






1. Is this the key

A. of B. to C. for D. from 2. There

a table tennis match sometime next week, isn’t there?

the door?

A. is going to be B. is going to have C. will have D. will be

3. She told her daughter

A. to not play B. not to play C. don’t play D. not play

in the street any more.

4. “What’s on the desk?” “________ some glasses.”

A. It is B. There is C. They are D. There are 5. You can have


meat, but you can’t have


A. neither…nor…both B. both…and…neither

C. either…or…both

D. either…or…neither 6. There’s not

work to do. I can leave soon.

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A. many B. a

C. little D. much

7. The box on the desk is made

A. of


B. from C. in D. out

8. You can’t go into the room because it

A. isn’t cleaned B. not cleaned


C. hasn’t been cleaned D. won’t be cleaned 9. She

has lunch at home on Sundays.

A. don’t B. hardly C. doesn’t D. not

10. What’s wrong

A. on B. at C. of D. with

this machine? It doesn’t work.

11. ______ house is beautiful. But ______ is more beautiful than ________. A. Toms … my … he

B. Tom's … mine … his C. Tom's … mine … him D. Tom's … my … his

12. “How many people will go to London for the Olympic Games in 2012?”

“It’s hard to say.___________ people, I think.” A. Million of

B. Millions of

C. Two millions of D. Two million of

13. I thought the task would be very hard but it ________ to be easy.

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A. showed

B. made out C. had

D. turned out

14. We had many pens, but A. few

B. a few


C. not many D. not much 15. The water

steam when the temperature is above 100℃.

A. becomes into

B. makes into C. takes into D. turns into

16. Of all the actresses, she speaks English __________. A. the most fluent

B. most fluently C. better D. the most beautiful

17. Mary and Bob _______ married on 9th April, 2009. They time.

A. get…are

in love for a long

B. got…have been C. have got…were D. got…were 18. The

girl wanted her brother to turn off the TV set.

A. afraid

B. frightened C. frightening D. frighten 19. The doctor

on the boy as soon as he


A. operates…gets

B. operates…will get C. will operate... gets D. will operate…get

20. The _______ soldier was sent to the field hospital.

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