


people,persons替代词 individuals characters folks good替代词 positive favorable rosy(美好的) promising(有希望的) perfect, pleasurable excellent outstanding superior bad替代词 dreadful unfavorable poor adverse ill(有害的)

many替代词 an army of an ocean of a sea of a multitude of a host of if not most some替代词 a slice of quiet a few think替代词 harbor the idea that take the attitude that hold the view that it is widely shared that

it is universally acknowledged that thin替代词 affair business matter

common替代词 shared

get many benefits替代词

reap huge fruits

in my opinion替代词 for my part

from my own perspective more and more替代词 increasing(ly) growing

当修饰名词时用increasing/growing,修饰形容词、副词用increasingly. hardly替代词 little if anything little or nothing helpful替代词 beneficial rewarding very替代词 overwhelmingly exceedingly extremely intensely

unnecessary,avoidable替代词 hardly necessary

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