

As a result, he has ade great prgress in English reently. Peple have different pinins n the plan. As a result, we’ll disuss it in the eeting. 【上层楼】

1. as a result和as a result f用法辨析: ①as a result 表示结果,多作结果状语。

②as a result f sth.表示原因,多作原因状语,相当于beause f。试比较:

The big rain lasted fr three days.

As a result, the ftball ath had t be put ff. The ftball ath had t be put ff as a result f the heavy rain.

2. 与result相关的其他常用短语有:

①result fr意为\起因,由于\。如:His suess resulted fr repeated pratie.

②result in意为\导致,造成\。如:A sudden hange in teperature usually results in a heavy str. 【短语2】wuld rather...than

【点拨】wuld rather …than意为\比起……,更愿意做……\它连接的两个并列项都是动词原形。如:

I wuld rather stay at he than g ut in the weekend. She wuld rather listen t lassial usi than eny ppular

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【上层楼】表示\比起……,更喜欢……\的结构还有prefer ding t ding和prefer t d rather than d。如: I prefer reading bks t wathing TV.

She prefers t walk he everyday rather than g by bus. 【短语3】ake sure

【点拨】ake sure意为\确信,确保\常用于ake sure f sth.或ake sure + that从句。如:

I ust ake sure f a seat fr the play. ake sure that there is n ne left behind. 【上层楼】ake sure后通常不接不定式。如要接不定式,可用be sure。如:

Be sure t give yur faily y thanks. (正)

ake sure t lse all the windws befre yu leave the lassr. (误)

热点语法聚焦 V-ing形式的用法

V-ing 形式是动词的一种变化,在句子中可作多种句子成分。本期我们主要介绍一下V-ing形式作动词宾语的情况。 有些动词或动词短语可接V-ing形式作宾语。这类动词

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或动词短语有:adit, advise, nsider, avid, finish, feel like, put ff, keep, keep n等。如: I adit breaking the windw.

I advised waiting till 8 ’lk. The by felt like laughing hearing the news.

有些动词后既可接V-ing作宾语,也可接t d作宾语,意义差别不大,如:start, plan, lve, ntinue等。而有些动词后面接V-ing或t d作宾语时,意义差别很大,如:frget, reeber等。

frget t d sth.表示\忘记去做某事\在说话时这件事还没做;frget ding sth.表示\忘记已经做过某事\在说话时这件事已经做完。

reeber t d sth.表示\记着去做某事\在说话时这件事还没做;reeber ding sth.表示\记着已做过某事\在说话时这件事已经做完。如:

I frgt t take the ubrella with e. 我忘了带伞了。(没带着伞)

I frgt taking the ubrella with e. 我忘了我带着伞了。(带着伞) I reeber leaning the table. 我记着我擦过桌子了。 I reeber t lean the table.

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