人教版英语八年级上册Exercises for Unit 1


Exercises for Unit 1


Class___________ Name___________ Number___________ Ⅰ.从以下各题的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。 ( ) 1. There were quite a few beautiful islands in Malaysia. A. much B. a few C. many

( ) 2. Can I have a rest after finishing homework, mum? Of course. A. Sure B. That’s right C. You’re welcome

( ) 3. At last, Nick didn’t buy anything in Hong Kong. A. bought something B. bought anything C. bought nothing

( ) 4. We arrived in Shanghai at seven last Sunday.

A. got to B. reach C. arrived at

( ) 5. Everyone wonders what life was life in Taipei in the past. A. knows B. wants to know C. thinks ( ) 6. How ________ the food in Singapore? Delicious. A. did B. were C. was

( ) 7. –I went bike riding in the countryside in France. –Wonderful! Did you do __________?

A. something else B. anything else C. nothing wonderful

( ) 8. Unluckily, we went back from the top of the mountain___________ the rain.

A. because of B. so C. because

( ) 9. I felt ________ excited _______ I couldn’t say a word.

A. too; to B. very; that C. so; that

( ) 10. --- Let’s visit the big waterfall this weekend. --- Oh, I don’t like to go _________.

A. anywhere wet B. somewhere dry C. nowhere wet

( ) 11. Kate saw a nice dress and bought it ________ her daughter.

A. for B. to C. at

( ) 12. Sorry, we can’t finish all the work by ___________. We need help.

A. us B.ours C. ourselves

( ) 13. There is no __________ between them. Both of them are outgoing and fun. A. interest B. difference C. excitement ( ) 14. ---Did you know _________ in our school? --- No, I am new here. A. no one B. anyone C. someone

( ) 15. It’s important to keep an English ______ every day. You need to do more writing practice.

A. book B. dictionary C. diary Ⅱ.词汇填空。

1. We went to the beach and t____________ paragliding. Then we r________ bikes in the old town. 2. Did you tell Helen a___________ terrible? She s_____________ to be scared.

3. My trip to New York was ___________. And I _____________ where you spent your vacation?


4. Tom ____________ to visit Boston at the beginning. But Lily didn’t like the bad weather there, so they

couldn’t make a ______________ in the end. (decide)

5. Peter is kind and he would like to help ____________. Look, he is helping ______________ in our

class to do math homework. (someone) Ⅲ. 完形填空。

Ning Zetao, a 21-year-old swimmer, became the first person in Asia to win the men's 100 meter freestyle swimming world championship(锦标赛) in 2015.“I am very 1. ______ about my gold medals(金牌); they are very important to me and to the team,” said Ning Zetao.

Ning Zetao was born in Zhengzhou, Henan Province. When he was seven, he started to 2. _____ at a swimming school in Henan. He 3. ______ the Zhengzhou swimming team at the age of eleven. Not many people knew him before the Asian Games. 4. _______ people knew Sun Yang at that time. 5. _____, Ning did a great job at the East Asian Games in 2013. The cool young swimmer loves playing the guitar and he is good 6. _______ speaking English. He often talks with foreign swimmers in English. After the Asian Games, he became 7. ______ in China and many people know him. He hopes to do 8. _____ he can to get



better in the next few years. “It is just a 9. ______. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. In the future, I hope I can win more.”

Now, Ning Zetao does quite well in our Chinese swimming team. People 10. ______ how many gold medals he can get for China. ( ) 1. A. interested B. sad C. excited ( ) 2. A. dance B. swim C. skate ( ) 3. A. joined B. left C. took ( ) 4. A. Much B. A few C. Quite a few ( ) 5. A. In fact B. Even though C. Because of ( ) 6. A. for B. with C. at ( ) 7. A. popular B. important C. different ( ) 8. A. everything B. nothing C. some ( ) 9. A. way B. habit C. start ( ) 10. A. hope B. wonder C. know Ⅳ. 阅读理解。

A. 判断正误, 正确的写( A ),错误的写( B ).

40-year-old Martin is a photographer(摄影师). He wants to save as many animals as he can. He traveled to the Philippines and he found the dog Mango there. 3-month-old Mango was on a meat market then. Martin saved Mango, and bought her for $4. He put the photos of Mango on his blog(博客) A Year To Help. He wanted to raise(筹集) $1000 for Mango’s flight to the US.

