四川省岳池县第一中学八年级英语上册 Module 12 Unit 1 What should we

Module 12 Help

Unit 1 What should we do before help arrives?



1. 记住M12U1中medical等14个单词、What’s wrong with…等10个短语,并归纳must, can, could表示推测的用法以及祈使句的肯定式和否定式的用法。 2. 通过自主学习和小组合作,能够听懂并描述突发事故和急救的话题。

3. 激情投入,阳光展示,了解应对突发事故的方法和措施,增强防范意识和能力。 二、学习重点:words and structures as well as their usages 三、学习难点:must can could (for prediction)



1. 借助课本和辅导材料,深入理解文章并尝试总结知识结构。

2. 在课文中划出下列的词汇,对照音标(P142, TB),朗读以上单词。认真预习本单元的内容 二、教材助读:情景导学资料 三、预习自测题 : (一)单词:

1.破碎的______________ 2.玻璃______________ 3.楼梯________________

4.帮助;救助__________ 5.医学的_____________ 6.想象________________

7.底部;下端__________ 8.错误的______________ 9.问题;麻烦___________

10.举起;抬起_________ 11.有害的___________ 12.使落下______________

13.训练;培训_________ 14.盖上____________ (二)短语:

15.急救 ____________________ 16.在…底部____________________ 17. …怎么了?_________________ 19. 抬起;提起____________________ (三)从课文中找出下列短语,并写在下列横线上 1. 给某人基本的医疗帮助___________________________ 2. 在楼梯底部__________________________

3. 发出声音_____________________________________ 4. 痛苦地____________________________________ 5. 首先_____________________________________ 6. 找出,发现_____________________________________ 7. 他怎么了?_____________________________________ 8. 让他舒服点_____________________________________

9.做一些基本的医疗培训_____________________________________ 10. 给他盖上一件外套_____________________________________




质疑探究 : 1. Activity 1

小组活动:看图片,用所给单词谈论图片 步骤:先组内讨论,再抽两组展示 2. Activity 2


要求:放一遍理解大意,选择答案;放第二遍,核对答案。 3. Activity 3

① 听对话,理解对话的大意,找出下面问题的答案: 1. What's the conversation about?

A. A traffic about an traffic accident B. A class about how to give first aid 2. Why did Betty must know how to make people comfortable?

Because she did some ___________. 3. What' s Betty's advice?

A. Lift him up and sit him on a chair

B. Make sure he's warm. Cover him with a coat. ② 读对话完成表格中的笔记内容

要求:先看表格,清楚要填的内容,对话放一遍,学生在文章勾出答案 学生独立完成,做好后老师请同学读出答案,全班一起核对答案。 4. Activity 4


要求:学生先读对话,理解对话内容,再选词填空,组内讨论答案,最后请小组展示答案,全班一起核对答案.全班一起朗读课文。 5. Activity 5

听句子给说话人重读的单词划线 当堂检测 一、单项选择:

1. --- I have great ______ in learning math and I’m so worried. Could you help me?

--- Sure. I’d be glad to.

A. trouble B. interest C. joy D. fun

2. ---So many people support you. You ______ be happy. --- Yes, you are right. I’m really excited. A. may B. can C. must D. need

3. That man _________ be my English teacher. He has gone to Canada.

A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t

4. There is a date _________ the bottom _____ this page. A. at; I

n B. at; of C. in; of D. in; at

5. David can’t find his younger sister, so he ________ her name on the street.

A. said B. spoke C. talked D. shouted 6. The stone is heavy, but the man ______ it ____ easily.

A. lifted up 7. ---________? --- I have a cold.

A. How are you B. Are you John C. What’s wrong with you D. What are you doing 二、句型转换

1. What’s the matter with Tony? (同义句) What’s ________ with Danny?

2. It’s harmful to our health to eat too fast. (同义句) It’s ________ ________ our health to eat too fast.

课后反思 : 课后训练


B. looked up

C. picked up D. cleaned up

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