
0000 harmonious disastrous spacious hazardous virtuous victorious desirous adventurous evenly routinely consequent respectively

Text A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 2

1.victorious 2.hazardous 3.consequent 4.adventurous 5.disastrous 6.disastrous 7.spacious 8.respectively 9. virtuous10.routinely 11.harmonious 12.desirous

Text A > Language focus > Banked cloze (1)

-------99888 0000 incompatible (2) preserve biodiversity. (3) available (4) proportion (5) utilized (6) converted (7) dreadful (8) balance (9) sane (10) considerable

-------99888 0000 Text A > Language focus > Expressions in use

1.took on 2.called upon 3.runs against the grain 4. be incompatible with5.come through 6.is bound up 7.differentiate between 8.have struck a chord with

Text B: Reading comprehension: Understanding


Text B > Language focus > Words in use

1.converge 2impaired 3contaminate 4.vulgar 5.dweller 6.alienate 7.prefer 8.injected 9.deplore 10.inverted

-------99888 0000

Text B > Language focus > Expressions in use

1.be obedient to 2.leaned against 3.subscribe to 4.preside over 5.shutting out 6.plunged into 7.plunged into 8.are disconnected from

Collocation: : Practice 1

Collocation: : Practice 2

-------99888 0000

Unit 5

Text A: Language focus: Words in use


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