仁爱版九年级英语下unit 5教案

Unit 5 Topic 1

Section A

The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1. Master some new words and phrases: tourist, fetch, introduce, lie in

2. Learn the attributive clause (with the use of that, which):

(1)China is a big country that has about 5,000 years of history.

(2)If you want to learn more, I can fetch you Guide to China. It’s a book which introduces China in detail.

3. Learn about geography of China.

4. Train the students in loving our homeland through learning about geography of China. Ⅱ. Teaching aids教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间:15分钟)

1. (幻灯片出示兵马俑、西湖、长城的图片,通过对风景名胜的复习教学生新词attract和 tourist,并为1a对话的学习进行铺垫。) T: What’s this?

Ss: It’s Terra Cotta Warriors. T: What do you think of it? S1: It’s one of the great wonders. T: What’s this?

Ss: It’s the Great Wall.

T: What do you think of it?

S2: It’s great. Many people visit it every year. I hope I can go there some day. T: What’s this? Ss: It’s West Lake.

T: What do you think of West Lake? S3: It’s beautiful.

2. (教师总结呈现新词:attract, tourist。)

T: The Terra Cotta Warriors, West Lake and the Great Wall are the places of interest. Many tourists come to visit them every year. The tourists are from all over the world.

(板书) tourist n.旅行者 That is to say “The Great Wall attracts many tourists all over the world every year.” (板书) attract v.吸引,引起 T: I think our country attracts me most. Do you know about China? (从话题的角度引出相关的中国地理中的名山与河流。) S4: Yes, I do. S5: Only a little. S6: No.

T: Who can tell me what you know about China? S7: There are some places of interest. S8: I think China has a long history.

T: China is a big country that has about 5,000 years of history. (教师要解释that引导的定语从句。) T: Anything else?

S9: I think China has many beautiful mountains and rivers. T: Well done. Can you list any of them? S10: The Yangtze River. S11: Mount Tai.

S12: The Yellow River. S13: Mount Hua.


T: Now I fetch you the map of China. Let’s find out some more. (板书)

fetch v. 去取某物来 I can also say “I fetch the map of China for you.” Can you make a sentence using “fetch”? S14: Miss Wang, I will fetch a book for you. S15: Please fetch me a knife.

S16: He fetched me a present just now.

T: Mr.Zhang fetched me the book Guide to China, which introduces China in detail. (教师讲解which引导的定语从句,同时板书。)

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)

(让学生听 1a录音,完成表格,将表格画在黑板上。) 1. T:Listen to the tape twice and finish the chart. Iems beautiful mountains famous rivers Names of mountains or rivers (录音放完后,找学生到黑板上填写答案。) T: Who can come here and write down your answers? S1: Mount Song Mount Heng

the Yangtze River the Yellow River

(为了进一步的呈现五岳及定语从句,教师继续以提问的方式引导。) T: What else do you know about the beautiful mountains and famous rivers? S2: Mount Hua. S3: Mount Heng. S4: Zhu Jiang River.

T: Well done. Mount Tai, Mount Hua, Mount Heng, Mount Heng, Mount Song are five famous mountains in our country. But where are they? S5: Mount Tai is in Shandong Province.

T: We also say“Mount Tai lies in Shandong Province.” Others?


S6: Mount Hua lies in Shaanxi Province. S7: Mount Heng lies in Shanxi Province. S8: Mount Heng lies in Hunan Province. S9: Are you sure? It lies in Shanxi Province.

T: (微笑)Oh, S7 is right. But S8 is also right. There are two Mount Heng. They are in different provinces. “衡”和“恒” S9: Is that so? T: Yes.

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