2019-2020学年九年级英语 复习学案九人教新目标版.doc

2019-2020学年九年级英语 复习学案九人教新目标版

Class __________ Number ___________ Name _________ 课前预习: 一、翻译下列词组

1.选择要穿的衣服choose clothes __________ __________ 2.再花十分钟 spend __________ ___________ minutes

3.一双白靴子 a _______ of white __________ 4.欢迎来 welcome ____________ 5.举办一场时装表演 give a ________ _________ 6.为…筹集资金 _______ money ________ 7.19世纪80年代的衣服 clothes ________ _________ 8.看上去五彩缤纷look ___________ 9.梳成20世纪90年代的发型 ________ the hair _________ a 1990s ___________ 10.希望工程 __________ _____________ 11.打开灯 ________ ________ the lights 12.适合与… be _________ _________

13.…的颜色the __________ ____________

14.某人穿…好看 sth. looks ________sb. / sb. looks ________ sth.

15.与任何一种颜色搭配很好match _________ with __________ ________ colour 16.不太长也不太大 not too ___________ __________ too big 17.红色的长统靴 __________ __________ boots

18. 由……制成 be __________ ___________ 19.非常舒服 be _________ __________ 20.一件黄色的丝质女式衬衫 a ________ __________ blouse 二、翻译下列句子。

1. 我不知道该穿什么?(what to wear)

_____________________________________________________________ 2. 我可以在床上再呆十分钟。(ten more minites)

_____________________________________________________________ 3. 看!她多漂亮啊!(how) __________________________________________ 4. 你认为这个时装表演怎样?(think of)

_____________________________________________________________ 5. 我们正在举行时装表演来为希望工程募捐钱。(raise money for) _____________________________________________________________ 6. 这只包是什么材料制成的?是皮的。(be made of) _________________________________________________ 7. 这件T恤衫和牛仔裤很配。(match well)

_____________________________________________________________ 8. 我能向你借一支钢笔吗?(borrow… from) ______________________________________ 三、语法回顾

1. Using ‘can’ and ‘may’

2. Sequencing events first/ then/ next/ afterwards/ finally 课堂互动

四、词汇 根据句意、汉语提示或首字母和英文释义写出单词。

1. He is a ___________ (懒惰的) boy.

2. Kitty is wearing a ______________ (羊毛的) skirt.

3. I am sure they will look good on _______________ (任何人). 4. You look good in the _____________ (丝绸) blouse. 5. My boots are made of ______________ (皮革). 6. The nice room is very _____________ (舒适的). 7. Do you want to be a ______________ (时髦的) girl? 8. The boy looks very _____________ (神气).

9. _____________, (后来) I had dinner with my family. 10. Wearing __________ (棉) clothes is good for your health.

11. The Class 1 Grade 7 students are having a f______ (of dress, be very popular) show in the school hall.

12. The sweater is m__________ (produced by) of wool.

13. I can spend ten m____________ (greater in number) minutes in bed. 14. The students will r___________ (get together) money for Project Hope. 15. Can you s__________ (allow to be seen) me your new dress? 16. F___________ (at last), he decided to go by himself. 17. Her scarf m___________ (go well with) her sweater very well. 18. The meeting is very b____________ (not interesting). 19. I h ________ (expect) to see your best design.

20. He lives in a small town with his mother ten years a ___________ (before). 五、选择

( ) 1. She doesn’t know__________.

A. what she can do it B. what to do it C. how to do

D. how to

do it

( ) 2. Millie would like __________ the fashion show.

A. to join in

B. joining in

C. to join



( ) 3 .At the fashion show, they wore different clothes __________.

A. different time

B. different times

C. in the 1990s

D. from

the 1990s

( ) 4.Young people __________ liked wearing trainers. A. in the 1980s B. in 1980s

C. from the 1980s D. from 1980s

( ) 5.The bag __________ leather.

A. is made of

B. is made from

C. makes out of D. made out of

( ) 6. -- ________ did you walk around the shopping mall? -- For a long time.

