《新视野大学英语视听说教程》Book III教案

Unit 1 Roll over, Beethoven!

《新视野大学英语视听说教程》Book III教案


Teaching Aims (教学目标):

1. Help the students master the expressions of expressing likes and dislikes. (帮助学生掌握喜欢与不喜


2. Help the students master the expressions of making suggestions in conversations. (帮助学生掌握建


3. Get the students to train the ability to figure out inferences from dialogues. (引导学生培养根据对话


4. Help the students to communicate with others naturally and successfully. (引导学生自然地与人交


Teaching Important Points(教学重点):

1. Help the students master the expressions of expressing likes and dislikes. (帮助学生掌握喜欢与不喜欢的表达法。)

2. Help the students master the expressions of making suggestions in conversations. (帮助学生掌握建议的表达法。)

3. Get the students to train the ability to figure out inferences from dialogues. (引导学生培养根据对话做出推论的能力。)

Teaching Difficult Points(教学难点):

1. To instruct the students to comprehend the listening material completely and to create new dialogues.


2.Get the students to train the ability to figure out inferences from dialogues. (引导学生培养根据对话做出推论的能力。)

Teaching Type(教学课型):Listening and Speaking(听说课) Teaching Time(教学课时):6 periods

The Analysis of the Teaching Material(教材处理):

1. To rearrange the order of listening exercise and speaking exercise, with part of each in one period.



2. To provide videos of CNN news about how fans of BEATLES celebrate the group’s anniversary. (提供一段CNN新闻关于歌迷庆祝Beatles 组团周年庆的视频材料。)

3. If time is limited, leave the part VI for the students to finish by themselves. (如果时间有限,就把第六部分的扩展练习留给学生自主学习。

Teaching Approaches(教学方式):Discussion, listening and speaking practice(讨论、听说); Task-based teaching approach(任务型教学方法); Interactive teaching method(互动型教学方法) Teaching Procedure(教学过程): Step I Greetings Step II Presentation I. Lead-in

1. Instruct the students to ask their partners the following four questions and try to remember their answers. T goes around the classroom to offer help if necessary.

? What kind of music do most people prefer, slow or fast music? Can you guess why? ? What kind of music do you prefer, classical music or pop music?

? Do you think music can affect people’s lives, for example, to calm people, to cheer them up, or to

increase efficiency?

? Do you like singing Karaoke? Why?

2. Several minutes later, invite some students to tell the whole class what their partners’ answers are to a particular question.

II. Listening Skills: listening for inferences 1. Warming-up

Ask the Ss to think over what ‘inference’ means and explain it for the listening practice.

For reference: 推理,结论 conclusion; connotative; consequence; logic; speculation; suspicion; theory; the reasoning involved in drawing a conclusion or making a logical judgment on the basis of circumstantial evidence and prior conclusions rather than on the basis of direct observation n. 推论,推断[U]

He hasn't written to us for ages, and my inference is that his eyesight must have gotten worse. 他许久没来信了,我想他的视力一定变得更糟了。



What inferences can we draw from these facts? 从这些事实中我们可以推出什么结论? 2. Listening practice 1) Play the 5 recordings one by one for twice and ask the students to make the best choices. 3) Ask some students to check the answer. III. Listening In 1. Task1: Encore 1) Explain the words in Word Tips to get the students prepared for the listening. And ask the students to go through the statements and choices first.

? encore: 加演 a word that the audience shouts at the end of a performance when they want the

performer to do more

2) Play the recording twice for the students to finish the exercise. And then check the answers. 2. Task2: Living in a campus 1) Explain the words in Word Tips to get the students prepared for the listening. Ask the students to go through the uncompleted statements first.

? anorexia: 厌食a serious illness that makes you want to stop eating and that mainly affects young


? starve: 饥饿,饿死 suffer or die because there is not enough food to eat

2) Explain the culture tip about ‘the Carpenters’: They were a 1970s light pop duo, consisting Karen Carpenter and her brother Richard. Both sang, and Richard played the piano. Karen also played the drums. Their musical partnership came to an end with Karen’s death from anorexia at 32. The Carpenters have won numerous musical awards over the years. Several of their songs have become classics. For instance, “Close to You” is frequently sung in karaoke bars, and “We’ve Only Just Begun” is sung at weddings or wedding receptions, and the song mentioned in this dialogue is “Yesterday Once More”, which has become familiar to you. Play the song “Yesterday Once More”.

3) Play the recording twice for the students to finish the exercise. And then check the answers.

4) Play the recording of the song “Sing a song” twice for the students to fill in the blanks with the missing words. And then check the answers. Task3:Mozart 1)Explain the words in Word Tips to get the students prepared for the listening. Ask the students to go


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