:用“every other day/week/month” 或“every second day/week/month”。

②表示“每隔?天(星期、月等)”:用“every+ 序数词+ day/ week / month”或“every+ 基数词+ days/weeks/months”。

③表示“每隔几天(星期、月等)”:用“every few days/weeks/months”


1. 开头句型

1.As far as ...is concerned 2.It goes without saying that...

3.It can be said with certainty that... 4.As the proverb says, ... 5.It has to be noticed that...

6.It's generally recognized that... 7.It's likely that ... 8.It's hardly that...

9.It's hardly too much to say that...

10.What calls for special attention is that...

2. 衔接句型

1.A case in point is ... 2.As is often the case...

3.As stated in the previous paragraph

4.But the problem is not so simple. Therefore... 5.But it's a pity that... 6.For all that...

7.In spite of the fact that...

8.Further, we hold opinion that... 9.However , the difficulty lies in...

10.Similarly, we should pay attention to... 11.not(that)...but(that)...

3. 结尾句型

1.I will conclude by saying...

2.Therefore, we have the reason to believe that... 3.All things considered, ... It may be safely said that...

4.Therefore, in my opinion, it's more advisable...

5.From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that... 6.The data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that... 7.It can be concluded from the discussion that... 8.From my point of view, it would be better if...

4. 举例句型

1.Let's take...to illustrate this.

2.let's take the above chart as an example to illustrate this. 3.Here is one more example.

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