
correspondent respondent inclusive indicative inductive interactive operative respondent initiate speculative

Text A: Language focus:operative indicative prevalent interactive speculative initiate respondents inclusive persistent inductive responsive correspondent

Text A: Language focus:reason

Word building Practice 2

Banked clozelevy generating lightweight reduction enhance achieved emancipate relationships approaches

Text A: Language focus: Expressions in use

being extracted from emancipate (2) from cater to have a say on made a racket was destined to run errands

has been scraping by Text AiTranslation: Task 1

欧洲联盟(欧盟)是一个由28个欧洲国家组成的经济和政 治联盟。它已经建立了一个跨越所有成员国领土的统一市 场。这一”内部”市场是欧盟的主要经济引擎,使商品、资 本、服务和人员可以自由流动。欧盟的预算来自于每个成 员国的国民总收入的一定百分比。其资金用于提高贫困地 区的生活水平、确保食品安全及支持农村发展和环境保护 等多种项目。欧元是大多数欧盟国家的通用货币。己有18 个成员国加入了欧元区,用欧元作为单一货币。今天,欧 盟是世界上一支重要的贸易力量。它的人口只占世界人口 的7%,但它与世界其他地区的贸易约占全球进出口总量 的20%。在其最初的几十年中,欧盟己经取得了很大成就。 尽管仍然有一些现实和潜在的政治障碍有待跨越,但是随 着时间的

发展,持续增强的经济融合有望提升欧盟成员国 之间的政治统一。 Text AiTranslation: Task 2

Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) is a non-governmental, non-profit international organization. Initiated by 25 Asian countries and Australia, it was officially founded in 2001. The organization is headquartered in Boao Town in China's Hainan Province. With equality, mutual benefit, cooperation and win-win as its objectives, BFA

is devoted to promoting economic exchanges, coordination and cooperation between Asian countries as well as enhancing dialogs and ties between Asia and other parts of the world. The forum provides a high-level platform where governments, businesses and scholars from relevant countries discuss Asian and global affairs. Through further regional economic cooperation, BFA will facilitate the realization of Asian countries' goals and contribute to a new Asia that boasts greater prosperity, stability and peace. Text B

Text B: Reading comprehension: Understanding DBABCACD

Text B: Language focus: Words in use

transit colonized execution distill segregation illiterate artifacts displace vigilant overthrow

Text B: Language focus: Expressions in use

was ejected from being looked down on forbid (2) from were coiled up with ran for

against his will a ghost of took up Collocation

Collocation: Practice 1

om is ions

pper opportunities tten ion es ect

Collocation: Practice 2


insufficiently equal modern essentially discriminatory trophy gender equal

feminist lightweight break

Unit 7

Text A

Text A: Language focus:fringe unify extinct indefinite slash intricate inaugurate ventilate collaboration diffused

Text A: Language focus:competition adolescent delegation condemnation restoration preservation specification reconciliation

: Words in use Word building Practice 1

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