


摘 要 ........................................................................................I 第一章 绪论 ------------------------------------------- 3

1.1课题研究的背景及其意义 -------------------------------------------- 4 1.2 国内外研究情况 -------------------------------------------------------- 5 1.3 非开挖水平钻机的结构及工作原理-------------------------------- 6 1.4 课题的研究 -------------------------------------------------------------- 6

第2章 非开挖水平定向钻机动力头装置设计的方案 ------ 8

2.1动力头现阶段情况 ----------------------------------------------------- 8 2.2 动力头方案对比与选择----------------------------------------------- 9

第3章 非开挖水平定向钻机动力头装置参数的确定 ------- 13

3.1最大回拖力 ------------------------------------------------------------ 13 3.2最大回转扭矩 --------------------------------------------------------- 13 3.3动力头零部件选型与设计 ------------------------------------------ 15

第4章 动力头的三维建模 --------------------------------------------- 28

4.1 动力头的三维建模 -------------------------------------------------- 29 4.2 动力头传动运动仿真现象........................................................28

第5章 总结 ------------------------------------------- 33 参考文献: ---------------------------------------------- 34



摘 要

非开挖水平定向钻机是完成地下管线铺设和修复的重要机械装置之一,在加大城市化建设的过程中起着不可替代的作用。在该钻机中,动力头起着重要性的作用,它是给钻机提供推进和回拖运动的机械传动执行结构,其性能直接影响整机的工作效率。本文基于非开挖水平钻机动力头进行结构设计,并对其进行三维建模与运动仿真。首先以非开挖水平钻机的背景和意义为入手点,介绍了研究该课题的必要性;接着通过对动力头不同结构的分析,选择出适合该课题的结构类型,并对内部结构进行选型和设计;采用传统的设计和强度校核方法,验证了设计的合理性;最后完成三维建模,并对模型进行整体装配,完成传动部分的运动仿真。本文研究的水平定向钻机,在设计和疲劳强度方面基本符合产品的要求。 关键词:非开挖水平钻机;动力头;设计;三维建模


Trenchless horizontal directional drill head unit design


Trenchless horizontal directional drilling is completed underground pipeline repair and laid one of the important mechanical device, the application of trenchless horizontal rigs plays an irreplaceable role during the process of increasing urbanization. Trenchless horizontal drilling rig, the power head plays a role of importance; it is the mechanical drive to the rig and implementation structures provide propulsion and drag back to the action, its performance directly affects the efficiency of the machine. The paper is based on thesefeatures of trenchless horizontal drill head for structure design, and carries on themodeling and Dynamic Simulation. First, this paper through the background and signifc-ance of trenchless horizontal drilling rigs starting point, introduces the necessity to do this project; followed by an analysis of the internal structure of the different power head,choose the appropriate type of structure we need, and completed the selection and designof the internal structure; using the traditional method of design and strength check, verify the rationality of the design; Finally, complete it’s the 3D-modeling based on thewhole assembly model and transmission part of Dynamic Simulation. In this paper, in terms of design and fatigue strength aspect basically with the requirement of product in our study the horizontal directional drilling.

Key Words: Trenchless Horizontal Drill; Power Head; Design; 3D-modeling.

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