The virtue of being young

The virtues of being young

What kind of advantages it can have when we are young?

First,i believe that no one wants to be old,because being young means that you are energetic.When we are young we can do whatever we wanna do without hesitation and without thinking too much.However,things go different way when we become old when we have to take so many things into consideration.We might have to take care of spouse’s feeling ,and we might have more and more responsibility so that we can’t just do whatever we want.

Secondly,when you are young,the greatest virtue is that youth have plenty of time which elder might don’t have that much.

whats more?being young means you can have the time to dream and fight for still can make plans of the rest of your life and you have a choice to make you life as colorful as possible.youth means limitless possibilities.Everything is possible.

Furthermore,its okay for youth to make some mistakes.what matter most is not whether you are successful or not,but you can learn something from your mistakes. All in all,being young is the most beautiful thing in the world.

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