
翻译句子,并根据问题选择相应的答语。 班级 三( )

【5~7单元 功能句】

1. ( ) What’s the weather like today? 姓名 成绩 2. ( ) It’s rainy.

A. Yes, we do. 3. ( ) Do you have a lot of snow in B. Here you are. winter?

C. It’s sunny.

4. ( ) May I borrow your makers, please?

D. I collect rulers. I have forty. E. It’s in November. F. I can put on my new raincoat. Let’s celebrate Chinese New Year together.

5. ( ) What do you collect?

6. ( ) When is Thanksgiving?

Fifty plus ten is sixty.

One hundred minus ten is ninety.

I like the colourful balls.

They are gold, silver, and red.

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