


I think Michael Chang is very handsome. He is 1.76 meters tall and he is very strong. When he is not palying tennis,

he is relaxed and friendly. But when he is on court , he fights hard and never gives up. Michael has won many

games, including the French Open. He is one of the top players in the world. Michael was born in the U. S but he loves China. He shows us that we can succeed in sport if we work hard. 51. Micheal Chang is one of the top players in the world because______________. A. he has won many games B. he is good at playing tennis

C.he fights hard and never gives up D. he is very strong and handsome


There is an argument (争论) going on in many schools. It is about what language or languages are spoken

in the classroom.

Some people argue that because this is America, only English should be spoken in schools. Others argue that

America is a melting pot (多元文化的移民国家). And if students are able to speak more than? one language,

that should be accepted and celebrated in classrooms.

We asked students in New York City what*they thought. Here's what they said.

Should English be the only language spoken in

American classrooms? YES

Pedro Rodriguez: Even though you may want to speak your native language (本族语) ,you should learn and speak only English in school. It's very important. It's the most popular language in the world. If you live here, you should speak it.

Gisell Mata: How can people expect to communicate in this country if they can't speak English? School is the best place to start. I think if you speak and write only ' English in school, you will learn it quicker and be able to speak it very well in a short time.

Chemway Corley: I think all kids should speak only English in school. If you are living in the U. S. , you must know English. It is the main language of the country. I think students should have to learn the language even if they take ten periods a week learning it. NO

Xiomarah Veras: I think people should learn English in school, but they shouldn't be required to speak only English. It should be up to students and teachers what they speak and learn. For people just learning English, it can be easier if they're allowed to speak their native language in class too.

Patricia Morel: People shouldn't be forced to speak a language that they don't want to speak. It is up to you to decide what is best for you in school or at home. Nobody should be forced to do anything she's not ready to do.

Yessenia Ortiz: I think if English is introduced to people slowly, they will want to speak it more. If they are

in this country, they will want to learn English. But if you tell them it is the only language they can speak in school, it will make them angry.

43. What does the writer try to tell us in the text?

A. Two different ideas on speaking the same language. B. The reason why people must speak English. C. How to speak English very well in a short time. D. When and where English should be spoken.

44. Who thinks school is the best place to start learning English? A. Pedro Rodriguez. B. Gisell Mata. C. Patricia Morel. D. Xiomarah Veras.

45. From what Yessenia Ortiz says, we can know that she________. A. can speak many foreign languages very well B. thinks many people don't want to learn English C. must introduce English to people slowly D. thinks the ability to choose is important



Daddy just didn’t know how show love. It was Mom who held the family together .

Once when I stole a candy of a shop , he made me take it back .But it was Mom who understood I was just a kid .

I broke my leg one day on the playground and it was Mom who held me in her arms all the way to the hospital .

Dad pulled the car right up to the door of the emergency room (急诊室).

At my birthday parties, Dad seemed to be busy blowing up balloons, setting up tables and taking some photos

all the time. It was Mom who bought the cake with the candles on it for me to blow out .

I remember when Mom told him to teach me how to ride a bicycle. I told him not to let go, but he said it was time.

I fell and Mom ran to pick me up, but he waved her off. I was so mad I showed him. I got right back on that bike

and rode it myself. He didn’t even feel embarrassed. Just smiled.

When I went to college, Mom did all the writing. He just sent bills and a little note about how great his lawn

(草坪) looked now but I wasn’t playing football on it . Whenever I called home, he acted like he wanted to talk,

but he always said, “I’ll get your mother.”

All my life he said, “Where are you going ? What time are you coming home? No, you can’t go.” Daddy just doesn’t know how to show love. Is it possible he showed it and I didn’t realize it? 39. The text mainly tells us about _______

A. a boy’s childhood B. a mother’s love C. a father’s love D. a happy family 40. What happened to the writer one day on the playground?

A. His leg was hurt B. He ran his way C. He broke his arm D. He pulled his car 41. At the birthday parties , father did many things except _______.

A. blowing up balloons B. setting up tables C. taking some photos D. teaching how to ride 42. The underlined word “embarrassed” in the text means


A. sad B. angry C. pleased D. surprised


Many British people like to go bird – watching in their free time. That’s why there are many English saying about

birds. Read the following to learn about them. He eats like a bird.

This doesn’t mean he eats worms and seeds! A mother might be worried if her son or daughter eats like a bird.

It means that the boy or girl eats very little and is very fussy (挑剔)about food. Birds of a feather flock (群集)together .

You never see a peacock with a crow (孔雀和乌鸦在一起),or a goose with an eagle. These birds are very different.

They like to be with other birds of the same kind. People are like this, too. We always make friends with people who

have things in common with us .

His chickens have come home to roost (栖息).

This means that he has problems now because of bad things he did before . If you play computer games and sleeps

all afternoon when you should be staying for your exams , you will fail your exams . Then your friends can say that

your chickens have come home to roost

43. How many English saying have you learned in the text?

A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four 44. What do you think would probably make a mother worried?

A. Going about food B. Eating worms and seeds C. Going to watch a bird D. Eating like a bird

45. From the text , we know that people with the same idea always__________.

A. have things in common B. become good friends C. go bird –watching D. keep different ways

46. Which of the following can best explain the saying “your chickens have come to roost”? A. You are so tired after studying that you need a rest. B. You are in trouble because you did bad things before. C. You will fail your exams because they are difficult. D. You should try your best to study hard from now on.


Two poems

My Town

My town is very busy

There are lots of things to do There is a cinema, a theatre There are cafes, too

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