


红宝书词汇串烧 衰退,减少,降低 ABATE/abate abatement PALLIATE/ palliate DAMPEN/ dampen 减轻,掩饰 palliative 减轻的缓和的 make (sth) damp 使(某物)潮湿: I always dampen shirts before ironing them. make (sth) less strong; restrain 使(某事物)减弱; 抑制: dampen (down) sb’s spirits, enthusiasm, etc DEADEN/ deaden lessen the force or intensity of (sth) 减低(某物)的力量或强度: Your constant criticism has deadened their enthusiasm. make sb insensitive to sth 使某人对某事的感觉迟钝: Unhappiness had deadened her to the lives of others. . bate=reduce rebate=reduce 回扣 debate=辩论,争论 The storm showed no signs of abating. He waited for the crowd’s fury to abate Abate part of the price. SUBSIDE/subside WANE/wane To become less and quiet My anger subsided. To decrease in size, extend or degree Wax and wane of the moon. To become less powerful or less important Her popularity waned. FLAG/ flag become tired, less active, or less interesting; weaken 变得疲倦﹑ 不活跃或乏味; 衰弱: My strength, interest, enthusiasm, etc is flagging. (尤指植物)萎蔫, 枯萎: Roses will flag in the summer heat. Flagging flaggy Adj 干枯的,枯萎的 退潮,衰退 The ebb and flow of the tides. His energy seemed to ebb. DEBILITATE/ debilitate v [Tn] make (a person or his body) very weak 使(人或人的身体)非常虚弱: She has been debilitated by dysentery. 1 : to cause to lose flesh so as to become very thin 2 : to make feeble to reduce and to make sth less strong SERE/ sere EBB/ebb EMACIATE/ emaciate 2

红宝书词汇串烧 ENFEEBLE/ enfeeble ENERVATE/ enervate IMPUISSANCE/ impuissance PUNY/ puny SAP/ sap make weak or feeble 使衰弱; 使无力: enfeebled by a long illness cause (sb) to lose strength or energy 使(某人)失去力量或精力; 使衰弱: a long, enervating illness n 无能, 无力, 虚弱 弱小的; 发育不良的; 未充分发展的: puny limbs, muscles, stature (fig 比喻) vigour or energy 元气; 精力: He’s full of sap and ready to start. > sappy adj (-ier, -iest) full of sap 多树液的; 精力充沛的. gradually weaken sb/sth by taking away (strength, vitality, etc) 逐渐削弱某人[某事物](力量﹑ 活力等): I was sapped by months of hospital treatment. [Tn] gradually take away (sb’s strength, vitality, etc) 逐渐消耗(某人的力量﹑ 活力等): Stop sapping her confidence! become gradually less or smaller 逐渐变少或变小; 减少; 缩小: dwindling hopes, popularity, profits DWINDLE/ dwindle ABATE stresses the idea of progressive diminishing . SUBSIDE implies the ceasing of turbulence or agitation . WANE suggests the fading or weakening of something good or impressive . EBB suggests the receding of something (as the tide) that commonly comes and goes . WEAKEN, ENFEEBLE, DEBILITATE, UNDERMINE, SAP, CRIPPLE, DISABLE mean to lose or cause to lose strength or vigor. WEAKEN may imply loss of physical strength, health, soundness, or stability or of quality, intensity, or effective power . ENFEEBLE implies an obvious and pitiable condition of weakness and helplessness . DEBILITATE suggests a less marked or more temporary impairment of strength or vitality . UNDERMINE and SAP suggest a weakening by something working surreptitiously and insidiously . CRIPPLE implies causing a serious loss of functioning power through damaging or removing an essential part or element . DISABLE suggests a usually sudden crippling or enfeebling . 弱的 FEEBLE/ en-feeble FLACCID/ flaccid FRAIL/ frail INFIRM/ infirm weak; faint 衰弱的; 虚弱的; 微弱的: a feeble old man a feeble argument, > feebleness n [U]. feebly,feeble-`minded 弱智的; 低能的. soft and weak; loose and limp; not firm 软弱的; 松弛的; 不结实的. > flaccidity 体弱的, 虚弱的: a frail child 易破碎的; 易损的: Careful: that chair’s rather frail > frailty physically weak (esp from old age or illness) 体弱的, 虚弱的: walk with infirm steps 欠缺某方面的力量: infirm of purpose, will, etc > infirmity Old age and infirmity had begun to catch up with him. made weak by age or hard use 衰老的; 老朽的; 破旧的: a decrepit person, horse, bicycle . > decrepitude n DECREPIT/ decrepit 3

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