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考试时间:2014年12月6日 09:30-11:30

考生姓名: 准考证号: 考点(考区):











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一、客观题(本大题有60小题,每小题1分,共60分) [1-20] Listening: 20%(听力,20分) Section A

Directions: In this section you will hear 5 questions.After you hear each question, read the four choices in your paper and decide which is the correct answer to the question you have heard.Each question will be read twice.

1.A.Yes, I am. B.Yes, I am not.

C.No, I am. D.No, I?m from the USA. 2.A.Next year. B.USD$ 1,000. C.Early September. D.FOB.

3.A.5%. B.100%. C.CIF. D.firm offer. 4.A.I?m afraid yes. B.I?m afraid not. C.Sight L/C. D.Sight draft. 5.A.For 110% of the invoice value. B.With the PICC. C.Against the insurer. D.All Risks. Section B

Directions: In this section you will hear 10 statements.After you hear each statement, read the four choices in your paper and decide which one means similarly to the statement you have heard. The sections will be read twice.

6.A.In the meantime, we?ll have to spend all our savings. B.In the meantime, we?ll have to tighten our belt. C.In the meantime, we?ll have to save money. D.In the meantime, we?ll have to borrow money. 7.A.I need to put on my sleeves and figure out the finances. B.I need to take off my sleeves and figure out the finances. C.I need to buy the dress and figure out the finances. D.I need to get prepared and figure out the finances. 8.A.The agent is billing me for everything. B.The agent is killing me for everything.

第1页 (共12页)

C.The agent is paying the cost for everything. D.The agent is shifting the cost for everything. 9.A.Your advertising campaign was a real success. B.Your advertising campaign was a real failure. C.Your advertising campaign was a real stop. D.Your advertising campaign was a real shop.

10.A.You?re firing me? B.You?re hiring me?

C.You?re kidding me? D.You?re pushing me? 11.A.Susan stood up all night thinking about her new business. B.Susan lay up all night thinking about her new business. C.Susan was awake all night thinking about her new business. D.Susan sat up all night thinking about her new business.

12.A.Are you prepared to work a dog? B.Are you prepared to work very hard? C.Are you prepared to walk like a dog? D.Are you prepared to walk a dog? 13.A.Our business plan has been made. B.Our business plan has not been made. C.Our business plan is a success. D.Our business plan is a failure. 14.A.My customers will not like these products. B.My customers will not buy these products. C.My customers will not use these products.

D.My customers will be quite interested in these products. 15.A.I know I?ve been happy since I got fired. B.I know I?ve been unhappy since I got fired. C.I know I?ve been depressed since I got fired.

D.I know I?ve been depressing since I got fired. Section C

Directions: In this section you will hear 5 short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, there will be a question about what was said. After you hear a conversation and question about it, read the four choices in your paper and decide which is the correct answer to the question you have heard. Both the conversations and the questions will be read twice.

16.A.A seller. B.A buyer. C.A boss. D.An employee.

第2页 (共12页)

17.A.The packaging of the goods. B.The packing of the goods.

C.The sales of the goods. D.The after-sales services of the goods. 18.A.Two weeks before shipment. B.Two months before shipment. C.One month before shipment. D.A month after shipment. 19.A.2%. B.5%. C.6%. D.7%. 20.A.No, he doesn?t. B.Yes, he does.

C.No, he does. D.Yes, he doesn?t.

[21-60] Reading Comprehension: 40%(阅读理解,40分) Section A

Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.This section totals 10 points, one point for each sentence.

21.Please reply as soon as possible, the earliest shipment date and terms of payment.

A.stated B.as stated C.stating D.state

22.We would not give you any lower price you could place an order for more than 500


A.expect B.until C.unless D.besides 23.There is a steady demand in Europe leather gloves high quality.

A.for, with B.for, of C.at, with D.in, of 24.We enquire glassware available export.

A.for, to B.for, for C.to, for D.of, about 25. we thank you for your enquiry, we regret being unable to make you an offer for the

time being.

A.While B.When C.As D.Since 26.Please mark the initials of our company on the .

A.inner packing B.outer packing C.products D.boxes 27.Our strong packing will certainly help the sales of the product.

A.promotional B.promotion B.promote D.promoting 28.We are writing to the arrangements we made with you.

第3页 (共12页)

A.conduct B.make C.confine D.confirm 29.We are fully aware the trouble you are faced with.

A.of B.in C.at D./ 30. heavy commitments, we cannot accept any fresh orders.

A.Since B.Because C.Owing to D.As Section B

Directions: There are 15 blanks in the following letter.You are required to choose the best one from the given four choices marked A, B, C, and D.This section totals 15 points, one point for each blank. Dear Mr.Wong We have received your letter 31 the 1st of October, asking us to modify the previous arrangements 32 the shipment of the captioned order. We understand that instead 33 two equal shipments 34 January and February, 2004, you now wish to have 80% of the goods shipped in November and the balance in December 2003. 35 reply, we wish to inform you that although we are 36 a position to supply you 37 the goods against the above mentioned order from stock, we are advised 38 the shipping company that because direct vessels, either liner 39 tramp, sailing 40 your port are few and 41 between, the shipping space has been fully booked up to the end of November.In the circumstances, we regret being unable to meet your request. However, if you would allow transshipment at Hong Kong, we would do our best to make further contacts 42 the shipping company for the shipment of the first lot of the goods in November. In this case, you must 43 the additional charges. In spite of this, we wonder if the goods in question will reach you earlier 44 the originally scheduled time. Please 45 the above into consideration and let us know your decision as early as possible. Sincerely yours 第4页 (共12页)

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