


本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分,共12页。 考生注意事项:



3、答第II卷时,必须使用0.5毫米的黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上书写,要求字体工整、笔迹清晰。必须在题号所指示的答题区域作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、...................草稿纸上答题无效。 ........

4、考试结束后,务必将试题卷和答题卡上一并上交。 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



The London Travelcard is a paper ticket that is valid on all London public transport.

Online exclusive: you can not buy a paper 7 Day Travelcard from Underground stations in London — it can only be bought in advance.

Unlimited travel: the Travelcard gives you unlimited travel on London’s public transport


No queuing: while other visitors wait in line at the train station with their heavy bags, you’ll be ready to travel as soon as you arrive in London.

Low prices: a Travelcard is of great value, and you get a discount on the Tames Riverboats and Emirates Air Line cable car.

Should I buy an Anytime Travelcard or an Off Peak Travelcard?

It depends on what time of the day you will be travelling:

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Anytime Travelcards can be used at any time; Off Peak Travelcards are cheaper, but cannot be used on Monday to Friday before 9:30 am. Which zones do I need a Travelcard for? The center of London, including most major attractions, is in Zones 1–2. Most suburban (郊区的) areas of London, including Wembley Stadium and Wimbledon Tennis Club, are within Zones 1-4. Almost the whole of London, including Heathrow and London City Airports, is in Zones 1-6. To check which zones the areas you want to visit are in, see the full map of the London transport network. Tickets prices: Zones 1–2 Zones 1–3 Zones 1–4 Adult: 12.10 1 Day Anytime N/A N/A Child: 6.00 N/A Child: 8.60 Adult: 12.10 1 Day Off Peak N/A N/A N/A N/A Child: 6.00 Adult: 32.40 7 Day Anytime Child: 16.20 Child: 19.00 Child: 23.30 Child: 27.60 Child: 29.60 Adult: 6.00 Single Journey N/A N/A N/A N/A Child: 3.00 Ticket prices: N/A: Not applicable Adult: 38.00 Adult: 46.50 Adult: 55.20 Adult: 59.10 Zones 1–5 Zones 1–6 Adult: 17.20 Adult: (16+) Child :(11-15)—Under 11 travel free, 11+ need their own travel ticket. N/A: Not available 21. what ‘s the advantage of using London travelcard? A. You can travel more places in London B. You can avoid the peak time

C. You may get a discount on all transport in London

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D. It saves you a lot of time waiting in line to get a ticket

22. what is your best choice if you want to travel from central London to Heathrow? A. A London Travelcard for zones 1-2 B. A London Travelcard for zones 1-3 C. A London Travelcard for zones 1-4 D. A London Travelcard for zones 1-6

23. how much should be pay if Jack is planning to take his two kids aged 10 and 12 to travel in zones 1-2 with the 7day anytime tickets? A. 32.40 B. 64.80 C. 48.60 D. 81.00

24. What’s the purpose of this passage? A. to guide how travel in London B. to introduce the London Travelcard C. to introduce the public transport in London

D. to compare the different transportation means in London


The sun was slipping down through the trees and it was time to go home. Time was running out. His mother would look at him and she would know. She always knew. A hot tear ran down his cheek. She trusted him. This was the first year she had left him alone for three hours between school and the time she got home from work. She had to work to buy his clothes and to pay for their food and for a place to live. He remembered the nice way she said, “You are a little man now, Joy.” It made him sad when his mother’s words came back to him. She trusted him.

Remembering this, he felt as if someone had stuck a sharp stick into his side. Her trust in him was all he could think about now. It drove everything else from his mind. “She trusted me.” He kept saying to himself. “She trusted me.” This was most important. Next to this, the pipe(烟斗) and its magic power meant nothing.

Joy looked at the long shadows coming toward him. He now knew what he had to do. And he was in a hurry to get it done. When he took the pipe, he left the store with slow unsure steps. Now

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