2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 3 Music同步试题(1)外研版必修2

Module 3 Music


( ) 1. My son enjoys ________very much.

A. play piano B. playing the piano C. playing piano D. play the piano ( ) 2. ________music she is playing!

A. How nice B. What nice C. What a nice D. How nice a

( ) 3. New trucks are widely used in the countryside ________in the cities. A. all B. but C. or D. as well as ( ) 4. The more we know the world, ________we will be. A. the more success B. the more successful C. the most success D. the most successful ( ) 5. He made fewer mistakes than ________in our class.

A. if students B. any student C. anyone else D. anyone else's

( ) 6. Yesterday she ________an invitation card from her former classmate but she didn't________ his invitation.

A. accepted; accept B. received; accept C. accepted; receive D. received; receive

( ) 7. He went home early ________his parents wouldn't worry about him. A. if B. so that C. because D. such that

( ) 8. ________ we joined the big crowd, I got separated from my friends. A. As B. Until C. Though D. While

( ) 9. Please let me know when your sister ________to America. When she ________, I'll see her off at the airport.

A. goes; leaves B. goes; will leave C. will go; leaves D. will go; will leave ( ) 10. We called the First-Aid Centre ________after the traffic accident happened. A. immediately B. shortly C. quickly D. hurriedly ( ) 11. ________my report, I can't go to bed now.

A. Not finishing B. Not having finished C. I haven't finished D. Not to finish

( ) 12. He often went to visit the Statue of Liberty ________he was in the US. A. as B. since C. during D. while

( ) 13. When he first ________Washington, he couldn't speak a single English word. A. got B. returned C. arrived in D. arrived ( ) 14. ________she was 25, she had already got her master's degree. A. At the time B. By the time C. After D. As ( ) 15. Her son died in a car accident, which made the woman ________mad. A. grow B. go C. become D. turn 二、选词/词组填空

audience change into classical complex impressed with influence known as make a note of mix musical offered split up talent tradition tune 1. She had an obvious ________for music.

2. Teachers have considerable ________over what is taught in the classroom. 3. Put the chocolate, butter and egg in a bowl and ________them all together. 4. She comes from a very ________family.

5. We decided to break with ________this year and go away for Christmas. 6. One of the guitars sounded a little out of ________.

7. The series (连续剧) has attracted an ________of more than 10 million. 8. Life is getting more ________and difficult.

9. He is one of the ________composers in China and he is also well-known for pop songs.

10. He ________a few ideas to improve the plan.

11. They were ________his ability to deal with problems. 12. Yu Qiuyu is ________a great writer in China. 13. Let me ________your phone number.

14. The children ________into three groups. 15. You should ________some dry socks. 三、补全对话



A. Shall I ask the hotel to pack me a lunch? B. Don’t you think it’s good idea? C. I’ll bring my jacket. D. Could you be ready by eight? E. See you. F. When and where? Jack: Mr Smith, we are planning a sightseeing trip. Would you like to go? Mr Smith: (1) ________

Jack: Tomorrow, to the Great Wall.

Mr. Smith: I should say I would! I have heard so much about it. Jack: We'll go by car. (2) ________

Mr. Smith: ,Yes, eight will be fine. (3) ________Or is there a restaurant there? Jack: Never mind the lunch. We'll take care of that. Just bring a coat or a sweater

alone. It's likely to be windy on the Great Wall at this time of year.

Mr Smith: All fight. (4) ________

Jack: Well, I must be off now. I've got to see about the arrangements. See you


Mr Smith: (5) ________

1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 填写句子,补全对话。

W: I'd like some information about the trains, please. M: Yes, madam. Which train? (1) ________ W: To London.

M: At half past four. That's in about a minute. W: (2) ________

M: OK. One for adult and one for child. W: Oh, good! Err. (3) ________ M: Fifty pounds.


W: Fifty pounds! Oh, dear! Things are getting so expensive!

M: Yes, madam. Your train's going to leave in half a minute now. W: Thank you. Oh! (4) ________ M: Platform 13.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________________________ 四、完形填空

Cheques have largely replaced money as a means of exchange, for they are widely(1) ________everywhere. Though this is very (2) ________for both buyer and seller, it should not be forgotten that cheques are not real money: They are quite (3) ________in themselves. A shopkeeper always runs a certain (4) ________when he accepts a cheque and he is quite(5) ________his rights if, on occasion, he refuses to do so.

People do not always know this and are (6) ________if their good faith is called in question. An old and very (7) ________friend of mine told me he had an extremely unpleasant (8) ________.He went to a famous jewellery shop which keeps a large (9) ________of precious stones and asked to (10) ________some-pearl necklaces. After examining several trays, he decided to buy a particular fine string of pearls and asked (11) ________he could pay by cheque. The assistant said that this way is quite (12) ________, but the moment my friend signed his name, he was invited into the manager's office.

The manager was very polite, but he explained that someone (13) ________exactly the same name had presented them with a worthless cheque not long ago. My friend got very angry when he heard this and said that he would buy a necklace (14) ________else. When he got up to go, the manager told him that the police would arrive at any moment and he had better stay (15) ________he wanted to get into serious trouble. (16) ________, the police arrived some afterwards. They apologised to my friend for the (17) ________, but explained that a person who had used the same name as his was responsible for a number of recent robberies. Then the police asked my friend to copy out a note (18) ________had been used by the thief in a number of shops. The note (19) ________“I have a gun in my pocket. Ask no question and give me all the money in the safe.” Fortunately, my friend's handwriting was quite (20) ________the thief's. He was not only allowed to go without further delay, but to take the string of pearls with him.

( ) 1. A. received B. got C. accepted D. expected ( ) 2. A. convenient B. favourite C. popular D. profitable ( ) 3. A. unimportant B. valueless C. dangerous D. meaningless ( ) 4. A. opportunity B. chance C. risk D. danger ( ) 5. A. within B. beyond C. without D. out of ( ) 6. A. ashamed B. puzzled C. unhappy D. shocked ( ) 7. A. difficult B. problematic C. healthy D. wealthy ( ) 8. A. event B. accident C. experience D. matter

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