

above all首先,毕竟 at a11完全,根本 leave alone听其自然,更不用说 not at all一点也不 all over遍及,到处 one after another一个接一个 in all总共,总 as for至于,就…方面说 anything but除…以外任何事(物), after all终于,毕竟 all but几乎,差一点 all out全力以赴,竭尽全力

alongwith与…一起 one another互相 either...or或…或,不是…就是;无论...还是 as...as像…一样 as if好像,仿佛 but for除...以外,倘没有,除非 as though好像,仿佛 as well也,又 not as/so...as不如…那样 as to至于,关于 had better最好还是,应该 back of在…后部,在...背部 because 0f由于,因为 even if/though即使,虽然 as well as(除...之外)也,既...又 each other互相 or else否则,要不然 back and forth往返,来来往往地 even then即使那样 both…and既…又…,两个都 at least至少,最低程度 except for除…之外 by far...得多,最 a little一点;一些,少许 so far迄今为止 if only要是…就 as/so far as远至,到...程度 in itself本身 far from远非,远离 quite a little相当多,不少 first of aⅡ首先,第一 by itself独自,单独 no less than决不少于,不亚(次)于 at last最终,终于 little by little逐渐地 no more than不过,仅仅;和...一样 many a许多的 as/so long as只要,如果 every now and then有时,偶尔 more 0r less或多或少 no longer不再,已不 make the most of充分利用 nlore and mole越来越 now and then时而,不时 a great/good many 0f许多,大量 no more不再 0ff and on断断续续,不时地 at(the)most最多,至少,不超过 now that既然,由于 neither…nor既不…也不 once(and)for all一劳永逸,限一次 and so on等等 just now刚才,一会儿以前 all at once突然;同时,一起 other than不同于 by oneself独自地,单独地 ever since从那时起,自那时以来 all right好,行 ever so非常,极其 so…as to结果是;如此...以至于

be active in积极于 be able to(do)能(做),会(做) be alive to发觉,感觉,对…敏感 be accustomed to习惯于 be absent from缺勤,缺课 be acquainted with与…相识,熟悉 be angry at因某事生气 be angry with对...发怒 be anxious about担心,为…担忧 be aware of意识到 be abundant in富于,富有 be anxious for急切盼望,渴望 be badly off生活穷困 be ashamed 0f为…感到害臊 be afraid of恐怕,害怕,担忧 be bad at拙于,不善于 be about to(do)即将,正要 be based 0n根据,以…为基础 be born in出生于... be anxious t0(do)渴望(做) be better 0ff处境较好,情况好转 be busy with忙于… be beside oneself忘乎所以 be bound to(do)一定会,不得不 be busy about忙于... be burned out住所被烧光 be buried in沉思,陷入,专心于 be clever at擅长于 be bent on热恋于,一心想 be certain to(do)一定(做),必然(做) be composed of由…组成 be careful 0f爱惜,注意 be careful t0(do)务必注意(做) be born 0f出生于… be busy(doing)忙着(做某事) be characterized by以…为特征 be capable of能够 be confident in对…有信心 be concerned about关心,挂念 be equal to等于 be connected with与…有关 be dependent on/upon取决于,依赖 be fed up厌烦 be covered with被…覆盖 be determined to(do)决心(做 be m for适合,胜任 be curious t0(do)很想(做) be free from没有...的,不受…影响 be divided into被分成 be derived from由…得到 be engaged in忙于,从事于 be eager for渴望 be combined with与…结合 be different from与…不同 be divided by被…除 be coupled with与...配合 be glad to(do)对…感到高兴 be filled with充满 be crowded with挤满,拥塞 be frightened at受...惊吓 be famous for以…著名 be eager to(do)急于要(做) be good at(doing)善于,擅长

be fond of喜欢,爱好 be friendly to对…友好 have something to do with和…有点关系 add up to合计,总计 come up with提出,提供 have nothing to do with和…毫无关系 come true实现,达到 break away(from)脱离,逃跑 be grateful to感谢,感激 make believe假装 do away with废除,去掉 concern with关心,挂念;从事于

come up to达到,符合 catch up with追上,赶上 fall back on求助于,转而依靠 as follows如下 fall in with符合,与…一致 get along/0n with有进展,有进步 be fed up with感到厌烦 get through到达,完成,及格 get the better 0f占上风,胜过 get somewhere有些;结果 give onese~away泄露,露马脚 give way to给…让路,被…代替 get down to开始,着手 help oneself自取所需(食物) have to/have got t0不得不,必须 go back on违背 keep out of躲开,置身…之外 keep up with向...看齐,跟上… go before居前 get out of逃避,改掉 give oneself up自首,投降,投案 have get有 go along with陪同前往,随行 go in for从事,致力于,追求 let go放开,松手 hang on to紧握住,坚持下去 have t0 do with与…有关 live up to做到,不负 hold on t0紧紧抓住,坚持 be made up of由…构成,由…组成 let alone不干涉;更不用说 look down 0n看不起,轻视 lend itself to适用于,对…有用 never mind不要紧,没关系 put up with容忍,忍受 run out of用完,用尽,耗尽 let loose放开,放松,释放 look up to尊敬,敬仰 make up for补偿,弥补

put in for申请 refer t0...as把…称作,把...当做 serve right活该,给应得的待遇 set in来临,流行 stand up for为...辩护;维护 hrow about乱丢(东西),乱花(钱) take…as把…作为 think better 0f改变主意,重新考虑 throw down推倒 set out to打算,着手 stand up t0面对,坚决抵抗;经得起 stay by守在一边 think 0f…as把…看做是,以为…是 tcome to stay木已成舟 throw(a)light on照亮,阐明 credit card信用卡 a little一点,稍微,一些,少许 quite a little相当多,不少 next door隔壁 face to face面对面地 the moment(that)一……就 a few有些,几个 no doubt无疑,必定 as a matter of fact实际情况,真相 I.D.card身份证 out of doors在户外 quite a few还不少,有相当数目的 little by little逐渐地 no matter无论 side by side肩并肩,一个挨一个 no more不再 fair play公平竞赛;公平对待 once in a while偶尔,有时 step by step逐步 rest room厕所,盥洗室 all the time一直,始终

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