Martin said, “I wanted to get more people know Mango’s story, and the problem with the dog meat market. I raised enough money for her flight to the US in only a few weeks after putting her photos on my blog. Mango is now safe. We are now looking for a home for her in the US. She’s a funny dog.” ( ) 1. Marin is forty years old and his job is to take photos. ( ) 2. Martin spent $1000 buying the dog Mango. ( ) 3. A Year To Help is the name of Martin’s blog.

( ) 4. More people can know the problem with the dog meat market in the US from Marin. ( ) 5. Mango is safe in the US now.

B. 补全短文。根据短文内容,从短文后的A~F选项中选出适当的选项补全短文。

A person spends three whole years of his life on the toilet(厕所). Toilets are important in our life. But we don’t care them too much. There is a special day for toilets. November 19 is World Toilet Day. 1 ____________

There are some different kinds of toilets around the world. In western countries, most people have toilets and running water in their homes. 2 ___________ The toilets have heaters(加热器)and can even play music. But in some places, toilets are outdoors and they are called “outhouses”. In China, you can find some outhouses on the street. 3 __________

In western countries, people don’t usually say they are going to the toilets directly. Instead, they say, “I need to go somewhere.” “4. __________” “I need to powder my nose(补个妆).” Or “I want to go to the restroom/bathroom.”

When you use the toilets, please keep good manners. Flush(冲) the toilet after you have finished using it. 5. _______ If you need to go to a public toilet, don’t forget to wait in line.



A. In Japan and South Korea, some people have special toilets.

B. I want to wash my hands.

C. It is a day to learn about toilets.

D. Wash your hands before you leave the restroom. E. Some cleaners work there to keep them clean. F. Let’s go to the toilet.

C. 根据短文内容, 选择正确的答案.

News Review

APEC Blue People in Beijing got APEC Blue during the APEC meeting in Beijing. It means the clear blue sky during the meeting. To get such a blue sky, many factories in Beijing stopped work, and the number of cars on the road was cut.

A Warning Ticket A 24-year-old woman in Nanjing was given a warning ticket for eating food on the subway. People in Zhengzhou and Wuhan can’t eat on the subways either.

A Teacher-free Exam A week ago, students at Ningbo language school took a teacher-free exam. After handing out the exam papers, the teachers left the classroom, leaving the students to take the exam without being watched. They only came back to collect the papers at the end.

China’s parade(阅兵) China had a big parade on September 3rd in Beijing to commemorate(纪念) the 70th anniversary(周年纪念日) of the end of World War II. President Xi Jinping spoke at the event. Some foreign militaries(军队) took part in the parade. ( ( ( ( (

) 1. APEC Blue means the _________ in Beijing during the APEC meeting. A. factories B. cars on the road C. clear blue sky

) 2. A 24-year-old woman in Nanjing was given a warning ticket for ______ on the subway. A. eating B. smoking C. drinking

) 3. From the 2nd news we know that people can’t eat on the subway in _______and Wuhan. A. Nanning, Zhengzhou B. Hangzhou, Nanjing C. Nanjing, Zhengzhou ) 4. The teacher-free exam means _______.

A. the students got the exam papers from the office and finished them all by themselves

B. when the students finished the exam papers, there was no teacher in the classroom to watch them C. only the head teacher was with the students when they had the exam ) 5. China had the big parade in order to ________.

A. commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II B. listen to Xi Jinping’s speak C. see how strong the foreign militaries are

V. 补全对话。

从方框中选择正确的选项补全对话。 A. What did you do there? A: Where did you go this winter? B. Did you go anywhere this winter? B: 1 C. I went to the UK. A: 2 D. That’s boring. B: I visited some universities and museums there. E. Did you go with your parents? A: 3

B: Yes, I always go traveling with them. 4. ___________ A: No, I just stayed at home and read books.

B: 5 Why not make your life colorful?

Ⅵ .短文填空。从下面方框中选出10个单词,用它们的正确适当形式填入短文空格内,使短文意思正确、通顺(每次限用一次)。 thousand wait office some help bad as twice see serious classroom important?


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