A. How long

B. How often

C. How much

D. How many

( )7. There are __________ delicious fruit on the table.

A. so many B. so lots of C. so much D. so a lot of ( ) 8. One of the _________ it very much.

A. girl fits

B. girls fits

C. girl fit

D. girls


( ) 9.Trainers are comfortable __________.

A. wear

B. wore

C. wearing

D. to wear

( ) 10. I like the color of the trousers. So I ‘d like _______.

A. buying one B to buy one

C. buying a pair

D. to buy

a pair

( ) 11.—Your clothes are very beautiful. — .

A. That’s right. B. Not at all. C. Thank you.


That’s OK.

( ) 12. Some students wore clothes __________.

A. from different time B. from different times C. in the 1990s

D .in the


( ) 13.The white trainers are nice. Can I _______?

A. try it on B. try on it C. try them on D. try on them

( ) 14. My parents asks me_______ computer games any more.

A. not to play B. don’t play

C. not play D. to not play ( ) 15. Can I ______ a pen ______ you? A. borrow, to B. borrow, from

C. lend, to

D .lend, from

( )16. You look good _______.

A. on a red T-shirt B. in a blue jeans

C. with a blue suit




( )17. _______ important ________ us to learn English well. A. It’s, to B. It’s , for C. That’s, for D. It, to

( )18. -- _________ hours do you sleep every night? – Less than eight hours. A. How long B. How much

C. How often

D. How many

( )19. _________ the film is!

A. How funny B. What funny

C. What a funny

D. How a funny ( )20. Look! Kitty ________ a pair of white boots.

A. wears

B. puts on

C. is dressing

D. is wearing



interest, problem, never, get away, eye, run , tire, have to, miss , think

A man was sitting in the doctor’s office. He was telling the doctor about his 1 .“I like football, Doctor.” He said, “Please help me. My life has 2 been a good one since I became 3 in football and it is getting worse and worse. I can’t even 4 from it in my sleep. When I close my 5 , I’m out there in the football field and 6 after a flying ball. When I wake up, I’m more 7 than I was before I went to bed. What am I

going to do? ”

The doctor sat back and said, “First of all, you 8 do your best not to dream about football. Before you fall asleep, try to 9 about something else. Try to think that you are at a party and someone is going to give you several million dollars.”

“ Are you crazy (疯了) ?” the man shouted, “ I’ll 10 the ball !”

1._____________ 2. _____________ 3. _____________ 4. _____________ 5. _____________ 6._____________ 7. _____________ 8. _____________ 9. _____________ 10. _____________ 七、任务型阅读 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成相关任务

The Chinese people will never forget the biggest earthquake in Tangshan, in 1976. The whole city was almost destroyed and 750, 000 people (1) ________ (died, dead) in the earthquake. On the late night of July 28th, 1976, a terrible noise like a thunder was

suddenly heard. Fires and smoke were seen all over the city. Houses and tall buildings fell down. I was having my summer holidays with my uncle in Tangshan. I have never been in an earthquake before, so I felt terribly afraid and cried loudly (2). My uncle got

me out at once (3). A part of his house fell down. Most of the things were broken. It was lucky that my uncle and I were not badly hurt. But our neighbors were not as lucky as we were. were, they, the, killed, earthquake, in. (4)

Today we have rebuilt Tangshan and made it more beautiful. But I do hope we can do something later to stop earthquakes. Or at least we’ll make them do less harm to people on the earth.

1. 请从所给的单词中选择一个适当的填入短文中(1)的空白处。________________

2. 请将短文中(2)句翻译成中文。

_________________________________________________________________________ 3. 请写出 (3) 的同义句.


4. 请将短文中句(4)处的单词连成一个符合语境的句子。


5. 根据短文内容,回答问题。When did the Tangshan Earthquake take place? _____________________________________________________________ 八、书面表达

请你帮助李明根据下列表格写一篇不少于80字的短文向他妈妈介绍朋友们设计的时装。 Name Clothes Color Material

Simmon Kitty Amy trainers dress jeans white and blue yellow and red flowers blue leather silk cotton ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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