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作者:沈萍 陈燕 李捷 杨雪君
关键词:配送中心选址;0—1整数规划;并行算法; 中图分类号:TP301.6 文献标识码:A
Distribution Centers
(1.School of Computer, Electronics and Information, Guangxi University, Nanning530004, Guangxi, China;
2. Department of Computer, Electronics and Information Engineering, Guangxi Polytechnic, Nanning530226, Guangxi, China;
3.Guangxi Electronic Products Supervising And Testing Institude,Nanning530031,China) Abstract:According to the theory of 0—1 programming, this paper presents the model for the problem of logistics distribution centers location. And a new parallel algorithm for the proposed model is given based on objective values sorting and improved PSRS. The tasks of verify solutions have been partitioned and submited to p processors, which verify solutions in parallel. The proposed method have excellent speed up in p.
龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
Key words:location of logistics distribution centers;0—1 integer programming;parallel algorithm;PSRS 1引言
在物流网络中,配送中心是供需双方的连接纽带,是整个物流系统的核心。如何有效的进行配送中心的选址是物流网络系统规划的核心问题,往往决定物流配送网络系统的结构、形状和配送模式,进而对物流系统的运作效率乃至物流行业经济效益的提高有重大影响。 针对配送中心选址的研究,国内外的学者主要围绕配送中心选址模型的建立和求解两方面展开研究,在理论和实践上都取得了较大的成果。目前物流中心选址模型大致可分为连续性模型和离散性模型两类。连续性模型对备选地点没有特别限制,但是有可能得出没有实际意义的选址结果,其代表性的方法是重心法;离散性模型则是在有限的备选地点中选择最佳的地点,获得的选址结果较符合实际情况,其代表性的方法有整数或混合整数规划法、运输规划法、Cluster 法、