
。 。 2018年8年级英语暑假作业(五)


一. 单项选择

( )1.— Would you please not speak so loudly in public?

— Sorry. I will remember to speak in lower voice. A. the; a B. /; a C. the; the D. /; /

( )2. —Excuse me, sir. But you’re ________ my way. — Sorry. I didn’t know you were

passing by.

A. on B. by C. with D. in

( )3. I have spent ______on this job. I think I can finish it _____ this afternoon.

A. sometime; sometime B. sometimes; some time C. some time; sometime D. some times; some time

( )4. — Sir, please put out your cigarette (香烟).— Sorry. I _________ the sign.

A. don’t notice

B. didn’t notice C. haven’t noticed


won’t notice

( )5. Checking your answers before handing in your paper can help you _________ mistakes.

A. make B. provide C. avoid D. advise

( )6. You’d better fix the machine _____I have told you. Otherwise, you may make more

problems. A. like

B. with C. as

D. follow

( )7. Jack is always _____________ to wait for a long time without getting angry.

A. too patient B. patient enough C. enough patient D. very patient

( )8. ----_________,could I take this seat? ------_________, it’s taken.

A Excuse me , Excuse me B. Excuse me , Sorry C. Sorry, Excuse me D Sorry, sorry ( )9. He is businesslike(认真的)and is often _______. I hope he will have more _____

at his business. A. success; successful B. successful; success C. successfully; successful D. successful; successful

( )10. He always gets angry if he is kept _______ for five minutes.


A. waiting 二、词汇

B. wait C. to wait D. waitting

1. Tom didn’t mean to be _________ (polite) when he shouted. He was just too excited. 2. We Chinese often greet each other by ______________(shake) hand.

3. After hours of_____________ (discuss), they let through the report in the end. 4. People in our country often queue_________ (patient) while waiting in public places. 5. Mrs Lin is too busy _____________ (explain) any of the long sentences right now. 6. His ________(confident) in me became stronger.

7. The city’s hospitals are ________ (able) to cope with growing numbers of patients. 8. Thousands of __________(Britain ) soldiers were standing deep in the water. 9. In __________there are different kinds of ___________.(German) 10. He made a __________(decide) not to go to Beijing this summer. 11. Each _________(write) has a view.

12. I sat __________(oppose) to him during the meal. 三、句子

1. 人们在公众场合行为举止文明吗?

_______________________________________________________________________________ 2. 如果你挡住了他们的路,他们将不会从你的身边挤过去。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 3. 英国人认为插队插到别人前面是粗鲁的。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 4. 这个讲座的目的是为了教学生吃东西的礼仪规范。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 5 他们将会足够礼貌的去等待直到你离开。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 四、完型填空

We are lucky to live in a rich country where we have many things. However, most of us usually 1 some things.

Electricity is one thing that we waste ___2_. Lights, TVs, 3 and other things are often kept on even when no one is using them. We should turn them off when we do not need


them. It 4 less than a second to do it. Anyhow, not wasting electricity save money, because we do not have to 5 the electricity we do not use.

The second thing that we often waste is water. Fresh water is precious(宝贵的), 6 it shouldn’t be wasted. It is only a simple matter of turning off a tap*. I am sure 7 can do this easily if he wants to.

8 big waste is food. My mother 9 cook so much food that much of it was thrown away. I told her we had wasted so much 10 . She thought I was right and now cooks __11_ what we can eat.

It is not 12 to be wasteful. I find there is a simple 13 of not wasting things. That is to use only what we 14 . Do not touch what we do not need. 15 this way we can stop being wasteful.

( )1.A.use B.wash C.waste D.forget ( )2. A.little B.most C.few D.least ( )3.A.radios B.apples C.bikes D.doors ( )4. A. brings B. costs C. keeps D. takes ( )5.A.afford B.save C.pay for D.care for ( )6. A. though B. because C. so D. but ( )7.A.nobody B.something C. everybody D. nothing ( )8.A.Others B.Other

C.Another D.The other

( )9.A.planned to B.used to C.was able to D.was afraid to ( )10.A.electricity B.water C.food D. money ( )11. A. mainly B. only C. mostly D. specially ( )12.A.right B.fine C.bad D.necessary ( )13.A.way B.thing C.plan D. project ( )14.A.buy B.need C.bring D.get ( )15. A. On B. In C.For D. At 五、阅读理解

Have you ever noticed how busy our roads are becoming? Every year more and more cars are using them. Already in such countries as America, almost every family has a car. Many accidents happen because cars are now made to travel very fast. Also, people waste time


and money every day as long lines of cars move slowly into towns and cities. In most big towns it is very hard to find parking spaces.

Wide, smooth(平的), straight(直的) roads must be built now in place of the old and narrow roads. These roads must not pass through towns and cities. They must not be crossed by other roads.

Today such roads are being built in many countries in the world. These roads have at least two lanes, one for slow-moving traffic and the other for fast-moving traffic.

These roads do not pass through towns and cities, horses and bikes are not allowed on them. Accidents do not usually happen. Cars can travel hundreds of miles without having to stop.

But these modern roads often cannot be built in towns and cities. Before a road in a town can be made wider, many buildings have to be pulled down.

Some people feel that more car-parks should be built outside a city, then the drivers should leave their cars and catch a bus or take a taxi to their offices. ( ) 1.The writer thinks that many accidents(事故) happen because _____.

A. roads are old and narrow B. roads go across each other C. people drive their cars too fast D. all of the above ( ) 2.How are the new roads different from old roads?

A. They have at least two lanes. B. They cross over one another. C. They have no fast cars. D. They pass through towns. ( )3.It is hard to build new roads in towns because_____.

A. horses and bikes go there B. there are too many cars

C. there are too many people D. many buildings have to be pulled down ( ) 4.The passage(文章)is mainly(主要的) about_____.

A. the old roads B. roads of the future

C. how to build the modern roads D. roads in towns and in the country



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